Question: Why is it Doc Brown and Principal Strickland both look the exact same age in 1955 and 1985?
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Answer: Technically you CAN see an age different in Strickland. First seen in 1985, he is FULLY BALD, and has some wrinkles and looks of retirement age. Then seen in 1955, he is mostly bald but still has some hair on the sides and does look younger (like 35 or 40) - no wrinkles.
Question: In the fight with Ryu and Ken in the courtyard, Vega uses a claw similar to his conventional one. How did he come into possession of that? He couldn't have smuggled it in because it would've been confiscated. I don't think that he had the materials necessary to make a new one either. So, where did it come from?
Answer: To this day books, magazines, phones, food and drugs have been smuggled into prisons, getting a hook smuggled into or made in a third world prison would be easy.
Question: When Ben and Fred are trying to call people with the calculator, why does the calculator randomly start playing "Help me Rhonda"?
Answer: They could only communicate via musical tones. They were trying to give Sandy clues as to where they were being held (playing 'Downtown' to let her know they were downtown). 'Help Me Rhonda' was a clue that they were in trouble.
Question: Are we to assume Gabriel lives on as a human on Earth after Father takes his wings? Can there be another reason Gabriel submerged into the water after his wings are burned off? Suicide maybe?
Answer: Gabriel would never commit suicide. That is a mortal sin and would put him in Hell. Yes, he lives his life as a mortal from now on, and like Constantine did, he has to prove himself to God again to be brought back into His good graces. Or wind up in Hell otherwise.
Question: Why does the probe even wish to talk to humpback whales?
Answer: It's stated by Spock in the movie, even if he is just speculating. He mentions that humans are not the only intelligent special on Earth, and that it's human arrogance to assume that the probe's signal, "Must be meant for man." The point is, the aliens were communicating with the whales, and when that communication stopped, they sent the probe to find out why.
Answer: There is a hypothesis by Spock that the probe was perhaps sent to find out why they didn't hear the whale song any more.
Answer: Wouldn't you if you could?
Question: At the end when Gamora and the Good Nebula are speaking, Gamora asks Nebula what happens in the future and Nebula responds that she tried to kill her many times, but they eventually became friends. Why didn't Nebula bother to tell Gamora that Thanos killed her to get the Soul Stone. Seems odd that she left that out.
Chosen answer: Nebula already alluded to Gamora being killed by Thanos earlier when she said something along the lines "You know what he does to you?" In this scene in question, Gamora is already disillusioned with Thanos and frees Nebula from captivity to battle him, thus it's not necessary to show the audience Nebula telling Gamora what Thanos did to her. She may have told her offscreen while they were on their way to find the evil Nebula.
Question: What game are Amy and Sheldon playing in the opening scene? It's an app on a phone.
Answer: Heads Up, developed by Ellen DeGeneres. I believe it originally began on her talk show with the use of index cards.
Question: How is Lydia able to see Adam and Barbara along with Beetlejuice? Did she have some sort of near death experience or maybe inherited something from her family?
Question: Assuming that Ripley wasn't infected with the queen before ending upon fury 161, would the facehugger implanted the queen embryo into the dog/ox or use one of the prisoners assuming it can choose which embryo to deposit first.
Answer: It could be the Facehugger either has a short life span or a short period of time to lay her egg.
Question: At Bruce Wayne's party, why does Knox (the reporter for the Gotham newspaper) seem to not know who Bruce Wayne is? Knox flat out asks him in the room with the life-size figures "Who are you?" Seems like Knox would know who such a prominent citizen of Gotham is. I understand Vicki Vale not knowing as she is a freelancer in from out-of-town, but Knox not knowing?
Answer: He considers himself a tough hard edge reporter, like Woodard and Bernstein, walking the gritty streets, going down dark alleys and coming face to face with the underworld's rogue's gallery. He regards the entertainment, gossip and high society pages as puff pieces worthy of Catherine "Cat" Grant of the Daily Planet. So he wouldn't recognize the wealthy blue blood types.
Respectfully, that's pure speculation. Bruce Wayne is the most well-known person in Gotham City and surely his name and photo would have been in the newspaper, on magazine covers and on the news many, many times. It makes no sense that Knox wouldn't know who he was. You might not care about Kim Kardashian, but most people would recognize a picture of her.
Answer: In the original comic book lore, young Bruce Wayne travelled the world for years seeking the expertise of the greatest cops, criminals, athletes and martial artists to become Batman. In the movie, "Batman'" had been active for a few months and was considered a urban legend, which means he may well have only recently returned from those travels. Also, at the party celebrating newly appointed Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne's seat was empty, was means he missed several other ceremonies. He was avoiding the spotlight. Forget "Batman Begins."
Question: Why did the robbers stick around after smashing the phone lines in the basement? Were they not at all concerned that Meg had enough time to call the police in that time?
Answer: It was a risk they took. They didn't know for sure if she called or not, but they probably figured that since the lines were down, that she may not have had enough time, and it was a risk they took. As seen later on, they find out that she only called her husband and not the police.
Question: What is the story sub plot or significance of the person planting and smuggling a small plant in the handle of a tennis racquet?
Answer: The woman hid the flower in her tennis racket to smuggle it out of the country, because it is a protected species and it would have been illegal to have it on your person. The reason for smuggling it was simply because she liked the flower.
Question: Why was the groundskeeper stealing the flowers?
Answer: The groundskeeper only mentions once that his wife likes flowers although the episode never explains or States why he was stealing them, but he was probably stealing them for his wife.
Question: When Margo obtains a blood sample from the Kothoga and runs it through her computer, excluding information that it was human, what other species shows up on the screen?
Answer: Reptilian creatures. Lizards, turtles, geckos, snakes, alligators and crocodiles.
Question: Harry Crumb thinks it is the tennis pro that is having sex with Helen Downing in the photos, implying that he never looked at the photos or saw the actual sex taking place. But this is contradicted by the fact that Harry Crumb says the "tennis pro's" male organ was small, proving that he saw the sex taking place. Is the answer that he only saw the man's male organ, but not his face?
Chosen answer: Yes, like Inspector Clouseau, he doesn't see the obvious.
Question: I know that Jason's father, Elias Voorhees, was supposed to appear in this movie. Why was this idea abandoned? For me it would have been interesting to see Jason's father. I just don't understand why was this idea scrapped.
Answer: Elias being removed from this movie was because the film studio didn't want to take on the responsibility of introducing Elias' background story for the next film.
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Answer: Doc doesn't really look the same age; his hair is shorter/blonder, and he doesn't have as many wrinkles. Christopher Lloyd was only in his mid-40s when the movie was made, so they actually used makeup to age him for the 1985 sequences. As far as Strickland goes, it's a joke in the film... Marty even asks, "Geez, didn't that guy ever have hair?" when he first sees him in 1955.