Question: Where exactly does Scrubs take place? I mean, where is Sacred Heart? Is it ever mentioned in the show?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: In early episodes, why did Topanga call her parents by their first names?
Answer: That was what I hope was only a phase of the way things were in California at that time. Many kids who had parents who liked to be modern and be friends more than parents to their kids had them call them by their first names.
I've watched episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," made in the 1950s-60s, where some characters sometimes referred to parents by first names. Although, the characters were adults, so maybe it was acceptable for full-grown children? I guess it just depends on the specific relationship and what a parent wants to be called.
Question: What did the Jackal put on the rear handle of his van that caused such a severe and swift reaction on contact?
Answer: It's a shellfish poison that goes straight into the bloodstream and attacks the respiratory system (as stated on the director's commentary).
Question: Why didn't Darth Sidious have Tyranus destroy the Jedi?
Answer: It's a question of appearance. Sidious needs to discredit the Jedi, make it appear as if they've turned against the Republic so that he can use their clone troops to eliminate them without major public outcry. He can't let the Seperatists take them out; it would have the potential effect of making them martyrs, plus it would effectively mean letting the Seperatists win the war, which would jeopardise his political position. Tyranus's public persona is the leader of the Seperatist movement, so he could hardly be used to lead the clone troops; the public would never accept a supposed change of heart of that nature. Nor could Tyranus simply eliminate the Jedi himself - he's powerful, but not powerful enough to single-handedly take them all out. Sidious ultimately needs an apprentice who can be seen to be loyal and who can lead the clone troops to eliminate the Jedi without awkward questions about said loyalty. Either way, Tyranus is out of the question; with Sidious' plan coming to fruition, Tyranus is no longer useful to him, except in that his death can be used to bring his successor closer to the Dark Side. Anakin, who fits the required role perfectly, is the one that Sidious has really been waiting for to help him finish the job.
Question: Why do Darth Sidious and Nute Gunray care about getting the queen's signature on the treaty? Nute already allowed the Trade Federation to be on the planet illegally, so why doesn't the Federation just continue their occupation whether the treaty gets signed or not?
Answer: They can continue their occupation, but, without compliance from the elected head of state of Naboo, that occupation is illegal, and thus could face opposition from the Senate, leading to potential sanctions, up to and potentially including a military response to remove them. With Amidala's signature on the treaty, bringing Naboo into the Trade Federation properly, their occupation of the planet becomes entirely legal, allowing them to continue unhindered by Senate sanctions.
Question: How did Larry find out that "Dakota" was the word for making the horses stop the carriage?
Question: When the woman at the employment agency tells Larry about the job, she says that everyone who has been sent to the museum has been turned down for the position. If the old night guards just wanted to steal things from the museum, couldn't they have just given anyone the job and the instruction book?
Answer: They were looking for someone who would be willing to KEEP the job after finding out that everything comes to life at night. All the other applicants freaked out and quit after the first night, just as Larry would have if not for his son.
Question: Any body know what type of phone Claire Bennett has. It's the pink mobile.
Question: Is is true that Mace Windu's lightsaber has the letters BMF on it somewhere?
Answer: Reportedly so, yes; the prop department replaced the activation plate stud with a small plate with these letters on it, in reference to Jackson's Pulp Fiction character. Sadly, the authorised replicas available do not include that particular feature.
Question: Didn't anyone notice Maggie, Lisa, Bart and Marge jump from the treehouse to the sandbox portal without anyone from the very large mob noticing? It seemed like nobody noticed until Homer jumped in and got stuck initially. Everyone in the mob were around the sandbox, how come no one noticed the other four Simpsons jump?
Question: What is it exactly that Rik reads from the paper? The thing that Neil repeats that brings the little devil to them? I'm assuming it's a poorly pronounced version of something that was in the papers at that time, but I can't think of anything that fits it.
Chosen answer: It wasn't referring to anything real, just that the government's bureaucratic naming, The Guardian's mangled spelling or Rick's bad pronounciation resulted in the unlikely word "Footumch" being spoken.
Question: So did Frau convert to lesbianism through the time after being straight with Dr. Evil?
Answer: It appears so since she was with Dr. Evil in 1969 and was with Unibrow (the female golfer) in the present time. She does say (after the time with Dr. Evil), that she would never love another man again - to which he replies - "That's right", referring, of course, to her future sexual preferences.
Question: In "Barney's First Car", what was the thing that came out of the steering wheel?
Answer: It is supposed to be part of the steering column. It was actually put there for comic relief.
Question: I've looked through all the comic book stores in my area and I can't find any Creepshow comic books. I know the books are real (albeit written after the show), does anyone know where to find them?
Answer: Ebay.
Question: When Marvin is left behind in the Disaster Area ship as the others teleport away, he says, "I'm so intelligent I've probably got time to go through the five." before he is cut off. Is there anything in the books or rest of the series which suggests what we was about to say?
Question: Ernie dell makes a video email of his suicide and Gil opens it. How did it get emailed? He would have been dead and therefor unable to hit the send button. If it was a live feed, when gill opened the email he would have had to click on the link to the feed, and he would have come into the feed at the live point not at the beginning.
Chosen answer: He could have set the email to be sent at a later time automatically. Many mail programs have this feature. If the email was set to send itself with an attachment, it would have sent whatever video had been recorded.
Question: How much older is Frasier than Niles, and what is the age difference between Niles and Daphne?
Answer: According to Wikipedia (so add the usual disclaimer), Frasier is six years older than Niles. Daphne's age is never stated - if we were to make the assumption that she's the same age as the actress who plays her, then Daphne would be three years younger than Niles.
Wikipedia does say Daphne was born in 1969.
Question: I heard that there were going to be six Spider-man movies. Does anyone know if that is true?
Answer: No, it's not. Or, at least, it's not planned that way at the moment. The stars were contracted to do three movies; those contracts have now expired and, while Tobey Maguire has indicated that he would do a fourth if the script was good, there is, as of 2007, no apparent movement towards making a fourth film. While the franchise has been very successful, so Sony would undoubtedly be interested in continuing, as things stand at the moment, there are no concrete plans to do six in total.
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Answer: Scrubs is filmed on location at North Hollywood Medical Center, a real decommissioned hospital located at 12629 Riverside Drive in the the North Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California; since 2007, the building is also the shooting location of semi-fictional medical series Diagnosis X. However, the location of Sacred Heart Hospital within the fictional world of Scrubs is left ambiguous. Cast and crew on the show refer to the location as "San DiFrangeles" - a portmanteau of San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles that is meant to encompass a large part of California.