Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After Dre threw dirty water on Cheng and his friends they chased him to an isolated area and punched him hard several times in the stomach. Then Mr. Han jumped in and stopped them. But how did Mr. Han know Dre was in trouble and how did he know where to go to help him?

Answer: Most likely, at some point during the chase, he spotted the guys after Dre and knew he was in trouble.

Question: If Edward is now part of the team, does Hansel know that he saved Gretel from Berringer and his goons?

Answer: Yes.

Answer: I don't think it's ever explained why Mac refused to tell Hawke where St. John is.

Question: What does Jane Powell say when they arrive at the barn raising after she hugs the girls, she brought what?

Answer: She says, "I've brought stuff for the collation pies and such"

Question: Why are the gang members so spread out? I know there was the truce but surely they would he wary of anything going wrong? I know they needed to show off the different gangs but you will see one member of a gang in the middle of 4-5 members of the same gang, surely people would be more cautious than this.


Answer: There was a truce, but just in case you want different members in different parts of the crowd to see all angels and all exits in case of something. You plan if something goes wrong where everybody will be.

Question: In Xenoblade Chronicles, Shulk says that the Monado can't cut people. If this is true, how does the Monado damage the human fighters in Smash 4?

Answer: It is possible that it can make pain without cutting them.

Answer: Even though it's never seen, they were most likely sent to live with other relatives. What happened to them after that is unknown.

Question: Who is the little person / dwarf who follows Piangi around? (00:08:55)

Answer: He is a person born with dwarfism and is following Piangi as a side of comic relief for the audience and he is as a sort of circus act.

Answer: Sound designer Matthew Wood said they retired the Wilhelm scream after The Force Awakens, and that a new scream sound would make an appearance from Rogue One onwards. He didn't give any detail but Metaflix theorised the new scream was from WALL-E, although ABC News said sources told them the new audio easter egg was a scream by George Lucas recorded for American Graffiti.


Question: Why did Charlie spray paint graffiti in the gym near the beginning of the movie?

Answer: He was getting back at his principal because she hates Christmas.

Question: Why did Rosemary want to see her husband's left shoulder?

Answer: To see if he had been given some type of mark indicating he had been initiated into a coven. Something like "666" (Satan's mark) being tattooed on him.


Answer: The Warden tells them to stop it, but Paul says "He's still want me to stop it while he's still alive?" They could've stopped it, but that would've left Del horribly burned and disfigured. They chose to continue until he was dead, then they shut off the chair.

Show generally

Question: What's with the earth ships lowering or raising shields for beaming and ships to come in and out, and why do they keep changing it all the time?


Answer: Shields are shields, and until Odyssey got the Asgard treatment in Unending, nothing can go through them. No transporting and no docking. After Unending, it is shown in Atlantis that beaming can be done through the shields, but not docking. They never changed this but once. Anything else is just a goof.

Well you do see X302 flying out of the ship during a battle and shields are up, but in Atlantis season 5 episode 1 they lower their shields for puddle jumpers to come on on board. I understand that some ships can pass through Shields and some can't. Ancient ships can go through Atlantis shield. Pegasus Asgard could go through an Atlantis shield until they made modifications to prevent that.


The shields only work in one direction. Things can travel out of the shields, such as the missiles and railgun fire. This includes the F-302s. The puddle jumpers needed to enter the shields, which cannot be done without lowering them.

Answer: It's never explicitly stated in the show.

Question: How did Truman make a fake body sleeping and a hole in the closet while all cameras were watching?

Answer: There's a scene between Christof and Simeon where they discuss the fact that Truman has been moving things in the basement, but he "gave up and fell asleep." Truman tricked them into thinking he was upset about Meryl leaving and used the activity to mask what he was actually doing.

Answer: Basically he got lucky that the camera angles weren't perfect. He knew he was being watches so he slowely and silently snuck out of bed and placed the doll. It's just luck that they didn't use the clearer angle of him sleeping until after he switched. The audio was focussed on that so they couldn't hear anything else going on in the room.


Question: Since werewolves stop ageing, wouldn't humans notice?


Answer: The werewolves in the Twilight series are Quiliute Native Americans who mostly live on their reservation, have their own school, own legal system, etc. Being as it's a rather cloistered society, it would be easy for certain members to generally go unnoticed.


Question: Why are the Volturi even needed? If humans know about vampires, there's nothing they can do about it. What if a vampire uploads a video of themselves to YouTube, and it instantly goes viral?


Answer: People do not know vampires exist. The only thing known is through myths and legends, which no-one believes is real. The Volturi exist to act as a centralized, albeit loose, form of vampire government, that other vampires rely on to maintain their community. Any vampire breaking the laws or doing anything that exposes their world faces death, so it's unlikely any would violate the code of secrecy.


Question: What reason did the British general give for having opened fire on the unarmed crowd?

Answer: Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer has said his intent "was not to disperse the meeting but to punish the Indians for disobedience." Earlier that day, Dyer has banned all meetings to avoid any insurrection, but many still gathered to celebrate and protest. Dyer saw it as defiance of his order and thought it could be another mob insurgent he had seen earlier. Some reports also state while the crowd was "unarmed", that only referred to being unarmed with firearms and many in the crowd did have other types of weapons. It also seems at the time it was standard practice for the British Army to use necessary lethal force for civilian crowd control, although many saw Dyer's action to be in excess.


Question: What reason did Bella give Charlie for going to Italy?


Answer: It's unknown if she gave Charlie a reason. As she was 18-years old, she was free to go. She may have generally told him it had to do with Edward being in trouble, but would not have gone into details.


Question: Wasn't Rocky supposed to have a brain injury from Rocky V, that prevents him from fighting?


Answer: This is true, however it was something invented for Rocky V that was supposed to be from Rocky IV that was only introduced into V after. V is considered to be the worst film of the series with very poor reception. Stallone himself has even gone on record saying that he hates V. So this sixth film almost pretends that film never happened. V is still technically canon with this film, however six basically ignores a lot of problem with that film and tries to recton it. Does this create inconsistencies and continuity issues with the series? yes. Is the film better for it? Definitely. So where as that was supposed to be the case after V, they pretty much said with this film that no... we are not doing that any more pretend V didn't happen... but it did happen. It's a soft reboot in a way.

Quantom X

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