Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I am a little puzzled by one of Mr. Finch's last investigations towards the end of the movie. As he meets with Dominic to ask him "the question" about the release of the viruses, the two of them also research files of the final three missing involved members, one of whom was Rokewood. Yet after they leave the meeting in the dark with "Rokewood" and are again in the office, Finch states to the man on the phone that Rokewood has indeed been dead twenty years. If Rokewood had been dead already, wouldn't Finch have known that he was being stood up by V (playing the part of "Rokewood") earlier as they met?

Answer: Finch isn't telling the man on the phone that Rokewood is dead, he's simply repeating what the man on the other end of the phone is saying.

Matt Lynch

Question: Why was Daisy keeping the old chicken dinners under her bed?

Answer: It is very common for bulimics, as Daisy was, to be embarrassed by the food they eat. It's only natural for her to want to hide her eating habits. She states that when she gets 5, she has to throw them away. You can imagine the smell of 5 rotting chicken carcasses under your bed after 2 weeks. Her father seemed to be a very powerful man so therefore she has some special treatment and is allowed to indulge a little. As long as she's eating, they'll let her have the chicken.


Question: When Bill and Ted are captured by King Henry and his men, King Henry tells his men to put them in the "iron maiden" (or something to that fact). Bill and Ted get excited before King Henry tell his guards to execute them. What was the joke I missed? What is an iron maiden and what did Bill and Ted think it meant in order for them to get excited about it?


Chosen answer: In the time of King Henry, "iron maiden" was a torture device. To Bill and Ted "Iron Maiden" was a heavy metal band.


Question: Why would Gabriella even audition for a musical if she knew from the start that she is afraid to sing with people staring at her? Doesn't she realize if she gets the part an entire audience will be watching?

Answer: Well at the start she was just doing it for fun and because Troy was doing it. But as they went on she just wanted to get the role because it would have showed the school that she wasn't the freaky geeky nerd girl. So she put out all the thoughts of the audience till they actually had to be there.


Question: At the beginning, when Lincoln and the others are in the elevator, the computer voice says the date. I remember it saying July 2019, but on what day exactly? I keep thinking it was the 18th, but I just want to be sure.

Answer: The date is July 18th, 2019.


Answer: She did not see herself reprising that role unless Rebecca had made a huge change like becoming a psychiatrist.

Paul Pepiton

Answer: I read somewhere that it was because she was a Scientologist, and they don't believe in psychiatry. So joining a show that was so much based around that profession she considered it was somehow going against her beliefs.

Question: The mistakes page says that a fly lands on Wolverine's shoulder. What scene is this?

Answer: This is when he is visiting the Professor's grave.

Paul Pepiton

Show generally

Question: I've read that the shows creators are friends with Mike Judge, the creator of King Of The Hill. Is this one reason why, in the "Cartoon Wars" episode, the boys walk through the King Of The Hill studio without anything happening or any insults being made?

Answer: This is more likely because they mean to imply that nothing ever happens on that show.

It's a reference to all the scenes in which Hank Hill stands around with his friends, drinking beer and sometimes not saying much.

My Old Friend's New Friend - S4-E1

Question: Why would Carla and Turk come straight back from holiday with their luggage and in their normal clothes? Wouldn't they drop that off first? Carla still has her suitcase while Turn and JD are trying to get together?

Answer: I don't think there is really anything mysterious to them not going straight home and dropping off their clothes. Turk was pretty keen to see JD again and perhaps decided it was easier to catch up with him right then, then go home and come back to the hospital. Maybe going to the hospital was on their way to going back home, no real definite answer.


Show generally

Question: Can anyone tell me the episode where, Arnold and all of his friends go to get ice cream. And then, at the end they find the lady that lost her head by her scarf?


Chosen answer: The episode you are thinking of is Headless Cabbie.


Question: Why does Boba Fett have a braid of blonde hair on one of his shoulders?

Answer: Those are Wookiee scalps he has collected in his years as a bounty hunter. He wears them as a "badge of honor", to prove that he is capable of taking down even very dangerous opponents in single combat.


Question: How did V get thousands of Guy Fawkes masks manufactured and shipped on a train without the government knowing about it?

