Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why did Anna get so mad over Ryan killing Carly? If it were not for him, all of them would have died. All of them were almost dying when Ryan injected Carly. But after they were all release from the chains, Anna got so angry with Ryan and attacked him and said to him "Fucking asshole." It turns out that she killed her baby just because her baby didn't stop crying in the past. So she is not the type of the person who cares about people's lives very much.

Bunch Son

Answer: She's just trying to maintain a moral high-ground over Ryan. Plenty of people do that all the time, especially in stressful situations.


Question: Why was Edgar asking for Halloran on the roof? Was that his game where he had to kill Halloran or trigger the remote?

Bunch Son

Answer: Spoilers: As revealed at the end, Halloran is a crooked cop who has a past connection to Edgar. Edgar therefore wanted him there, since he presumably assumed Halloran could help him out of this jam. It's also possible that Edgar's tape instructed him to find Halloran, but we can't know this for certain, since it wasn't on-screen.


Question: The dirty cop who shot Costigan; how did he end up there? Costigan names the time and location over the phone to Sullivan. He also states while on the roof to Anthony Anderson that he called him for verification of who he was. That relates back to their time at the Academy together. It's a bad gaffe in the climax of the story. It's like he just magically appears, unless I'm missing something. Any answers as to how that other rat in the staties on behalf of Costello who kills Costigan ended up at that point to kill William?

Answer: If Leo was in the lineup for Costello's crew, why didn't Anthony Anderson pick him up in the line up while investigating Costello? They had pictures of the whole crew. Anthony Anderson was in SIU. Bothers me.

Pick him out as what? Someone who supposedly washed out of the academy and turned to crime? Costello knows this - it's part of Costigan's cover.

Answer: The implication based on the dialogue is that Trooper Barrigan had been following Sullivan ever since he discovered that Costello was an FBI informant. He states that because of Costello's actions, the two of them have to stick together now and look out for each other.


Question: Can turtles actually feel their shell being touched?

Answer: Yes they can. Turtle shells have nerves in them which allow them to sense even light touches.


Answer: The range of the sling rings hasn't been defined. They were in deep space at this point, so they may have been too far away for Strange to open up a portal on Earth for them to step through.


In Endgame, Strange opens at least one portal from across the galaxy. For example, we see the one opened from Titan that he, Spiderman, and the Gaurdians all come through. Unless his sling powers suddenly increased after the great purge, he should have been able to open a portal from deep space on the ship.


That's right, I somehow forgot about that. I don't have an answer for it then.


Answer: The Q Ship was travelling in some form of hyperspace. It would be reasonable to assume that the slingring could not work under those circumstances. When he does use it later, it is from the surface of the planet Titan.

And when they arrive on Titan his idea to protect the time stone changes. He instead looks at different time-lines.


Why would it be different in hyperspace? The ship has its own gravity.

Sam Montgomery

By definition, hyperspace exists outside normal time and space. Depending on how the sling ring works, it may not be able access normal space.

About Last Night - S3-E9

Question: Dexter tests the blood on Miguel's shirt, to see if it's Freebo's. It looks like he's just using a DNA sequencer and the blood result comes back "bovine." Can a DNA sequencer differentiate which species the blood came from like that? Or perhaps he was using a different type of blood analysis machine? Is there an analysis machine that's capable of that? I thought the way to test if blood is human or not, "anti-human serum" is mixed with the blood to see if it will clot. So wouldn't the only way to tell it was bovine blood is to inject it with "anti-bovine serum"?


Answer: The short answer is yes, it could. but, it would have to be set up to analyze results to differentiate species. The sequencer will report the base pairs for any properly prepared sample, but interpreting the results is a software package. The software is available, but I would think it unlikely that an analysis package used in a forensics lab would have the capability to be so specific. More likely it would report "Non Human Sequences Found."

Question: In the lunchroom cafeteria scene after Cheng sadistically and purposefully slams Dre's lunch tray all over him and knocking it over, Cheng says something to the teacher in Mandarin that is omitted by the English subtitles before Dre yells "Whatever he's saying, he is lying." What is Cheng saying?

Answer: Whatever Chang said, he said it too fast. I am Cantonese but I understand a bit of Mandarin. Even in 0.5 speed I either can't understand it or he said it too fast. I made out his last words (in ping ying), "ta Dar wour," that means, "he fought me." However, the rest might be the other reason why he flipped Dre's lunch.

He said, "I bumped into him and I apologised but he hit me."

Question: Near the end, the guards turned into animals when Pacha knocks the potions at them and Izma turns after crushing one. Why didn't Kronk turn when he poured his potion on his shoulder while pretending?

Answer: The potion was consumed by Kuzco - he drank it. As for the others it looks like they inhaled it while it was in smoke form. Maybe it needs to be ingested somehow in order for the person to turn into an animal.

There was a scene that showed Yzma pouring the potion onto a cactus which, she thought at the time, was poison. In the next scene, the cactus had taken on the shape of a llama. This could imply that the potion could affect somebody any number of ways.

Answer: No, they're not. It was just a joke because they said they've only had 8 consecutive days of bliss, which just happened to be in December 2007, and it was the Dunphy's version of Hanukkah. They're just comparing it to Hanukkah because Hanukkah also lasts 8 days. The Dunphys have been shown to celebrate Christmas, with presents, Christmas tree, etc, and the Pritchetts have Christmas traditions (see s01e10 "Undeck the Halls").


