Question: The movie does not have a soundtrack at all, yet during the end credits, music is heard. What is the name of that music?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: On the double-disc special edition there's a game called Break the Spell. It says that it runs over from disc one to disc two and you need a code to get to the second disc part. The code is star-moon-cloud and that's all very well and good, but where is the game on disc two? It's not a solely computer part cos the laptop isn't picking it up and I can't find it on disc two. There's three stained glass windows; Cogsworth and LumiƩre, Chip, and Mrs. Potts and I've clicked on all of them and can't find the second part of the game. Help?
Answer: With the three stained glass windows there is also another option, which is the red rose. Upon clicking it a few times the Beast will not allow you to enter, but if you are persistent and keep clicking on the rose he'll let you in eventually.
Question: There might not be an official answer to this, but did Dickie really have any attraction to Tom, or did Tom just want to think that he did?
Answer: Dickie forms quick, intense friendships with people, and just as quickly decides that he doesn't need them anymore. This was probably just a sudden friendship, not an attraction.
Answer: He believed that the friendship that the two had was real and genuine. And meant to last. What Marge warned him about, was very real.
Question: What exactly is Billy Cole supposed to be? We know he is not a vampire because it roams around in the daytime, and we see his reflection in Peter Vincent's mirror, but after he is shot in the head, he turns into some kind of creature. So what is he?
Chosen answer: I would assume a "thrall" basically a ghoul that is attached to the vampire. A ghoul in old lore was created when a vampire gave blood to a living person, but did not take their blood first. They were then their daytime slaves, doing errands, finding victims for them, and took care of the vampire's body when the sun was out.
Billy was to Jerry... what Renfield was to Dracula. Slave, daytime watcher.
Question: When Gretchen arrives at Donnie's party she says that her mother was killed or committed suicide. Since Donnie was the guardian of the engine and it may have been necessary for Gretchen to be there,is it possible that Donnie killed Gretchen's mother?
Answer: No, it is not confirmed that Gretchen's mother died. She has simply disappeared, and her house is messed up. It can be concluded that Gretchen's violent step-father may have found her mother and hurt her in some way.
Question: In the scene when we first see Tracy cutting herself, what was Mel's boyfriend doing in the flashback?
Answer: Pretty sure he was smoking crack on a pop/beer can.
Answer: He was doing drugs, most likely either cocaine or crystal meth.
Question: How come Lisa's presentation was changed from "An Inconvenient Proof" to "An Irritating Truth" for the DVD release?
Chosen answer: I saw the movie at the midnight showing on its first release in Michigan and it was "An Irritating Truth" for me there. It still says the same thing for my DVD.
Question: Do the earphones Ryan Reynolds uses at the beginning actually exist? I don't think I've ever seen wireless earphones that small.
Chosen answer: The closest thing to them available in reality appears to be these:
Question: In the scene in which we see Hurley being interviewed when he bought the restaurant in one of his flashbacks, a meteoroid crashes on it. Why was there no big commotion about that, and also why was only the building destroyed,not even leaving a crater?
Answer: It's most likely there was a commotion about it which wasn't shown in flashbacks. Also, since the probability of a meteoroid destroying a single restaurant is very, VERY small, and the reasons for this and other abnormal events' occurrences are as yet unknown, it is also unknown as to why said occurrences do not leave 'normal' side-effects (in this case, a crater).
Question: If Lavagirl can control what she wants to burn how come she burns the diary (is it because she was too excited)?
Answer: Lava Girl is always hot to the touch. She can control when she throws magma, but the only way she can have any control over her actual body temperature is to control her emotions, which would naturally be difficult for someone her age. Even then, at her coolest possible temperature, her body temperature would still be very high. There are continuity issues with her body temperature throughout the film, ie, being able to sit on ice for extended periods of time without melting it, but the idea is she always has a very high body temperature.
Question: After Mace kills Jango, why does he stare at him for a moment? He is too far away to have seen the look on Dooku's face.
