Question: One of the first steps in the defeating of Davy Jones was for Will to find out where the key to the chest was. In order to do that, he had to play that game with Davy Jones. How exactly did the game work?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the Astronomy tower, Dumbledore tells Harry to go and get Professor Snape, but then Harry has to hide. So, how did Snape know that Draco and the Death Eaters were in the Astronomy tower with Dumbledore? Draco would not have told him because he did not want help with the mission.
Answer: Snape was acting as a double agent for Voldemort. He knew because the Death Eaters who invaded told him.
Question: We see in the movie that the time is like money but where is the "time" generated?
Chosen answer: When they turn 25, their built-in clock starts counting down from 1 year. Since time is the currency, they must then work and contribute to the economy, in order to earn time and survive. The government gives that one year of time to each person, as both a population control measure (if they don't work and earn, they'll die) and an economic incentive.
Answer: There's never a point during their time on that planet that depicts their he ever can't. He starts out hiding in Padme's ship and waiting for the opportunity to show himself. Shortly after they fight and ends when Obi-Wan leaves Anakin for dead and leaves. There's never a point that he can't sense him.
Question: I'm curious as to why Paéz is the narrator in the beginning and end of the film, when the movie focuses mainly on Canessa and Parrada as main characters. Almost all of the boys are alive today, and even if they weren't it is not Páez himself who is being interviewed but John Malcovich as Páez. So I'm still curious as to why they chose Páez instead of Parrado or Canessa, as they are both alive today.
Answer: Keeping in mind that some parts of the audience were not familiar with the details of this story, using Paez as the narrator retains some of the suspense of Canessa and Parredo's journey across the Andes. If the audience is not told at the start that they survive, at least some viewers may have considered that one of them may die during their trek to civilization.
Question: At the hospital, Brad Pitt calls home and speaks to the caretaker. I thought she was already deported to Mexico. He tells her someone is coming to relieve her and she will be free to go to the wedding. I don't get the timeline here.
Answer: The scenes are out of chronological order - Richard called Rachel, Susan's sister, to tell her Susan has been shot. He calls Amelia, the nanny, who already knows about the shooting from Rachel, and tells her that Rachel will find someone to mind the kids. He rings later and tells her to cancel the wedding as they are still in Morocco and Rachel could not find a replacement. All this takes place before she takes the kids to Mexico and is deported.
So did Amelia go Mexico or was that just a dream, because Brad never finds out about that and the kids missing along with Amelia?
Everything happens, but in different times. When you see Brad Pitt on the phone, that is the phone call the nanny was receiving in the beginning of the movie, before she got ready for the wedding.
Answer: At the start there are 2 phone calls from Richard to Amelia (the nanny). The first call is him saying Rachel is on her way to relieve her, Susan is in surgery and please don't tell the kids what's happened. This is the same call from the very end of the movie where he is in the hospital and Susan is in surgery. Not long after we see the first call, we see Amelia receive a second phone call from Richard, saying "Rachel can't get there, we need you to stay the night." Amelia protests saying "but it's my sons wedding" and Richard says "I will pay for him to have another wedding, we are relying on you we need you to stay" and hangs up. This view of Amelia's timeline from the start of the film, before she takes the kids to Mexico and everything unfolds for her in the desert, is happening AFTER everything we see from Richard's perspective. Whilst it jumps around between characters, it is clear that each character's timeline is chronological to itself, and does ACTUALLY happen.
Answer: At the end Pitt is talking on the phone to his kids, which you saw from the kids' perspective at the start of the movie, then after that the nanny takes them to the wedding. So the wedding and aftermath is happening while Pitt and wife are in hospital in Morocco. Hope it helps.
I still don't understand if Amelia was deported or not. Like someone already said, Brad told her someone would be there soon.
Yes...the terrible treatment of the border agent suggested that she'd immediately be deported...yet, during the phone call with the American father we hear both Amelia and the two kids...such suggests that-for now, alt least-she's still in the States.
Answer: I think the message at the beginning is different as he has no-one to care for the kids. In the replay at the end he says Rachel will sort out the kids. I need to listen more closely to the two messages - the were both mumbled like actors in US movies seem to do, annoyingly. I feel that the film is showing what could have happened to the kids.
I've put a complete answer attached to the main thread for you. But no it's not showing what could've happened, it's showing what did happen. The call brad Pitt makes at the end of the film is the very first call we see Amelia get at the start. Then a bit later she gets another call saying "Rachel can't get there" and then the Mexico part of the timeline unfolds. Chronologically this happens after the final scene with brad Pitt at the end of the film in the hospital.
Question: Do clones have the option to choose whether or not to obey the Chancellor's orders? Because not all clones did - Captain Rex for example.
Answer: The Clone Wars series depicts the insertion of a biochip during the cloning process on Kamino - in Star Wars Rebels, Rex mentions he removed his own chip before Order 66. He was warned of their function by Fives after Tup's chip had malfunctioned.
Clone Wars season seven actually clarifies that Rex didn't remove his chip on his own, but was able to resist Order 66 long enough to tell Ahsoka to read his report on Fives, which allowed her to learn about the inhibitor chip and remove it from his head. Rex being able to resist it suggests that Wulffe may have also resisted it long enough for his to be removed, since he also seemed fairly close to his general.
Question: Isn't the plot inherently flawed? Chow was already in Las Vegas, so there's no real correlation between him and the main characters, so he would've stolen Marshall's gold, whether or not he met them right?
