Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Whatever happened to Jango Fett's son after he dies?

Answer: Boba Fett grows up and becomes a bounty hunter himself. Boba is the bounty hunter who helps Darth Vader capture Han Solo, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO on Cloud City, and takes the carbonite-frozen Han to Jabba the Hutt.

Cubs Fan

Question: What video game was Mike Teevee playing and what system is it for?

Answer: It's not a real game - the sequence was created specifically for the film by a company called Digi-Guys based in Ealing Studios in the UK. The software used was Softimage XSI and Digital Fusion.

Show generally

Question: I am looking for the name of an episode. In it, a girl riding a horse finds two dead bodies in a pipe. They were sisters, one of which did nothing but order clothing on-line. It turned out that the other sister killed her, and her boyfriend, an ex-prisoner whose screen name was Apollo, killed the other sister. Any ideas?

Answer: According to the "Guest Appearances" section on the IMDB, the episode you're looking for is Episode 2.12, " "You've Got Male."

Cubs Fan

Question: Why is it so important that Landy's phone is engaged when Bourne asks the receptionist at her hotel to ring her? There must have been a reason why he specifically made sure that she is already on the phone before getting the receptionist to ring her, but why? I know that when the receptionist dials, Bourne looks over and finds out Landy's room number, but what was so important about it being engaged when he did this?

Answer: So that the operator couldn't tell Landy that someone is asking to speak to her, and alert her that someone is interested in her.


It's so that Bourne could get Landy's room number and ensure that she was in the room so that he could track/follow her.

Question: Can someone tell me the significance of Thing's girlfriend? Is she some kind of superhero?

Answer: In the comic books, Thing's girlfried, Alicia Masters, was blinded by an explosion of radioactive clay made by her father, the Puppetmaster. She has no super powers, but being blind, she can "see" past Ben Grimm's monstrous exterior.


Question: Did they give a reason why O'Neill was recalled? Did he have special qualifications that made him the only one capable of carrying out the mission?

Answer: He was known to be suicidal. He was picked because they wanted someone who wouldn't mind getting killed as the gate was blown up on the other side.


Question: Why does Satine decide not to run away with Christian, just because she finds out that she's dying? Why couldn't they have run away anyway, and escaped from the Duke entirely?

Answer: If Satine runs, the Duke takes control of the Moulin Rouge and shuts the place down, putting everyone she works with onto the streets. If she stays with the Duke, she'll still die, but the Duke won't have any real reason to shut things down. She could run away with Christian and have a few days of freedom and love with him, but she'd be condemning everyone at the Moulin Rouge to destitution, plus the Duke would probably have Christian hunted down and killed. By staying for her final few days, she saves everyone that she loves, at the price of her own happiness (and that of Christian, but at least she'll save his life).


Question: Why did Ocean's gang need to go to the museum if they already had the egg?

Answer: Toulour would get suspicious if the gang didn't make any attempt at stealing the egg so in order to keep him distracted, they tried to steal the fake egg.


Question: When Reed, Sue and Ben see Johnny on TV, they see that he has a four on his uniform. Sue asks where it came from and at this point a brief glimpse of a four is also on Reeds uniform but then he quickly hides it giving the indication that he put one on his uniform as well as the others. If Reed only wanted to find a way of getting rid of their powers, then why would he place a four on his uniform? He didn't want to use his powers to help people at all. He only wanted to find a way to cure himself and the others.

Answer: From the look on Reed's face, I assumed he checked to see if he had the patch on his suit as well. He sees that he does and in order to hide it from the others in fear of Ben and Susan thinking he was involved, he hid it quickly and did not mention it.

T Poston

Question: What is up with the corpse in the woman's basement, and how did it get there?

Answer: The corpse under the house is the ex-cop named Meeks. He was working with Dick Stensland to deal drugs - things turned sour and Stensland killed him, hiding the body under the house belonging to his girlfriend's mother.


Answer: Why didn't Bud White tell the cops about the corpse?

