Question: How does Jigsaw make the puppet move and talk? And what did Zep do wrong to make Jigsaw put him in a game?
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Answer: Found online: We don't know exactly what Zep has done wrong to call Jigsaw's wrath upon himself, only that he was an orderly at the same hospital where Dr Gordon works and he was an attendant to John Kramer. Dr Gordon hints to the fact that Zep shows too little professional detachment in forming "very special bonds with the patients." On Zep's tape, Jigsaw says "Will you murder a mother and her child to save yourself?" Perhaps this means Zep's sin is that he is always too involved in the lives of complete strangers, neglecting his own life. He has to put his own life over the lives of two strangers in order to win the game.
Question: How did Bobby beat his second opponent in the tournament? I'm talking about the match that was right before the one between Tommy and Daniel.
Answer: The fight isn't shown in it's entirety but the final point is won when Bobby takes his opponent down and hits him with a back fist across the chest.
Question: Francisco 'Pancho' Villa was photographed on many occasions, and always had a full head of hair (as well as a moustache). Yet the film cast Telly Savalas as Pancho Villa, who shaved his head, and was always very proud of and conscious of being a Greek-American. The year after Pancho Villa was released Telly Savalas began to play the titular character of the police drama series, 'Kojak', which transformed him into the world's most recognisable Greek. So, my question is, given a film about Pancho Villa was made in Spain, where the producer and director had an unlimited number of actors of Hispanic ancestry to call on, why cast one of the world's most famous bald, Greek actors (sporting an unconvincing moustache) to play the hirsute Mexican Pancho Villa?
Answer: Hollywood, especially in that era, frequently would cast white actors to play people of color The studio knew Savalas would bring in a lot of viewers, while an unknown from Spain might not.
Question: Bubbles dies because she was wounded in battle... yet nowhere in the scene could I see her actually get hit or hurt. Am I missing something, or do we just not see the moment where she's mortally wounded?
Answer: In the end they charge the Boulan-Bathors head on before they fall through the grid but before they fall they do make contact with the aliens and their weapons. Bubbles was also the last of them to fall through so she was exposed the longest to the Boulan-Bathor onslaught and was hurt. Its not specifically seen, nor do we know exactly how they were able to wound her flexible body.
Question: Vincent Grey says "I know why you're scared of the basement." What is it that he knows?
Answer: He doesn't say "I know why you're scared of the basement." He says "Do you know why you're afraid when you're alone? I do. I do." He had been trying to get Malcolm to understand that he can see ghosts but Malcolm never believed he actually could and just thought Vincent was suffering from psychosis.
Question: Where did the Mül converter, the creature that replicates any product, come from? A lot of people seem to know about it even though planet Mül is unknown and unvisited, and more importantly, completely destroyed. The only survivors of the planet were hidden inside a damaged spaceship along with the only pearl they managed to save, so where did the creature come from? Isn't it native to the planet as well?
Answer: As portrayed in the film, the Mül converter is a native creature from the planet Mül. Given that several decades have passed since the destruction of the planet and its former citizens have been traveling to the stars, it's obvious that over time, other people and races learned about the Mül converter's powers, hence it became sought after on the black market. It was likely among the few beings who were saved before they planet's destuction - the Pearls seemed to keep them as pets, so it's very likely that one or two were brought along when they escaped, even if we didn't see it happen.
Question: Here's something I don't fully understand. At the end of the movie just before Carter dies, him, Clear and Alex are all drinking alcohol. They were just graduating from high school, or at least they were going to as Clear said that she and Alex went through four years of it, and only a few months had passed since then, so how are they drinking it at all? Did they have passports and if so, why? Are the rules different in France? Was it a special occasion? I just don't see it happening when you have to be twenty-one.
Answer: The legal drinking ages in Europe are much lower than some states in the USA. In many countries the legal drinking age is 18. In France and some other countries it is 16. In a large number of countries you are also permitted to drink alcohol from a younger age, provided it is with a meal and your parents have given consent. In France it is very common for younger people to drink wine with a meal.
Answer: The rules on drinking alcohol in France are much less stringent than the USA. 16 is the legal limit for drinking beer in France so all they need is their American passport to prove they are over 16.
Answer: Maybe they had fake IDs.
Question: Exactly what is Banning's plan?
Answer: If you're talking about his evil plan with the Banning Corporation, he wants to take over the world's drinking water supply (so that anyone who wants drinking water will have to buy it from Banning). He is trying to contaminate the U.S. drinking water with a deadly bacteria.
Question: What made the banging the sound the crew heard before the oxygen tank exploded?
Answer: When Mission Control asked Jack Swigert to "stir" the No. 2 oxygen tank, Swigert complied; immediately, the astronauts heard and felt a loud banging noise followed by an actual explosion. As it happened, there were damaged electrical wires powering the "cryo-stir" fan inside oxygen tank No.2. Those wires violently shorted out when Swigert activated them, sparking an intense fire (fueled by the ship's pure oxygen atmosphere), destroying vital tank insulation, and overheating the No.2 oxygen tank to the point of rupture in a matter of seconds. So, the banging noises they heard just before the explosion were the result of electrical wiring violently shorting out and a flash-fire erupting, which precipitated the tank explosion.
Oddly enough, Jack Swigert had stirred the No. 2 oxygen tank a couple of times earlier in the mission, with no problems whatsoever. Why the wiring suddenly failed on this last attempt is still a subject of debate.