Answer: Not necessarily. Keep in mind, before that, Chow didn't have any prior relations to Marshall, but after they showed up, he did, when he kidnapped B. Doug, who works for Marshall. It would make sense that Marshall would then be angry at Chow, and prompt the latter to steal his gold.
Answer: According to the Star Wars Wookipedia, Obi-Wan was born in 57 BBY (Battle before Yavin) and Revenge of the Sith takes place in 19 BBY. This means Obi-Wan must be in this movie, aged 37 or 38.
Question: Since Vincent (Malcolm's ex patient who shot him) can also see ghosts, is there any connection with him and Cole or is it just an amazing coincidence?
Answer: There is no direct connection between Cole and Vincent, and it is not really a coincidence. Cole and Vincent did not know each other, but they shared the same ability to see and hear ghosts. After Malcolm was shot and killed, he sought out Cole without understanding that he himself was dead. Vincent was Malcolm's patient and had been deeply troubled because he also saw ghosts. Malcolm is somehow driven to find and help Cole understand and to accept his ability to see and speak to the deceased.
Question: After Emery has his fingers cut off and everyone is trapped in the room, Nick informs everyone that Kevin Bollinger hung himself in the Mirror Library after letting Emery's mother into the house. This would make him a ghost obviously, but this creates a problem. How has he been able to appear as a ghost for so long if he must have been alive to let Emery's mother into the house? Did I miss something?
Chosen answer: It was actually the bloated corpse of Kevin that let Emery's mother in, so he wasn't alive when letting her in.
Answer: Then Nick should have said he hung himself before letting Emery's mother in. Also, he turned into a bloated corpse pretty fast but the house has a way of playing tricks.
Question: I've read that The Godfather has gotten 270-280 million dollars at the box office. Now I though that Jaws was the first to get 100 million. Was this statistic just in the US or did the Godfather garner this number with a re-release?
Chosen answer: The Godfather's totals mentioned above include domestic + foreign + re-releases over the years. In its initial release (and re-release after the 1973 Academy awards) it earned $85.7 million domestically. Jaws received $123 million in its initial domestic release.
Question: An alien taking the form of a blonde guy from a video game tells the heroes that if they defeat Donkey Kong, the invasion will end. Who is the blonde guy anyway?
Answer: That's the character Max Headroom, who was a fictional AI who had his own TV program as well as made many other media appearances throughout the mid to late 1980s, even appearing in a series of TV ads for Coca-Cola in the US. He was portrayed by actor Matt Frewer, who reprised the role for this film; you can learn more here: (character).
Question: The aliens in the form of Hall and Oates tell the heroes that the rules have been violated and they will attack. How and why were they violated?
Answer: The rules were violated when Eddie used cheat codes during the "Pac-Man" round in order to have an unfair advantage over the aliens; this is similar to how Xbox achievements and/or PS3/4 trophies are disabled when cheat codes are active.
Question: At the beginning of the movie, Alan grant is at a dig in Montana. They load what looks like a bullet into a chamber and fire it into the ground. What was it they fired underground and why did they do it?
Chosen answer: They are using a ground penetrating sonar device. A shotgun shell is discharged into the earth. The resulting blast creates sound waves that bounce off any underlying object, like fossils, and are transmitted to a receiver and seen on a TV monitor as images to reveal what is buried underground.
Question: Just out of curiosity but in the scene with Nedry's encounter with the Dilophosaurus (or whatever), I was wondering, why would the Dilophosaurus wait until Dennis got inside the jeep to kill him? Why not kill him while he was passed out?
Answer: There is no way to realistically answer that because so little is known about dinosaur behavior. Any answer would be a guess with no way to verify its or any other dinosaur's behavior. From a movie standpoint, this is merely a means to keep the audience in suspense-will Nedry survive or won't he? Just when it appears he is safe, the dilophosaurus fatally attacks.
In the book, Nedry is killed before getting back in the car. This change was adapted for the film audience.
Answer: Also the producers probably wanted to keep the movie PG 13. If they showed the attack on Nedry it might have made the movie rated R.
Question: When trying to find a way to rescue the hostages, why pose as a film crew? Why not as a bunch of tourists?
Answer: A film crew is more credible than a group of tourists being involved in this type of activity. Tourists' behavior would be more limited and subject to being noticed by authorities if they acted in a unusual manner. A film crew would have access to more out-of-the-way locations, and if they acted suspiciously, could pass it off as it being part of making a movie.
Question: Why in Resident Evil 4 when Alice takes the robotic bug off of Claire's chest it takes her days to remember who she is but when Jill has the same thing done to her she knows who Alice is in under 5 minutes.
Chosen answer: Jill was unconscious at the time, while Claire was awake, therefore the loss of memory may differ by state of mind, or vary from person to person.
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Answer: The game is called Liar's Dice, and the idea is to bid on the numbers that are rolled among all players. For example, player one might suggest that among all players, 3 sixes have been rolled. The next player can either up the bid (by suggesting there are more than 3 sixes, or he/she can change the number rolled in question as long as they count higher than the previous suggestion, i.e 4 sixes or 4 twos, but they cannot say 2 fives) or they can call the bluff of the previous player. If at least 3 sixes were rolled, then the bid is true and player two loses. If there are fewer than 3 sixes, then player one's bluff has been called and he loses. In the case of the game between Will, Bootstrap Bill and Davy Jones, Bootstrap purposely gave a ridiculous bid in order to spare Will from losing. By making such a bid, he forced Davy Jones into either calling his bluff or increasing the bid himself, in which case Will would have then called Davy Jones' bluff and won the game.
Phaneron ★