Because like Edmund Exley, White realised that this was likely due to Dudley Smith's corruption and he wasn't going to tip him or his corrupt cops off.

Question: After the tour guide takes the bad head count when they all get on the boat, you can see him counting them all again. Why didn't he notice right then that 2 people were missing? Also, the diving company was missing 2 scuba tanks and they didn't notice?

Answer: The whole idea with the movie was the bad count. Nobody knows why he counted wrong.


Answer: He counted wrong because the man that begged to go back in and the other person accompanied him in the water were already counted for before going back down last minute so when he saw two people coming back up he tallied 20 people.

Show generally

Question: In the episode where Lorreta cheats on Cleveland, who was that Guy in the Orange Afro Wig(?) who kicks Peter in the "nuts"? Is he from a show and, if so, which one?

Answer: Family Guy writer and voice of Cleveland, Mike Henry, has an online show called "Kicked in the nuts" where he dresses up exactly as the character in the episode. Check out


Question: In the scene where Draco was struck by Buckbeak. You see Hermione run up saying to take him to the hospital. If you look she has the timeturner outside of her shirt. Isn't the timeturner supposed to be a secret?


Chosen answer: She wears it as a necklace. Anyone knows that a necklace can pop out of your shirt at anytime. She was just careless. Anyhow I doubt any of the others around her would know that it was a timeturner and probably didn't notice it at all.


Question: Why did Trisha's mom force her to go to the dance with Napoleon?

Answer: When Uncle Rico is selling stuff to Tricia's mom, he mentions how Napoleon has had a hard life. (I believe he talks about how Napoleon lost his parents or something to that extent, if I remember correctly.) Tricia's mom feels sorry for Napoleon, and makes Tricia go out with him.


No he tells her he still pee in his bed and gets bullied in school.

There was nothing said about bullying. But she did feel bad.

Question: What evidence linked Black to killing the Potters? After the movie I didn't understand how everyone could have been so completely wrong.

Answer: Black was thought to be the Potter's secret keeper and only the secret keeper could have directed Voldemort to the Potters. There was a showdown on a street between Pettigrew and Black, after the Potters were killed, where many people died. Since Black was the only one to live, and they found only Pettigrew's finger, everyone assumed Black did the killing. No one knew that Pettingrew, along with Black, and James Potter, were animagi.


Question: I read that this film was inspired by Lord of the Rings and that there are many similar elements between the two. Can anyone please tell me if this is true and also point out what the 'elements' are?

Answer: It's not true - other than both films dealing with quests, there are no real similarities.


Answer: No. Anakin was aware of only one child. The first time he learns about Leia's relationship to Luke (and thus to himself) is during his lightsaber battle with Luke in "Return of the Jedi."

Cubs Fan

Question: When Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were on the pirate ship, heading to Minas Tirith, the two-headed Orc commander said "Come on you sea-rats, get off your ships, there's knife work here needs doing." and then they jump off, he readies his scythe like he's going to attack. But if the pirates were on his team, why would he attack the three of them?

Answer: He sees that the three who jump ashore are NOT Corsairs as he expected, but a Ranger (evidenced by Aragorn's clothing and weapons), a Dwarf and an Elf. All of these are enemies of Sauron and the Orcs, so the Orcs' instinct would be to attack them on sight. At this point the commander has not realized that if those three were on board, then the rest of the fleet probably is not Corsairs either...


Question: When Gandalf is talking with Saruman about the Palantir in Isengard, Gandalf says, "They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing-Stones. We don't know who else could be watching." What is a Seeing-Stone? I don't think it's the Palantir.

Answer: In short, yes it is. The word "Palantír" itself means "Far sight", and the stones were used to witness events and communicate over long distances.


Answer: I believe you mean Davy Jones as in Davy Jones' Locker. The flying dutchman character frequently uses the reference being that its a common phrase associated with pirates. This site explains some of the origins and meanings of the phrase, Davy Jones' Locker.


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