Answer: Those masks are mass produced anyway. They're novelties. He probably got them shipped through some sort of deceit, the same way he stole all the items in his home.


Bad to the Bone - S4-E18

Question: What is the translation of the song "Ein seltener Vogel" played in this episode when Warrick and Grissom are exhuming the body from the back yard?

Answer: The English title is ' A Rare Bird'. This is the link for the lyrics:


Question: At the end when Frodo sails off, this means he is dead. I just want to know when did he die? Was it when he was stabbed in the shoulder by the Dark Rider?

Answer: No, it doesn't mean that he's dead. He's leaving with the elves to live with them in their original homelands, allowed special dispensation to go because of his actions during the War of the Ring. When he's there, the magical nature of the place will mean that he won't suffer the after-effects of his wound from the Witch King; doesn't mean that he was killed by that wound, though.


Question: How come Gaylord 'admits' to being Jorge's father after being injected with the truth serum? We find out later that Jorge's actual father was the baseball player, so why would Gaylord lie about being the father - especially after being injected with truth serum?.

Answer: Truth serum doesn't automatically make you speak the absolute truth - all it can do is make you say what you believe to be the truth. If Gaylord believed himself to be Jorge's father, then he would say that under the truth serum, even if it ultimately turned out not to be the case.


Gaylord (Greg) was also drunk when he went on his monologue of spilling "secrets" about others in the room.

Question: In some of the fight scenes in the Star Wars movies, and other ones, one of the people fighting will quickly twirl/spin around. Is there any reason for doing that move?

Answer: If you are talking about the light sabre fights, that is a sword fighting move that some fighters will use. Occasionally, a sword fighter will find himself in a weak position that would give the opponent an easy strike to move in a more conventional way. The spin is a way to strike while putting distance between yourself and your opponent. I have some experience in Japanese katana fighting and the spin is not a move I like because it puts your back to the opponent - but it is useful in the right conditions. And it looks exciting - which is probably why they used it in Star Wars.

Zwn Annwn

Answer: They're all human, just with various mystical alterations based on sea life. Known crewmen include Angler, Broondjongen, Clanker (who fights with the chain shot), Crash, Morey, Finnegan, Greenbeard (the navigator), Hadras (who has his head knocked off by Jack when retrieving the chest), Jelly, Jimmylegs (the feared bosun), Koleniko, Maccus (the first mate, with the hammerhead shark look), Manray, Ogilvey (the main gunner), Old Haddy, Palifico (Jones' principal bodyguard), Penrod, Piper, Quittance, Ratlin, the Twins (who appear joined), Urchin, Wheelback (with the ship's wheel sticking out of his back), Wyvern (the one who was almost entirely joined with the ship), and, of course, Bootstrap Bill (Will Turner's dad).


Question: I'm a little confused about how Elizabeth's father dies. He mentions something about stabbing the heart when they see him in the row boat, but if he had stabbed it, wouldn't he be the captain of the Flying Dutchman?

Answer: He was murdered off-screen by the East India Company because he found out too much about their plans. His comment about stabbing the heart was merely him passing on one of the bits of information that he was killed for having discovered.


Question: How come the boy in the beginning of the film has one of the nine coins? Who is he? And since Elizabeth was waiting for Will to return to shore, does that make Will a free man and severed from his bonds from the ship? Lastly, how when Will took over as captain of the Dutchman, all the crew members resumed human forms again?

Answer: The "nine pieces of eight" were never actually coins. The boy just has a plain piece of eight, a fairly common coin. No, Will is not freed from the captaincy but he is allowed back on shore for 1 day every 10 years. The crew slowly became part "fish" when Davy Jones stopped conveying the souls of those who die at sea to the land of the dead. Since the Dutchman had a new captain, who had yet to fail in that duty, the "curse" was lifted.


Answer: It was said by one of the producers that Will could return back to Elizabeth and their son (forever) when he finished his first 10 Years on the Dutchman and that a new captain would have been found but for some reason they took this part out.

Question: What is the significance of the singing in the beginning of the movie?

Answer: When this song is sung, it summons the pirate lords to hold another brethren court. This is why Beckett was hanging them all: to get them to sing, bringing all the pirates to one location where he could exterminate them all in one strike.


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