Question: Does anyone know what is the order of replacement for the captain on the Bridge? All I know is that Riker is the first, but is it the captain's choice after that?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Do Blackadder, Baldrick, George and Darling die at the end or is it kind of like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid where we don't really know?
Answer: It's exactly like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. No one knows for absolutely sure, but it is a near-certainty that they did because they were in the first wave charging across no man's land. Like BC and the SK, they stop the scene just as they were rushing in.
Question: According to the mistakes page, there's a shot of the Death Star hangar in the original theatrical version and a crew member walks in then realises he's in shot and walks back out. I have got the original on DVD and have searched each hangar shot and can't find it. Anyone help?
Question: Why exactly does the radio in the movie (and the game) react with static when a monster approaches? I've never been able to figure this out.
Answer: It's either simply the same phenomenon explored in the film "White Noise," or it could be Dark Alessa warning them. She doesn't want the mother to be killed; but she does need to refine the mother's will, for the final conrontation with Christabella, with tests of emotional and physical endurance.
Question: At the end of the movie, Jennifer asks Doc about the note she got from the future that became erased when Marty did not participate in the race with Needles. Doc's answer to her question is that her future had not been written yet, and he goes on to say that no-one's future has been, but if that is so, then how come in the previous movies he could travel into the future with Marty to see Marty's future?
Answer: What they saw was one possible future, not a definitively laid down one - one of the key plot devices in the series is that making changes in the past will affect the future. As such, what Doc's saying is that, while they've seen one possible future, actions that they take in the present can change it for the better (or worse).
Question: What is the significance of that guy at the gas station, as he closes the door on the cannibals' truck, is he one of the inbred family or what?
Answer: The chosen answer is incorrect. In part 2, the old man turns out to be one of them. He tells Dale, you killed my boy! The 3 cannibals are his sons.
Answer: Both answers are correct. In the first movie, it isn't clear what the old man's relationship to them is, but is implied they leave him alone in exchange for leading people to them. In the second movie, its established that he is their father. However, if you're going by the first movie alone, he does appear to be afraid of them, which is why he shuts the garage door when he sees their truck approaching.
Answer: This is hard to understand. In the first movie he is scared of them. In the second movie and its sequels and prequels he is helping them and caring for them.
Question: I own a copy of the DVD, and the cover says "We're back". Why does it say this? It's the first film.
Question: What does Hank mean when he tells Nora (in the car) that he's sure paying for her family?
Answer: He is paying for her family in an emotional way. He wants to be with Nora but has to put up with the young kid's antics.
Question: Heres something I never quite understood. Back in One-eyed Willie's day it seems they were Spanish speaking. What with the Spanish Armada and all. So why is it that the Treasure Map is written in Spanish, but rhymes in English?
Chosen answer: Well, his ship is hidden in America where the people spoke english, so perhaps it was done for the benefit of those who were most likely to find the map. Must have been his idea of a joke.Actually though, I'm betting it was the result of the filmmakers not thinking that through.
Question: If Matthew and his partner are paid so little, how does he afford the high-tech equipment in his apartment? I doubt that whoever made his sleeping-pod thing would have accepted sports equipment in payment.
Question: When the Brian and Roman are telling each other to shut up, in the scene by Verone's pool, Monica comes over and as she sits down, she mouths something to Brian. What does she say?
Answer: It looks like she says "Hi" but she says it so quietly it is not picked up by a microphone. Also, if you turn the volume up, you can sort of make out, "Hi" as her lips move.
Question: Can you really overdose on nicotine patches?
Chosen answer: Yes you can. Quoting from "Symptoms of a nicotine overdose include nausea; vomiting; watering mouth; diarrhea; abdominal pain; cold sweat; headache; dizziness; disturbed hearing and vision; confusion; weakness; weak, irregular heartbeats; chest pain; seizures; and death."
Question: Tim Russ' (brief appearance) is listed on IMDB as "Enterprise-B Tactical Lieutenant". I'm not enough of a Trekkie to know - would it be feasible for him to be Tuvok? How long is it supposed to be in the Star Trek universe between this film and Voyager? Do Vulcans live that long?
Answer: Vulcans do live that long (300+ years), but it is not Tuvok. For one, his ears and eyebrows are human, not Vulcan, for another, Voyager tells us he left Starfleet for over 40 years shortly after the Khitomer conference, which was before Enterprise-B entered service.
Answer: To attempt to provoke Ethan to come out of hiding.
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Answer: According to rank and seniority, the chain of command is: Picard, Riker, Data, LaForge, Troi and Worf as of the series finale. Troi was added when she took command school, Tasha Yar would have been between Geordi and Worf, and Wesley or Ro Laren would have been after Worf had they not left the Enterprise.
Grumpy Scot
This has changed over the series but it all depends on who is available and rank has little to do with it. When Worf became the Security chief after Tasha died, he essentially became the fourth in Command (with some exceptions IE: Commander Shelby in The Best of Both Worlds) from then on. Even though Crusher, Geordi, and Troi all outrank him, Worf is a Bridge Officer, so that apparently elevates him in the chain of command over higher ranking Officers.