Answer: In the novelization for Episode III it explains that mace Windu created a fighting style known a Vaapad. It also explains that this form of fighting is very dangerous because the user's mind becomes passive. It is possible that Mace Windu was only then realizing that he had killed Jango.
Question: When Josh's father is reading a book to Josh, the passage we hear goes something like "And when he saw that the cottage was completely destroyed, the monster fled and took shelter in the woods." Does anyone have any idea what book they were reading?
Answer: "The Vampyre" by John Polidori.
Question: Can anyone explain the necklaces? Before Flint Sky is killed and before Jaguar Paw is sent out to run for his life, the Mayan warrior removes the necklaces they wear. When the warrior is bitten by the snake, he removes his own necklace before cutting his wrists. This happens several times in the movie so it seems like removing the necklace before facing death is significant. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Answer: It's a sign of the warrior passing over to death. When the warrior removed Jaguar Paw's necklace just before setting him free, it was a way of telling him that his life was going to be over soon.
Question: In the very first episode of Transformers, you see them on Cybertron, millions of years before they crash land on Earth. Why is it that Optimus already resembles a semi truck? The truck parts are visible, the windows, doors, and tires and such. They don't scan Earth to look like vehicles till millions of years later. I never understood that.
Chosen answer: The toys came first, the cartoon and the movies came later, they were hardly going to let a small detail like that get in the way of business. So basically it's a deliberate mistake.
Question: Is there any reference to where Annie Wilkes goes at night when she is angry or depressed?
Answer: According to the book, she goes to what she calls her "laughing place", itself a reference to the Disney movie "Song of the South", in which Brer Rabbit sings about having a "laughing place" where he goes when he's feeling blue, to cheer himself up. We can presume Annie has some cabin or clearing in the woods where she has made her own "laughing place."
...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24
Question: The ending scene of the Series Finale shows Joey and Pacey apparently living together in a high-rise apartment. The TV looks the same as her NYC apartment, and there is a beautiful window view of lighted high-rise buildings and a harbor or bay. The question is - is this Boston or NYC? Are they living in her previous NYC apartment, or did they find a new place together in nearby Boston? It looked to me more like Boston, but Pacey had just started his restaurant business in Capeside and that is an hour away. Where are they living at the end of the series? It was vague to me.
Answer: It's the same apartment Joey had in NYC. Comparing it to the beginning of the Finale; you can tell it's exactly the same location, furnishings, Plasma TV etc. Apparently Chris was only living with her at HER apartment, and now Pacey has taken his place at the end. I guess this implies Pacey successfully started his own restaurant business in NYC as he had dreamed, to be with Joey.
Question: What exactly was Hank's "plan" with the lawn darts, shovel and whatnot? I never quite caught that.
Answer: Those weren't part of his plan. As he explained later, those items belonged to the cop whose car it is they have stolen. The cop was planning to kill and bury them.
That makes so much more sense.
Question: In the beginning of the movie when the tanker truck gets blown up, why does the fully intact truck just get launched straight up with flames below it? The source of the explosion would be the truck itself, so when ignited, the truck should have simply been blown up into a million pieces, not launched straight up fully intact.
Answer: This was most likely done just to make the scene look that much cooler. Movies do things like this all the time.
Question: Anyone want to explain the opening sequence? The guy was able to rocket himself through the window with apparently superhuman speed and reappear behind the shooter within a few seconds despite crashing several stories below. No superhuman abilities, other than absurdly good marksmanship and fast reflexes are stated during the film.
Answer: Pretty crazy to say that they have no supernatural abilities when the first thing shown in the film is that they do. Their reflexes, enhanced strength and speed, the ability to curve bullets (which is way beyond "absurdly good marksmanship") - all these are well into the superhuman class. Granted, the more extreme abilities aren't used that much in the film, but it's stated in the film that the individual performing those actions is one of their best. But it's all there - your assessment of their abilities is a long way below the mark.
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Answer: "Blood Trail (end titles)" By Carter Burwell, the Coen's frequent composer. The Film does not have a soundtrack, but you can listen to it in Carter Burwell's website: