Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is the ballet they perform a real ballet? Or is it something made up for the movie?

Answer: The ballet was written for the movie.

Question: When Catherine breaks into Thomas Crowns house looking for the stolen painting before she finds it she gazes up at another painting with 7/8 women gazing into a pool of water, who is the artist and whats the painting called?

Answer: THe Painting you are refering to is called "Mirror Of Venus" by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.

Chosen answer: As revealed in 24: The Game, Max was a weapons dealer with ties to terrorist organizations. It is further revealed in the game that his weapons dealings with terrorists were interfered with by American authorites. which caused the deals to go sour. His terrorist clients retaliated by murdering his family before his eyes. Presumably, he was primarily motivated by revenge against the American Government, with a secondary goal of driving up oil prices to make himself rich. To this end, he masterminded the plot to start a war between the US and three Middle Eastern countries.

Question: When Towns finds the body that fell out, how come it's not in too bad condition after falling such a long way and onto dirt? Is the dirt what kept his body in pretty good condidtion after falling out? If so, please help me on this.

Answer: The person may have fallen on to a sanddune, in which case the landing would have been softened, but not to a point to prevent death.

Question: When Sang calls the Consul for the second time and says, "You have 29 minutes left", he says something in Chinese and hangs up. What exactly did he say in Chinese?

Answer: He is saying, "You must go there alone".

Google Translator says something else for "You must go there alone." I don't think this is correct. Does anyone know the real answer?

He says "go by yourself." The original answer seemed to explain what he was saying, not the direct translation.


Question: After Marti's father returns to her and Andy, they are driving through the base. Marti's father tells her not to show emotion because they can be fooled. She looks at him and realizes he is one of them. What was different about him that made Marti realize the truth? Her dad was acting normal and I could not see him giving anything away so what did I miss?


Chosen answer: I actually just watched this movie again today and I think it was because he was acting too calm and quiet. Marti might have got suspicious from the slight change in his personality. He also wasn't sweaty anymore and didn't have that white patch on his cheek that you can see in the previous scene when he picks up the phone in the doctor's office.

Answer: Before Steve ran off to find help the baddies were chasing them, when he reappeared the pod people just ignored them. Then he was driving someplace that was not an escape route, which, I believe, was what first tipped Marti off. And because he repeated the same exact line.

Alan Keddie

Answer: I don't think we're ever told. You just see him being tied up and hear Son of Mine in the voice over.

Answer: Yes, it is.

Question: What is the music used in the scene where Augusto tells Lorenzo the story of "La Notte di San Lorenzo"? The credits identify all the music used in the film, but they don't say what music was used where.

Answer: It's "Casta Diva" from the opera "Norma" by Bellini.

The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy - S3-E1

Question: I'm not positive it's in this episode, but there's a very cool, very large poster/print on the wall in Rachel's room that says "Film Noir," visible in a few scenes. Does anyone know who the artist is, and whether the print is commercially available?

Answer: It is a vintage italian art print. Google images may come up with something if you search that phrase. Otherwise check on

Driven - S4-E19

Question: I feel like a scene was missing when I watched this episode. When Delko comes to see if Valera and Boa Vista found anything on the rope, Boa Vista is angry for something that happened between them earlier and says "I was just worried about Marisol", indicating that whatever she is upset about happened in this episode. However I didn't see her earlier in the episode and at no point was Delko talking to her. What event is she referring to here?

Answer: Marisol has been shot, and is dying in the hospital.

Question: On the Garfield DVD menu, there is a Spanish salsa and it is also in the scene when Garfield goes to the vet and asks for a Swedish massage, a manicure and pedicure etc. What is the name of this song?

Answer: "Naranja" written by Andrew Kaiser. Naranja is spanish for Orange.

Show generally

Question: OK, why does the title song have nothing to do with the show? It keeps saying "haaaawaii!" over and over, yet the show takes place in Vegas, not Hawaii. I never got that.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: It's actually "Who Are You," which is the title of the theme song by The Who. A bit more fitting for a crime show's theme than constantly saying Hawaii.

Captain Defenestrator

Show generally

Question: I've noticed this in other Anime, but I see it a lot in Naruto; quite frequently the characters run with their arms straight behind their backs. Is there any reason for this? I spent a little time in Japan but I never saw anyone run this way.

Answer: That is just a style used by some animators. It is easier to keep the arms in one position than to draw them in motion. And it makes it look funnier.


Chosen answer: Seeing as this is *scripted* television, they of course knew.

JC Fernandez

Answer: No.


Question: In the courtroom scene, the mob guy suddenly pulls out a gun and attempts to kill Harvey Dent. How was he able to get a gun into the court building? Surely the metal detectors and/or security would have easily caught him?

Answer: Dent specifically describes it as a ceramic gun, which is presumably designed not to set off metal detectors. It's arguable that security should have frisked him more closely, but as the witness was expected to be cooperative, based on his previously sworn statement, it's understandable that they didn't consider him a major threat and simply relied on the metal detectors.


Question: When both Rohan and Gondor are at the Black Gate, there is a deleted scene where Aragorn fights with Sauron. How would this be possible seeing that Sauron can only come into physical form once Mordor have taken the ring?

Answer: He fights an emissary of Sauron's who's called "The Mouth of Sauron," not Sauron himself.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I know that this film was set in the 1990s but even then, was smoking permitted on US submarines? It would seem a bit odd given that the crew are relying on recycled oxygen.

Answer: In the most technical sense ("by the book") it is against policy. But then, the Marines do not allow tattoos and look how well that's enforced. It is up to the ship's Captain to enforce such regulations, and at sea, there's no one to penalize him if he chooses to let the crew smoke at certain times, given certain conditions.


Question: Regarding Paul and Eli. Are they actually twin brothers or is Paul an figment of Eli's imagination and Eli schizophrenic? As far as I remember Paul is only mentioned three times. At the beginning when he meets Daniel, when Eli attacks his father (and says 'you are as stupid as Paul!' and at the end, when Daniel mentions him. Are there any other bits I've missed? Or is it left open to interpretation?

Answer: There is nothing in the film to suggest anything other than that they are brothers. Paul sells out his family, takes the money and goes away. It is only natural that they would not want to speak of him later on. Daniel on the other hand, keeps a certain track on Paul, especially since he also got into the oil business and became a minor competitor to Daniel.


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