Why would it be subject to debate? The further into the flight, the less liquid oxygen in the tank. The frayed wires were not exposed until this point in the flight. Exposed wires allowed the arc. The arc caused the explosion.
What does the "ship's pure oxygen atmosphere" have to do with it? The ship didn't explode or burn. Apollo 1, yes, the command module did, but not 13.
Question: Roy Scheider, in the first Jaws film, wears a unique brand of aviator frames, which do not appear in Jaws 2, or anywhere else for that matter - they are very distinctive in that they have a thicker border than ordinary aviator frames from that time, and the edges of the metal are beveled... What glasses are these? What brand? What model?
Answer: RayBan.
Question: My understanding is that Vee orchestrated the plan for Ty to bring a blank filled gun, but how was the dare revealed to her before being told to shoot her opponent, let alone before given the gun?
Answer: Once she saw the gun and knew how crazy the game was, she formed an idea that someone's would get shot and believed that it would be her.
Question: What is the opera (in German perhaps?) that another group of performers is rehearsing on stage? I think it's the scene where Paul's grandfather comes up the trap door on to the stage, during the opera rehearsal.
Answer: The Drinking Song (Trinke Liebchen) from Johann Strauss' Der Fledermaus.
Question: Why are the people in Arendal cheering when Anna hits Hans in the end? They see Hans as a hero, Elsa as a monster, and they hardly know Anna. They don't know that Hans has tried to kill Elsa. But they still clap and cheer when Anna hits Hans and he falls in the water.
Answer: Hans had told them earlier that Elsa killed Anna. When they saw Anna hitting Hans, they realised that Anna was alive, that Elsa had not killed her and that Hans was lying about the whole thing in a plot to take down Elsa.
Question: Where does Fred Astaire get his briefcase from, as he did not walk in with it? He walked in only carrying his suit and a bunch of flowers.
Question: Is removing hands, feet and teeth really sufficient to prevent the corpses being identified? What about DNA?
Answer: Even with head, hands and feet removed, a lot about a person's identity can be determined from body scars, tattoos, body tissue and blood samples, etc. Sex, age, height, weight, body-fat content, race, hair color, and pre-death physical health can all be determined rather easily through traditional means, even given only a torso for examination. Once investigators have a general idea of identity, they can compare their findings to a missing persons database and narrow it down further to likely matches. Then they can request DNA samples from the families of likely missing persons and compare it to the DNA of the corpse. Of course, if the corpse was never reported as missing, that would bring the investigation to a dead-end.
Answer: Identifying a body (or anyone for that matter) through DNA would only work if that person's DNA is already on file and you had something to compare it to (and getting a DNA match is an extensive process that doesn't happen over night despite what some TV shows suggest). I don't know about the UK, but in the US, federal DNA databases didn't really start until 1994. And only a few states started a felon DNA database in the 90's, so it's unlikely Hugo's DNA was on file. It's much more likely that a person's fingerprints or dental records were on file since they were much more common and not exclusive to felons. Again though, those records would have to be on file in order to compare to a body. I don't know if the feet removal was more for the dark comedy aspect or if they thought his feet print were on file and would be viable (i.e. prints taken when he was born in the hospital).
The Rat Race - S1-E4
Question: I don't see her listed on the credits in beginning or any other website inquiries, but is that Tyne Daly playing the character Peter's secretary?
Answer: I'm the same person who asked this question. I discovered it was Molly Price whom I recognized from Third Watch.
It should be noted Donna was Jim Fowkes‘ secretary. Donna killed Peter.
Question: How did the caller escape the room where his rifle was found?
Answer: He made it look like the pizza guy was the shooter so he could get away.
Answer: We, the audience, are quite simply never shown. So it is left up to our imaginations.
Answer: My guess which is a likely part is the pizza guy slit his own throat just before police arrived to avoid being caught. Meanwhile the caller I'm believing was in a completely different side of the booth (not in the same room as the rifle that was found). 2 reasons I believe this. 1. Stu gets shot in his right ear. No way where the sniper they found could he have shot Stu in the ear on the side he was shot from. 2 was because when Stu saw the caller, he had a suitcase with him, which presumably was the/a second sniper rifle. There's also another belief of mine that Stu dreamt the whole thing but unlikely.
Why would the pizza guy slit his own throat to avoid being caught? He didn't do anything bad?
Answer: He didn't, the caller did. Later when the caller goes to Stu in the ambulance he says "I feel bad about the pizza guy." The caller slit his throat and set it up so that the pizza guy was the caller.
Question: During the black and white TV days I watched an episode, the name of which I can't remberer. People were going about their lives. In the last scene the lid of a box is lifted. People are looking down into the box. The people in the box look up at the people who open the lid. What is the name of this episode?
Answer: There's an episode called "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" (s03e14). The 5 people aren't in a box but in what turns out to be a toy collection barrel. People outside the barrel are out and about town doing their errands. The 5 people are just dolls and a girl from the outside puts one of the escaped dolls back in the barrel. I think there's a shot of her looking down into it.
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Answer: The puppet is an animatronic, so he programmed its mouth to move with the dialogue on the tapes. Zep is shown earlier in the film to get personally attached/involved with patients at the hospital, so the implication is that he is inserted into the game in a role where he is too personally involved with the dilemmas of strangers.
Phaneron ★