Question: I'm confused about Mason's step-siblings. Is their mother dead or did she just leave their dad?

Answer: She is divorced from the dad. When Mason's mum leaves him with her kids she says that she has contacted their mother and child services.

Question: I believe that Carrie did not actually die at the end of the film and is waiting to torment Sue and whoever else messes with her. Anyone adhere to this?

Answer: That was always the impression I got until the sequel was released in 1999 (The Rage: Carrie 2) that made it clear Carrie White was definitively dead.


So her grabbing her arm, what was the purpose for that?

It was a nightmare, never happened, it was just Sue's imagination.

Answer: Her grabbing her arm was a guilt ridden nightmare that Sue had.

Question: At the end of the movie, when the ship finds Richard, Emmeline, and baby Paddy in the lifeboat, Richard's father asks if they are dead. A crewman tells him that they are only asleep. Are they really dead and the crewman was trying to spare his feelings by lying to him, or are they really only sleeping?

Answer: The ending is meant to be ambiguous, and is identical to the ending of the original novel on which the film is based. It is never answered whether they are alive or not.


Answer: At the end of the movie, it says they are only asleep. But in the second film (The Blue Lagoon: The Awakening), they say that they are dead. However, the child is not, because he didn't actually eat any of the dead and buried berries. Then they named the baby Richard because that was the first word baby Paddy could say. He probably said it a lot, so they thought that was his name.

Question: How does Coraline wake up in her room when she goes to sleep in the Other World? Is it part of the Other Mother's magic?

Answer: It's part of the other mother's trap. Coraline thinks she goes back home, but really, she's still in the other world.

Answer: She is waking up thinking she went back to normal but actually always stayed in the other world. It was a part of the Beldam's magic.

Answer: She isn't actually dreaming it's just an illusion by the beldam, so she can appreciate the other world.

Question: When Carrie begins using her power to get revenge on everybody, a quick shot shows Sue on her phone. Who was she calling? The screams of the students made it impossible to hear.

Answer: After seeing Carrie get soaked in blood and Tommy get killed by being hit with the bucket, Sue leaves the building. Sue returns while talking on the phone just in time to see Heather crash into the gym window due to Carrie's shock-wave. As Sue rushes away, still on the phone, we hear her say, "There's been an explosion!" Sue was most likely calling the police to tell them about the prank that Chris and Billy pulled, so she could get some help for Carrie. She then gave them more information upon witnessing Carrie's rage.

Answer: As the guardian of the Soul Stone, the Red Skull presumably just showed Steve the spot where he needed to return it. As for how Steve got to Vormir in the first place, he could have either borrowed a spaceship from Asgard or had Heimdall teleport him there via the Bifrost after returning the Reality Stone.


Asgard doesn't exist at the time Steve would return the stone.

It did when they took it so its still there when he brings it back. It's shortly before the dark elves attack.


Yes it does. Clint, Natasha, Rhodey and Nebula all traveled to Morag in 2014 when Quill took the Power Stone, at which point Clint and Natasha took the Guardians' ship and traveled to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone. Steve can travel to Asgard in 2014 and ask Heimdall to teleport him to both of those planets. Asgard wasn't destroyed until just before the events of Infinity War.


Question: Is it ever stated in the movie what Marcellus' reason was for Butch to throw the fight?

Answer: Marcellus was fixing the fight. Marcellus paid Butch a large sum of money to throw the fight so that he and others could bet even more money on Floyd to win the fight. If Butch had done what he was paid to do it would have been a guaranteed win for Marcellus.


Question: When Hitch is being set up at the zoo, how did the guy know to use Albert Brenneman's name? The only connection they had at that point was Vance. If they actually suspected Albert had help how did they not suspect Hitch already because of the art show tickets?

Answer: He should not have known. I think it is a plot hole.

Question: When the bell rings for the end of Indy's college class, what exactly is he pointing at?

Answer: He's not pointing at anything. When the bell rings, he makes a hand gesture that I interpret at "wait, class, one more thing before you go" (something I've done myself). From there, he's just moving his hands around as he speaks, which is a common thing for people to do.


Answer: He is way better than you and good looking.

Question: The Bandit and Buford come face to face in the diner. Buford orders a diablo sandwich, and then runs to the door and hollers at Jr and asks if he wants something - when Jr. orders, Buford's response was "We don't have time for that!" - then why even ask Jr to begin with, if that's going to be his answer?


Answer: Junior asks for hush puppies, which are basically deep-fried dough balls...they would probably take a couple of minutes to make. The diablo sandwich, on the other hand, seems to be prepared in advance, since the sheriff gets his seconds after asking for it. Still, hush puppies probably would have been ready by the time the sheriff finishes his conversation with the Bandit.

Answer: Depends what he ordered - if it was something more complicated than a diablo sandwich, they wouldn't have time. Or he's just being a jerk.

Answer: I think he said "Onion rings daddy" - but I guess it would depend on what consists of a Diablo sandwich that is easy to make as opposed to waiting to having the rings made (it's a trivial point, I know...but it's been bugging me).


He said hush puppies.

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