Question: Can someone please tell me the significance of all the apples? They appear all through the movie and I don't get what they are supposed to mean. Please help answer this because it's driving me nuts.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: What happened to Ben? He's been missing ever since series 7 or 8.
Answer: He's hardly "missing" - he was only ever an occasional guest character. He has appeared once or twice, but since none of the plots really involve him, Carol or Susan, he hasn't been in it that much.
The whole storyline with Emma would probably replace Ben because the show wouldn't be able to handle two of Ross' families.
Question: How did Alex, from the first Final Destination die? Please explain in some detail.
Answer: Few details are given - Clear says that he became a recluse while she looked after him, she being safe until he died or escaped Death again. Alex left the house (for some unknown reason) for the first time in months, a brick fell on him and he was killed.
Question: Sgt. Eversman says that none of it would have happened if Blackburn hadn't fallen. I don't understand in what way his fall started things.
Answer: If he hadn't fallen they wouldn't have had to send men down to retrieve him with the stretcher etc., and they would have gotten out of the area immediately.
Answer: To add to the previous answer. Following Blackburn's fall, they brought him to the target building to be brought back to the safe zone, which was done by Struecker and three Humvees. From the way it is portrayed in the film, it looks like Super Six-One was providing roof-top level over watch for the Humvees when it was shot down by an RPG. SSgt. Eversmann was then ordered to secure the crash site. Eversmann believes Blackburn's fall set everything in motion. This is also why Hoot gives him the speech on "it just being war and there was nothing he could have done differently that would have changed anything."
Question: What's the film the 2 guys are watching on the flat screen when the Merovingian's wife takes Neo to the Keymaker?
Answer: The Brides of Dracula, made in 1960.
Question: In Lockharts classroom, Hermione shouts "Imobulous" or something like it and all the pixies are frozen in mid air and can't move. Why don't Ron and Harry just use the same spell on the spiders when the spiders start to come after them?
Answer: They're panicking and can't remember the spell. Hermione is the smarter and more level headed of the three, that's why she remembered it.
Question: Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it take Gandalf and Pippin a three day ride to Minas-Tirith? Because when Gandalf saves Faramir from the winged Nazgul, Faramir says he last saw Frodo and Sam in Ithilien 'not two days ago' (at the end of The Two Towers), so shouldn't he have last seen them at least FOUR days ago?
Question: If Malcolm was dead, how did he know all about Cole, and that he needed help? Where did he get all the info?
Answer: It's never explained in the film, but the implication seems to be that he was just sort-of compelled to help Cole. Given the film portrays the dead as only "seeing what they want to see" and trying to resolve unfinished business from life, it's entirely possible that Malcolm falsely believes he was assigned to Cole's case, even though he wasn't. It's just his way of trying to move on.
I'd like to add that despite the ghosts not knowing they are dead, they do know they can interact with Cole and others who can see them, they are even drawn to them, for help. This happened with Malcolm too and him being child psychiatrist connected with his ability to communicate with Cole, not asking Cole for help but helping Cole help himself. The info he has is probably a collection of his previous encounters with him, perhaps even being there at past psychiatrists. Its also possible he was his next patient, before he got shot. The dossier could have already been at his house and he remembers it.
Answer: In his notes, it says referred September 1998, so I am guessing he had been referred to Willis, but they never met, but when he suddenly finds himself sitting outside his house, drawn by whatever forces do such, he would naturally assume he was there to meet with his new referral, or perhaps he imagined it, one part of his mind telling him he was there to meet his patient, and one part conjuring up a note pad that would have the notes of the referral.
Answer: The dead need to finish things on Earth before they can move on. In Malcolm's case, he needs to help Cole - making up for his failure to help Vincent Grey. In order to do this, he needs the relevant information, so it is supplied to him by whatever agency controls these things. As the dead are unaware of their condition, Malcolm receives the information as if it were another case file for him to work on.
An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig - S1-E6
Question: When the episode returns from the first commercial break with the kids at lunch, it is obviously all construction paper until Terrance shows up. Why is that?
Answer: All of the South Park episodes are computer animated except for the first one, the construction paper effect is deliberate.
Question: Does anybody knows why Seinfeld did not accept to make one more season of his show? I'm sure money wasn't the problem...
Answer: Seinfeld has claimed that he wanted to "go out on top". He was done with TV and wanted to venture back into stand-up comedy.
Answer: I saw an old interview with him, and he realised he was in his 40s, he didn't have a partner or kids just all this money, guess it's true what they say money can't buy happiness, I believe he just wanted a life.
Adding on to this comment, he got married in 1999. In 2014, he said, "If it wasn't for Jess and the kids, I'd really blow my brains out. Jessica saved my life. She gave me something to care about."
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner - S15-E14
Question: In "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner", Lisa mentions a website of hers when she's in the attic. Does anyone know the address? Did anyone visit the site?
Chosen answer: The site is It doesn't exist.
Question: After the D-Day battle, Capt. Miller and the Colonel are discussing whatever. They keep mentioning something called "the 88's." What are the 88's?
Answer: An "88" is a German 88-millimeter gun, a lethal and extremely versatile gun which was often thought of as the best gun in the war - on ANY side. It could appear on a tank, as an anti-tank gun, as an assault gun or as an anti-aircraft gun.
Question: When Fry is trying to get out of the cave (when searching for Zeke's body) and she's being pulled down by the aliens...why are we shown shots of Riddick pulling hard on his restraints? Is it to attempt to distract the aliens through vibration?
Chosen answer: Doesn't seem very likely - while Riddick could reasonably assume that somebody would be going into the hole to look for Zeke's body, he has no way of knowing what's currently happening and that the aliens would need distracting at that point. Most likely he's using the fact that nobody else is in the ship at that point to test the strength of the restraints that are holding him captive.
Question: Was the lesbian relationship in the film between two characters removed because the director did not want to offend her fellow Indians? After all, homosexuality is a taboo subject in Indian culture.
Chosen answer: Since one of the Indian characters in the film (Tony) is gay, and the possibility of a lesbian relationship is a fairly major subplot, I doubt Chadra was worried about people being offended. Some stories just don't fit in and get dropped.
Question: Since Snake knew that X-rays would neutralize the pellets in his neck, couldn't he have asked brain about medical facilities within New York so he can neutralize them himself?
Chosen answer: Yes, but A. finding a working one is very unlikely, B. it would need a power source, also very difficult, C. Snake had no way of knowing if x-rays of a different frequency would work or set them off, and D. if he does disarm them, it's already been proven that New York is escape proof, so where would he go?
Answer: To be honest, why not extend this question further? The doctor explains to Snake that X-rays will neutralise the cores 15 minutes before they go off. Snake could fly the Gullfire to Canada and he would have about 20 hours to find a place (such as a hospital) that would have an X-ray machine. The frequency range of X-rays is so small that you could easily change frequencies within the 15 minutes. Additionally, we all believe what Halk says. Perhaps it was all a con to get Snake to help him (like the Plutoxin virus).
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Answer: Barbarossa loves apples, but can't taste them because of the curse. He carries an apple around most of the time to remind him of humanity and takes one to the cave so that, as soon as he is released form the curse, he can eat it.