Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: From all the activity she was doing, such as being flung around by the Whomping Willow, crawling through the tunnel, being in the Shrieking Shack, running away from Lupin (when he's in his werewolf form) and so on.


But where was it first seen?

It doesn't really need to be seen for it to happen. If it was gained from being hit over by the willow then they're not going to show a close up of the dirt transferring on to her clothes.


It's first really noticeable when they're inside the Shrieking Shack. Before then it was too dark to be seen.


Show generally

Question: In quite a few episodes of Emergency there is a character that the doctors and other nurses call Nurse Carol. She is the older nurse with dark hair. I would say she is on at least a fourth of all episodes in all seasons yet I can not see this actress getting credited or listed as uncredited anywhere. I wonder if she was an actual nurse. Does any one know who she was. Yes there also were a couple of other actresses who played a nurse named Carol on one or two episodes and they are listed in the episode guides. She also is the patient with her arm in the cast talking to Dr. Morton in the episode 6:18 Firehouse Quintet.

Answer: On IMDB, actress Anne Schedeen is listed as playing Nurse Carol on six episodes from 1974-76.


Answer: He was given a vague promise about backing for possible business opportunities. Fredo naively never believed that Michael would be killed and thought he was only giving information.


Question: What did Barzini promise Carlo if he set up Sonny to be killed?


Answer: It was never specified, but likely a large sum of money and some sort of business arrangement with the Barzini crime family.


Question: If imprinting is possible for werewolves then why didn't Jacob do it to Bella? Mad Magazine pointed this out as he does this to her daughter, kind of creepy it was.


Answer: Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism. The shape-shifter can't voluntarily imprint on anybody. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella but was unable to do so and began going around looking for other girls to imprint on but, is unable to do it of his own free will.

On the flip side, Sam Ulee was in love with Leah Clearwater, but then he involuntarily imprinted on Emily, dumping Leah and breaking her heart.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, imprinting is not only a sexual thing. As Jacob explains it, it is about being whatever the person who is imprinted on wants or needs, whether it is as a lover, a protector, a life-long friend, etc.


Answer: He didn't feel that it was his place to interfere in their relationship. Especially as he had feelings for Julia himself and didn't want to make it look like he was sabotaging their relationship for his own benefit.


Question: What happened to the military guy that was injured and left in the Carl's van? Did they simply drop him off the plane along with the van?

Answer: Yes, he dies in the plane crash.


Answer: He lets Jack go and decides to give him a one day head start before pursuing him again out of affection for Elizabeth, whom along with Will wanted Jack to be spared from execution for his good deeds.


Answer: At no point did he actually "let" him escape on purpose. Jack was always just too witty for Norrington (who is kinda slow). That's counting 3 occasions where Norrington failed to capture Jack, but perhaps you can be more specific as to which escape you are referring to.


The escape is at the end of the movie. When Elizabeth and Will help Jack escape. Norrigton is asked if they are going to go after Jack but Norrigton decides to give him a head start.

In that case then, Norrington is confident that the British Navy can capture 1 pirate with relative ease.


Answer: He is overly-confident that he is more capable than Jack and will easily catch him.


Question: Why was there such a long delay between this film and the 4th?

Answer: Toy Story 4 was announced in 2014, and concept art can be dated back to 2013 meaning that is most likely when the film started production. The film altered many script changes, and even a change in directors as John Lasseter, director of the first two films, was originally going to direct the next installment again after Toy Story 3 was directed by Lee Unkrich. However, Lasseter was fired from Pixar and Josh Cooley eventually directly the Film. The film also went through multiple endings, but Pixar Decided that Woody could not go back to Bonnie's room and that the ending needed to have a lasting affect on the franchise, hence the ending we got. But Probably the main reason why it took so long is that Toy Story 4 was originally supposed to be released June 15, 2018, and Incredibles 2 June 21, 2019. However, Pixar switched the release dates, and I2 was rushed to come out that summer and TS4 was finished before it released. TS4 probably would have originally been released around 2017.

Answer: Originally Toy Story 3 was the final film. In 2010, filmmaker Lee Unkrich said that Pixar was not planning another Toy Story film after Toy Story 3, "It was really important to me with this film that we not just create another sequel, that it not just be another appendage coming off the other two... there may be opportunities for Woody and Buzz in the future, but we don't have any plans for anything right now.


Question: Whilst I appreciate the comedic value of Jeff Goldblum, why has Dr Ian Malcolm been invited to the island? How is his academic knowledge of chaos theory relevant to deciding whether a theme park is safe?

Answer: Malcolm spoke with Hammond about the idea of Jurassic Park prior to the visit. Hammond dismisses Malcolm's math as "codswallop" and "fashionable number crunching," and complains that Malcolm has "never been able to adequately explain [his] concerns..." But why ask him? Malcolm is an expert in complex systems. His particular brand of scientist is known for modeling "the real world" in mathematics. This is why you hear him refer to the complexity of the system in phase space and chaos (as in chaos theory). Gennaro refers to him as 'too trendy." Hammond likely asked Malcom to analyze the idea of the park as a publicity stunt, but got back a scathing paper. Gennaro has picked someone openly hostile to the park to give it a review. The investors want two experts to sign off. Hammond knows that Malcolm is hostile, so Hammond finds a paleontologist and paleobotanist (Grant and Sattler) in the hopes that they will sign off due to sheer awe and excitement.

