Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: At the start of every episode, it shows a man dressed in black carrying a black briefcase with the name R.L. Stine on it. Is the man in black really R.L. Stine or a crew member, and we are meant to only think it's Stine?

Answer: According to all online sources I found, yes, this really was R.L. Stine.


Show generally

Question: What happened to Byron? He only appears in the first season and disappears without explanation.

Answer: No explanation was given as to why his character disappears. As to the actor who played him, Christopher Poree, this appears to be his only acting credit, and he retired as an actor following his time on the show. There is little online information about his personal or professional life and none that I could find on why he left the show.


Question: During the Nazi rally books are being burned. Why and what kind are they?


Answer: This is from Wikipedia on what type of books Nazis wanted burned: The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, religious, and sexologist authors among others.


Question: So the original plan was to kill Kimble and not his wife (or her too, but he was meant to be the main target). However, if I'm not mistaken, Sykes didn't break into the apartment but was granted access instead, probably by Nichols. If the plan wouldn't have gone wrong and Kimble had been killed, would Sykes had forged a breaking in?


Answer: It's unlikely he would have made it look like a break in. He would make it look like an accident, or even something like a heart attack. Sykes killed Lentz by making it look like an accident.


Answer: It's unknown what Sykes' exact plan was. Any answer is mere speculation though his plan would have to somehow include both Kimble and his wife as Sykes would apparently expect both to be at home late at night. Leaving the wife alive would be a liability. It would be difficult to make two deaths look accidental or a result of natural causes.


Question: In the real, modern world, what would have happened to Michael when he was 6? Or, alternatively, what if he had a competent doctor who didn't think he was evil? I could see his "evil" personality in the hospital being a symptom of abuse, PTSD, or Autism. Also, he was 6, it's possible he didn't understand killing was wrong until being locked away. I mean, what he did was awful, but he could have just been a screwed up little kid who wasn't given proper medical care.

Answer: Autism wasn't really tracked until 2000, they may have tested him for abuse which wouldn't make sense for killing his sister, given the setting, the early 60's they may not have begun testing children for PTSD yet.


Answer: According to Bean's biographical page on Wikipedia, there are rumors that Peter Jackson considered him for the role of Aragorn, but neither Bean nor Jackson would answer this question during any interview. It was intimated that Bean's fear of flying may have been a factor, as the actors, in the subsequent two films, had to be helicoptered to remote and mountainous filming locations. However, this has also never been confirmed.


Answer: It's never been confirmed whether Bean was considered for or auditioned for Aragorn, but it is a popular rumor. It honestly wouldn't surprise me, though - actors often audition for certain parts before being cast in different roles.


Question: I know this might be a stupid question but why do they want to lift the curse? They can't die and can't feel pain.

Answer: As Barbossa explains, their needs and desires are no longer sated - no matter how much they drink they are still thirsty, food turns to ash in their mouth leaving them perpetually hungry, their lust is no longer satisfied no matter what they do, their flesh disappears in the moonlight, etc. And they are cursed to endure this for all eternity unless the treasure is returned. Sure, they can't die and feel no pain... but the trade-off is that they aren't able to truly live or experience any true satisfaction of any kind. The cost of their immortality is simply too great, and they don't want to endure it anymore.


Answer: I thought it was he deliberately lied about Weird Al so Bobby wouldn't look up to and try to imitate him.

Answer: Hank is out of touch with pop culture and Yankovic had kind of faded from the public view in 1997. Hank's just confusing him with some other obscure singer.

Brian Katcher

Answer: I think Gibson is shown wearing the ribbons (and rosettes) of the Distinguished Service Order and Bar, and Distinguished Flying Cross. He was awarded these medals before the Dam Busters raid. In black and white, the ribbon for the VC with its miniature cross can look similar to the DSO with a rosette for a second award.

Bunk Off - S1-E2

Question: Why do the boys decide to steal their parent's booze? They have three bottles of spirits between four of them, which is more than enough for them to get drunk. In fact, in Will Is Home Alone, they share twenty cans of beer between the four of them (five each, all things being equal), and are dreadfully hungover the next morning. Assume this is classed as a character mistake, it just makes no sense.

Answer: Jay, Si and Will steal Simons dad booze as they are planning on meeting Carly later on and have lost their own supply when kicked out of Neil's place by his dad after being caught and insulted.


Question: In the first It, Pennywise was defeated by the Losers because they were no longer afraid of Pennywise, which weakened him. How was he able to become strong enough to return?

Answer: Simply put, the Losers incorrectly believed Pennywise would starve during his hibernation because he couldn't eat them. This is apparently not the case and in the 27 years he was sleeping, Pennywise gained enough strength to eat the wounded Adrian Mellon when he wakes. After claiming Adrian, Pennywise was strong enough to resume his normal activities. Overcoming their fears was only good enough to win the battle with Pennywise, but it wasn't enough to kill him. In the book the Losers have no idea whether or not they have killed Pennywise, and this coupled with the fact that they get lost in the sewers causes them all to panic. The fact that Pennywise sleeps for 27 years leads them to believe that he is dead over time and all but Mike forgets about him and the rest of the Losers entirely. The film is identical to the book in the regard that Pennywise awakens after 27 years with just enough strength to murder and eat Adrian Mellon.


Answer: It appears a number of factors led to its demise. It was originally intended to air for 65 episodes, but its popularity extended that. However, there were continual production quality problems, issues regarding whether the content was suitable enough for children, as well as financial considerations that finally led to it being ended.


Question: What was Jack's original plan for robbing the bank in the beginning of the movie? Cause when the safe gets stuck and the building starts moving he says "this was not part of the plan."

Answer: It was never specified what his plan was, nor was it important to the overall story, but whatever it was, he never expected the building to start moving. The entire scene is merely a plot device for Jack's entrance into the story in a typically flamboyant manner.


Question: At the beginning when they meet she sings a few lines of Shallow, then presumably the next day at his show he brings her onstage, and they sing the whole song with the band and is this possible with zero rehearsal time?

Answer: It is highly improbable they could do this, but being a movie, reality is suspended.


Answer: Yes, it was a variation of him.

Question: Why is it that everyone is in the exact same position at the gazebo when Alice left to follow McTwisp when Alice returns? Clearly, some time has passed while she was in Wonderland, so it's confusing how it would still be the same day at around the same time.

Answer: It could be time moves differently in Wonderland, than in the real world. In many time machine movies, the Hero goes off on his adventures, then returns as if no time has passed.

Question: Can Stanley do anything he wants while wearing the mask?

Answer: It is a magical mask, so yes, he could.

He's basically a cartoon character.


Whenever he puts on the mask, it looks as if he can warp reality.

Question: When Todd looks at the classes that Stiles picked for him, the classes listed are girls' volleyball, candle making and French for Chefs. Do any such classes actually exist, or are they just made up for the movie?

Answer: Other than girls' volleyball, the other subjects are unlikely to be offered as stand-alone, for-credit academic classes, though they could be part of a more general course curriculum. Candle-making is something that could be offered as a non-credit, off-hours, leisure class, though "French for Chefs" is highly unlikely.


Answer: She could if her ex knew she had this condition and she was at that time in an incapacitated or altered mental state where she could not knowingly give consent to any sexual activity. She would, however, have to prove that she was sleepwalking at the time.


Answer: It does not appear that she was involved. Robert even tells Charles at the end that she had nothing to do with it. The entire plot seems to have been spontaneous on Robert's part as no-one expected the plane to crash or for survivors to be stranded in the wilderness.


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