Question: What is the episode called (and which series) when everyone reflects on what may have happened? It involves Monica still being overweight and Chandler is a computer geek.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Does anyone know of any good sites about all three of the movies?
Answer: is a great one.
Question: What is the age difference between Missy and her brother Cliff?
Answer: I believe that Missy is a Junior (16-17) and Cliff is a Senior (17-18).
Answer: No, the TV interviewer calls her a senior. They're the same age.
Question: Jack sings "come Josephine to my flying machine, going up she goes, up she goes..." to Rose. Was this an actual song or did they just make it up to go in the film?
Answer: It's an actual song written by Alfred Bryan and Fred Fisher in 1910.
Question: In the shot when Doc is in the time machine and it is hit by lightning, it apparently explodes. After the initial explosion you can see what appears to be two backward nines. Does anyone know what this means?
Answer: Whenever the Delorean travelled backwards or forwards in time, it would leave a trail of flames. There was no reason given, but it was a neat effect. When it was struck by the lightning it activated the flux capacitor, etc. And sent Doc and the car back to Jan 1st 1885. The "double nines" you saw was because the Delorean tilted on its axis.
Question: Does Roxie get back together with her husband at the end? We see him leave, but they don't explain it. Perhaps the stage play explains this.
Answer: Amos wants to reconcile when the trial ends but Roxie walks away. (The end of their marriage is not explained in the stage play, either.) One is led to believe Roxie leaves Amos and goes on to stardom.
Question: I heard some people saying that Harrison Ford's performance in ROTJ was 'phoned-in'. What does this mean exactly?
Answer: "Phoned in" is a term that means the actor's heart wasn't in the role. They were physically there, but there was a distance between them and their character. If an actor is in a movie merely because of a contractual agreement and not because they truly connect with the movie or the character, they put less effort into the part and some people can pick that up when they watch the show.
Question: In the liquidation of the ghetto segment a little girl is shown in color wearing a red dress. What is the significance of this?
Chosen answer: The little girl appears three times in the film: once at the beginning of the film, bringing her belongings into the ghetto with her family, once during the liquidation of the ghetto, and once during the disinternment and burning of the Jews killed at Plaszow. Schindler noticed her during the liquidation scene and was horrified by the way the Germans completely ignored her and callously murdered and destroyed other human lives without any regard for this innocent child. It was one of the turning points in his life; after that he began to realize he could no longer turn a blind eye to the monstrous evils of the Nazi party, and began to take a more active role in protecting and rescuing Jews. As another possible answer: During the Adolf Eichmann Trial, which took place in Israel, a story was told by a holocaust survivor (a father) who just parted forcibly with his wife and daughter at Auschwitz. Then, moments later, his son was told by the SS guard to run after his mother. The only way the father could follow the sight of his family among so many people was to follow his little daughter who was in a red jacket. He describes the sight of the girl in the red coat getting smaller and smaller...that was the last they saw of his family. Here is a link to that story Additionally, the story was so moving that the prosecutor could not speak for many minutes (per an interview I once saw with the prosecutor, who also had a little daughter the same approximate age) and the courtroom was silent under the weight of this story of the girl in the red coat.
Question: Maybe a dumb question. But what exact kind of Apocalypse happens in the movie that causes all of these problems? Shortage of gas is one of them. But was it nuclear war or what? What would cause the port of Sydney Australia to dry up like it was shown in the 3rd movie? Did the whole sea dry up?
Chosen answer: It was nuclear war. Tectonic plate movement could make ports dry and flood others. None of the movies ever goes into great detail about the apocalypse.
Question: Why does Miranda see a dead boy at the end? Her husband didn't "do" boys according to the Sherriff. Will she see every missing person now?
Answer: Probably, she has a sixth sense which will most likely help angry spirits bring down the person or persons who killed them or caused them to die.
Question: After seeing the endings of The Matrix and Reloaded, I'm wondering: does Neo always see the Matrix as the green "coding" whenever he's inside it, or can he switch back and forth between that and "normal" (that is, how everyone else sees it)?
Chosen answer: You might understand it as an extra "sense." As is told in the first movie, Neo would be able to manipulate the Matrix as he sees fit. It would make sense that he could see both.
Question: The oracle says something about rogue programs attempting to avoid deletion. Does this mean programs on the Mainframe (the source) computer for the machines attempt to escape deletion by entering the Matrix?
Chosen answer: The obsolete programs who are believed to have a consciousness avoid being deleted by hiding in the Matrix.
Question: What exactly is the Oracle?
Answer: Well... there are many definitions. The Architect calls her the mother of the Matrix created by him to understand the mentality of human beings. As taken from the ending of this movie he explains that from the time of the first version of the Matrix there was always a percentage of people who would reject the matrix programming. Not understanding this the Architect created the Oracle to find out why. It was the Oracle who suggested that most of the people will accept the programming and that a small percentage must be left to escape, thus the creation of Zion and the cycle of destroying and renewal.
Question: Where is Andy's father? He doesn't even feature at the Christmas scene at the end. Are Disney suggesting this is a one parent family?
Chosen answer: Disney has had a growing trend to show more 'unconventional' families - i.e. not the nuclear family structure. They view it as a reflection of today's changing times. How about the following: Nemo's mother, both of Lilo's parents, Jasmine's mother. Pixar have also stated that one reason he was left out is because human characters were very difficult and expensive to animate at the time and he wasn't essential to the story.
Question: How long do hobbits live? Bilbo was 111 and that was old for a hobbit but in this section someone answers that Frodo was 50 and he didn't look that old to me.
Answer: In the books, Bilbo becomes the oldest hobbit that ever lived at the age of 131. In the books, Frodo is fifty - but the main events of the storyline occur seventeen years after Bilbo's birthday party. In the film, the gap is unstated, but seems to be less than a year, so the film Frodo is probably intended to be in his early-to-mid thirties, considered a young adult in hobbit terms.
Question: What's the point of the orange and the marijuana? I didn't quite get that.
Answer: I've been told it's to keep the marijuana moist. The moisture from the orange peel keeps the stuff fresh so that it burns longer. The same happens with an apple peel.
Question: Rachel Weiss's mom said that one daughter was dead and she hasn't spoken to her other daughter in so long, it's like she's dead too. Why didn't she keep in touch with her mom? Was that part in the book and cut out of the movie?
Chosen answer: Remember, in the book, the lawsuit is against tobacco companies and not gun manufacturers. In the book, Marlee's mother died of smoking-related lung cancer, thus the motivation for revenge against the tobacco companies. In the movie, the reason to avoid Mom is to maintain the stealth of Marlee and Nick's movements as they tried to "fix" a jury.
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Answer: It's called 'The One That could have been' and it's from series 6. Two parts.