Answer: Malcolm was there to calculate the probability of what and how the theme park could go wrong. The park's financial backers are aware the dinosaurs pose an extreme danger to visitors that could result in massive lawsuits. They want to know every conceivable scenario of what could go wrong. It's the old adage of, 'If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.'.


Answer: From google: Ian Malcolm was invited to the park by Donald Gennaro as an insurance consultant as Donald apparently felt that Ian, as a fiduciary, would be able to notice any dangerous shortcomings the park had.


Answer: According to the wiki, he is brought along by the lawyer Donald Gennero because he is a parent of several children and thus be able to notice any shortcomings regarding safety to children.


Question: Given the Joker's been terrorizing the city and killing people why would anyone be stupid enough to show up for his parade regardless of money?


Answer: Well, given in 2020 there's a global pandemic with a highly contagious disease which is killing thousands, and some people are taking the suggestion / demand to wear a facemask as some sort of personal attack and gathering together to protest against the idea...don't ever underestimate the stupidity of some people. No doubt most of Gotham saw the parade as a dangerous/dreadful idea and stayed home, but there were plenty of idiots who couldn't see beyond their wallets.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Crime was running rampant in Gotham City and many business were shut down because of this. People were just barely scraping by and so when the Joker offered to drop money on the crowd for the festival, many people went into town out of desperation for some cash. Desperate people do desperate things.

Answer: The movie doesn't appear to be set in a particular decade, probably to give it a more timeless appeal. Styles seem to range anywhere from mid-to late-20th century.


Question: What drops out of old Paul's raincoat on the porch at the old folks home?

Answer: It was something hard and small. Not toast.

Answer: So, in other words, no one knows? Maybe just something in the pocket of the raincoat... The world will never know.

Answer: Toast.

Question: When young PT was writing to Charity, his mail always got delivered. How did he get her mail? It looked like he was an orphan without a home.

Answer: In that time, most mail was not delivered, but picked up at the local post office.


We do however, see a young Barnum place a letter in a mail mans bag while in the streets.


Show generally

Question: In a mistrial, most DA's have to decide if it is a do over. But in this show they have some dismissals in the mist of a trial and they can't be retried because of double jeopardy. Is this really a fact?


Answer: It would best to cite a specific episode; however, a dismissal is not the same thing as a mistrial by legal definitions. A case may be dismissed with or without prejudice. A case dismissed with prejudice would prevent a retrial on the grounds of double jeopardy. When this happens, the judge is basically saying he or she has heard enough to make a final decision and the case is over. Dismissals without prejudice and mistrials that the defendant consents to can be retried (generally it's the defendant's lawyer that will move for a mistrial for one reason or another).


Answer: Yes, once a jury is sworn in and impaneled, jeopardy attaches. So if a trial is ended for any reason, the accused cannot be tried again. Downum v. United States (1963), Crist v. Bretz (1978), Martinez v. Ilinois (2014).


A mistrial can allow the defendant to be re-tried in many cases.


A mistrial is not a dismissal. Since the jury has not reached a verdict, the trial has not ended.


Which is literally what I already said. But you stated if the trial is ended for any reason. A mistrial does end the trial, but not necessarily end jeopardy.


Show generally

Question: Has anybody noticed that many of the perps or victims at some point become policemen, DAs or detectives? They also rotate actors if you notice in season 15 episode 1 Surrender Benson, the serial rapist William Lewis is also the stepfather in season 8 episode 15 Haystack. Throughout the 21 seasons you can see the same actors taking on different roles acting in a child as one and then when they grow up seeing them as a grown up in another season and many becoming detectives or some sort of law enforcement.


Answer: Was there a specific question other than have we noticed? This is very common in the Law and Order franchise, as well as many other long running dramas that use multiple actors. The late, great Jerry Orbach from the original series started out as a defense attorney.


Question: How does Gupta the flag pirate have Buck's knife?

Answer: It's probably just a very similar one.

Question: How could Whitney have lived at Jason's underground hideout for 6 weeks without food?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: When Jason brought her brother's backpack, you can see a small table next to the mattress with some bottles and cans, there is also something what looks like bag of chips (or maybe marshmallows?). I'm sure that he knew that she needs food, and brought her something from campers or cabins.

Answer: A young healthy person can live without food for 30 - 60 days "if" they have a regular source of water. They would be severely malnourished and probably barely functional, however.


Question: There may not be an explanation to this, but did Exley know what the DA and Chief were talking about in the end when he is being interrogated and they ask him why he is smiling. When he answers and says "A Hero?", I presumed he was simply thinking like they did and that when those that were interrogating left the room, he overheard a bit of their conversation and just put two and two together. The reason I ask, was there any evidence he was able to hear them (like the door was slightly open or somehow he knew how to hear them even in the interrogation room).


Answer: He was always thinking ahead, after the shootout, he predicated what the fallout would be and how to cover it up. Saying, "A Hero" was his way of answering the question of what knew what they needed to do it.

Question: Was it all a dream to him? Did he have a vision that his life was going to be like that?

Answer: Mike, as advertised, was Mr. Destiny. When Jim Belushi asked him if he was an angel, Mike replied that when Belushi is about to make a decision, he's the little voice in his head that helps. At the end of the film, when Mike tells the teenage Belushi that everything is going to work out, the kid replies, "What do you know?"

Answer: Like "It's a Wonderful Life" he showed him an alternate life of what could have been.

Thanks then Mike the bartender must have been an angel.

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