Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Anthony's first communion - I can see why it might be seen as a big deal, but enough to warrant such a grandiose celebration? Do other wealthy Italian families have such elaborate ceremonies for such occasions?

Answer: First communions, especially in countries/cultures that are deeply Catholic (like Sicilians), often come with big parties; the wealthier the family, the bigger the party. There's no reason why a family as wealthy and powerful as the Corleones couldn't throw an elaborate party, for whatever reason they want, if the mood strikes them. It's also a "front" of sorts; similar to Connie's wedding in the first film, the Don (Michael) invites people he wants to have meetings with (his capos, politicians he has bought/wants to buy/needs to speak to), so his son's first communion is as good a cover as any.

Question: When Marty arrives back in the alternate 1985, he's attacked by a black man when he unknowingly breaks into what he thought to be his home. Could this man be former mayor Goldie Wilson?

Answer: No, it's a different character and a different actor. Goldie Wilson is played by Donald Fullilove. The dad with the bat who chases Marty out of the house is played by Al White.


That doesn't necessarily mean that it's two different characters; George McFly, for example, was portrayed by both Crispin Glover using archived footage from the first film and Jeffrey Weissman in newly filmed footage. While the character played by Al White is credited simply as "Dad", there's no confirmation either way whether this was an alternate version of Goldie Wilson.


The answer is correct, the Dad is not meant to be Goldie Wilson. In the novelization of the film, he's given the name "Lewis." And while some characters were recast, Donald Fullilove (the actor that played Goldie) himself already appears in "Back to the Future Part II", so it's not like they recast him.


Unless there's any indication it's the same charector, or at least a clue to point in that direction, then there's no reason at all to assume it "might" be.


While there was no clear-cut answer on whether this was Goldie, I think it is safe to assume it is not him. This franchise has shown to make recurring characters very noticeable, even minor ones, such as the homeless man that Marty recognizes in 2 different timelines. Yes, sometimes actors get recast, as they did with George McFly and Jennifer Parker, but they made it quite clear they were playing the same character. I see absolutely nothing that would even suggest this was Goldie Wilson.


Jeffrey Weissman is credited as "George McFly", Crispin Glover is credited as "George McFly (archive footage) ", Donald Fullilove is uncredited but listed as "Goldie Wilson II" (on imdb). Al White being credited as "Dad" actually confirms to a T that he is not "Goldie Wilson" and nothing in that scene even remotely suggests that the family father portrayed by Al White might be Goldie Wilson from 1985-A (other than a viewer seeing a person of color and drawing conclusions). There also is no cause to question whether or not the "Dad" was supposed to be any other person of color seen in any of the 1985 timelines. (Not that another POC in that timeline would come to mind).

Glover is not credited the same way as Fullilove is since he's credited only as "archive footage" and Fullilove is uncredited. Glover doesn't physically appear in part 2 as Fullilove did.


I stand corrected and have edited my post. Thank you.

Answer: Also, the 1985 Goldie Wilson's picture was shown on a moving vehicle in part 1, and he looked very different from the father with the bat in part 2.

Answer: It could not be Goldie Wilson. In 1955, Goldie Wilson looks to be around in his early 20s in the cafe. This would put him to be early 50s in 1985. The father only looks to be in his 30s.

Question: Christine needs $10,000 for a dangerous seance, so she goes to the shed to gather up some items to pawn, whereupon she again encounters Lamia (as Mrs. Ganush). Christine uses her ice skate to slash a rope that conveniently drops a 100-lb blacksmith's anvil on the demon's head. After the demon vanishes, the anvil, rope and chain are seen on the floor where they fell, so it wasn't just a fantasy sequence. Why does petite little Christine Brown (or anybody, for that matter) have a 100-lb blacksmith's anvil suspended 8 feet in the air with rope and chain out in the shed?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Because it's a film and Sam Raimi obviously thought it was funny. But I did also wonder.

Question: After kidnapping Mrs Lundegaard, the kidnappers return to Brainerd where they get pulled over and it all falls apart. My question is... Why do they return to Brainerd? They end up keeping her in a cabin near the twin cities metro area. So they drive down to the cities from Brainerd, kidnap her, return to Brainerd where they're pulled over, and then return again to the cities to lie low in a cabin. So why make that initial return to Brainerd? They likely had the cabin arranged in advance.


Answer: I was confused and questioned why things occurred in certain places - Fargo vs. Brainerd vs. Minneapolis vs. The cabin's location, identified as Moose Lake near the end of the movie. Other than the beginning barroom meeting in Fargo between Jerry and Carl/Gaear, I didn't see the significance of Fargo. Jerry and his wife (kidnapping victim) lived in Minneapolis. The murders took place in Brainerd, and Chief of Police Margie eventually investigated some leads in Minneapolis. We don't know where the kidnappers planned on holding Mrs. Lundegaard. IF the kidnappers were from Fargo or even Brainerd, they may have been planning on taking her to one of their homes and were in the process of driving there when pulled over by Brainerd Police. No one was supposed to get hurt, but the murders occurred and their plan was no longer going as expected. Instead of continuing to a home, it may now have made more sense to "hide" somewhere to avoid getting caught. Moose Lake could have been chosen.


This change in plans would mean they did NOT already have the cabin rented. Maybe Carl or Gaear owned it, but didn't initially intend to use it because they were not really committing a kidnapping and preferred to go home.


Question: During the USS Indianapolis speech, Quint says a "big fat PBY" came to pick them up. Whats a PBY?


Answer: He's talking about a Consolidated PBY Catalina, which was an amphibious plane (meaning it could land on water) used in WWII. PB stands for Patrol Bomber (the Y designated the manufacturer, Consolidated Aircraft).


Answer: Hard to tell, but here is my test to see if House had any genuine feelings for anyone throughout the series. Did House do anything for or to that person that was not in furtherment of some other agenda? The producers played with this notion many times leaving us to guess if House was acting compassionately or selfishly. I would say no, he didn't love her, but was pleased that they both benefited from the arrangement.

Question: When Odie gets sent the picture of a blue moon, why didn't Patrick simply inform her that the wrong file was sent and send her the right file?

Answer: He tried to, but she interrupted him when she say how everyone liked it at the party.

Question: During the hill top fight between VL and 3P, Spiders Impala doesn't show any damage until the end when it shows the windshield with a shotgun blast. Was that shooting part of an extended scene that was cut in editing?

Answer: Extended part.

Question: Was any Super Sentai footage used in this movie?

Answer: No. All footage in this film is original to this production.


Question: Sour Bill imprisons Felix in the dungeon to make up for not doing so with Ralph. Why did he want to lock Ralph in there in the first place?

Answer: There are numerous reasons. Mainly, because Sour Bill works for King Candy and King Candy didn't want Ralph to "go Turbo" and take over Sugar Rush, especially after he had already gone through the trouble of reprogramming the game. (Being Turbo himself, King Candy was playing along, embodying his Sugar Rush character for appearances-sake) Secondly, Ralph had just trashed the audience stands. Later, he busted into the bakery and helped Vanellope make a cart.

Answer: Regents park.

Question: Why does Leland refuse to help Leslie from the Sea Swine down the pit?


Answer: Because he cares more about proving the Sea Swine works than he does about his nephew.


Question: Why doesn't Ed go to school like Dexter?

Answer: We don't know that he doesn't. He could simply go to a different school where the school year ends slightly earlier. It's also possible that he's already graduated or dropped out.


Question: When Bluto was meeting in private with Wimpy, what were they talking about?

Answer: One, Bluto is a bully and threatened him, after all his name is Wimpy. Plus he most likely offered to buy him a hamburger, which he would have paid next Tuesday.

Answer: How did Bluto convince Wimpy to do it?

Answer: To grab Swee'pea, while everyone was cheering Popeye for dunking the Tax Collector.

Question: One thing that always confused me is why was it necessary to jettison Discovery after it was used as a booster rocket? Why couldn't they just keep it attached to the Leonov as they made their escape?

Answer: If they didn't, any further manoeuvring would require much more fuel. They would be moving the mass of two ships.

Answer: They needed to lighten their load, to make it go faster. In Back to the Future Part III, after hijacking the train, the Doc and Marty unhooked the passenger cars to lighten the load.

Question: When Luke drops formula 86 into the Cress soup, why did the cook witch not turn into a mouse immediately? The Grand High Witch said that more than five doses causes an instant transformation into a mouse and Luke dumped the whole bottle in the soup which contained five hundred doses so the witch should have turned into a mouse immediately.

Answer: The potion was made for little children, not adults. It would have taken longer to go through their entire system.

Mama's Baby, Carlton's Maybe - S3-E5

Question: Cindy seemed fine with the Banks' wanting a paternity test, but Carlton later reveals that he is a virgin. So what exactly was Cindy planning to do? The test would reveal that Carlton was not her son's father, and she would need to admit to the Banks that she lied. Why stay there and wait for a negative test?

Answer: The major plot point was Carlton was willing to let his family believe he was the father rather than admit he was a virgin. As long as he kept lying about not being a virgin, Cindy wouldn't necessarily have to lie, she could just claim she wasn't sure and thought it was Carlton's.


Also, her parents had kicked her out of their home. If nothing else, the DNA test would give her an excuse to stay with the Banks family for a few days.


Answer: Cindy was taking advantage of Carlton. He had liked her for years and his parents are wealthy. She wanted to persuade him to marry her and raise the child as his own, no matter what his parents said about the paternity test.

Show generally

Question: How come Chloe didn't tell the other group what happened when she was kidnapped and held by Alves after she been rescued? She told the group on her cell phone that she will talk about it later but she never did.

Answer: My assumption would be a simple "it's not important" explanation. It's one of those typical selfless things in film where the characters don't provide specific information as to not make other characters worry about them, in addition to her intelligence background she may have just thought it would distract them from their main goal. Nothing really "happened" to her that would really drive plot development either, as she was quickly rescued from the situation. A similar example would be when Chloe called right after the speech she gave, Jamie doesn't tell her that Jackson was shot, just that he was hurt and that he'll be OK. We can assume that she just doesn't want Chloe to worry about him.

Answer: The first actress, Cloris Leachman appeared in the TV movie which ended up being the pilot for the series. At the time, Leachman was already starring in her own TV series "Phyllis" (a spin off her role in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"). This was actually the 2nd TV movie meant to be a pilot and the first one wasn't picked up. It's likely she thought the show would be picked up. After season 1, in which Carolyn Jones played the role, ABC was slow to make a decision to pick up the series for season 2 and CBS picked up the series. When CBS picked up the series, they changed the time setting of the show and replaced all the actors, with the exception of Carter and Waggoner (with Waggoner playing a different role technically), resulting in Beatrice Straight being cast.


Answer: It is typical to recast non-regular cast members in a TV series, usually because they are no longer available or another actor was better suited for the part. Non-regular actors move on to other acting jobs during a series' run. Cloris Leachman, Carolyn Jones, and Beatrice Straight, who played Hippolyta, were well-known character actresses who were billed as "Guest Stars." Cloris Leachman was only in the show's pilot episode and was on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Carolyn Jones played Hippolyta during Season 2, then was cast in the TV mini-series "Roots." Beatrice Straight played Hippolyta in the final season.


Question: What does the waitress call the sheriff in the cafe scene when she gives him the sandwich?

Answer: She says "diablo and doc" referring to the diablo sandwich and Dr. Pepper he ordered.


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