Question: What is the theme song that Peter is humming when he does the "siren luring sailors" cut-away?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Maybe I blinked, or maybe they cut a scene. How did Kong get tangled up in chains while he was fighting the big one?
Answer: The chains are anchor chains from the ship wrecks that were there.
Question: In the last movie, Optimus calls Megatron "brother." I didn't read the comics, but are they "blood related" or were just friends who held a very close bond to one another?
Answer: Optimus and Megatron were "brothers-in-arms" and were students of and worked for Sentinel Prime. Although Optimus finds out he is in fact a direct descendant of one of the Primes (Prima) while Megatron is not. So it's not brother as in physically related, but as in comrade.
Question: Does Winston have favoritism for John? Because he got excommunicated but Perkins from the first movie straight got straight up executed.
Answer: John's transgression was less severe than Ms. Perkins. John kills a man out of revenge for completely justifiable reasons, even though it is in direct violations of the rules of the Continental. Perkins kills Harry and attempts to kill John for money.
Question: In the beginning, the 3 officials talk about how good the recruits were back in the old days. What did they mean when they referred to "Johnson's?"
Answer: "Johnson" is a euphemism for a penis. They're saying every recruit was male.
Question: 2 questions about the T-rex urine. Why would the urine repel other dinosaurs? And what did he mean by "big one with a fin?"
Answer: The T-Rex urine would have the scent of the large predator and this would keep other, smaller dinosaurs away for fear of being eaten. Although this is complete nonsense, that's what the movie is going for. The big one with the fin is the Spinosaurus, the gigantic dinosaur that is hunting the group.
Answer: 1: because it's a form of territorial mark, besides I don't think anything other than a crazy Dino or man, would go into that type of zone 2: that "thing" is called a Spinosaurus, as Allan says to Billy while holding one of its teeth near the plane.
Question: When Eddie is going up to what he believes is Jessica's apartment, how was he able to survive being flattened on the elevator floor and then slammed on the roof of the elevator while all it took to kill his brother was a piano? Eddie even mentions that Teddy died in ToonTown.
Answer: It's possible that Teddy was crushed by a live-action piano rather than a cartoon piano.
Answer: Because the killer's intention was to murder Teddy all along, and saw to it that the piano would be lethal to him.
But how could a piano kill him if he was in Toon Town? When Eddie went up in the elevator, he was flattened against the floor and that didn't kill him considering that all of his organs were also flattened which should have resulted in his death. So, a piano being dropped on somebody should have the same affect as long as they're in Toon Town.
Question: It's said on DCwikia that Flash was able to recover the real world, but with some small changes. What could they be?
Answer: In the comics, Flashpoint kick started The New 52. A full reboot of the DC universe which saw many changes including superheroes being active for only 5 years, Batman's sidekicks being trained at the same time, the Teen Titans being a rookie group, none of the character having significant others, Flash being the first and only speedster, and many other changes too great to list here.
Answer: Another change was that Barry discovered he was no longer in a relationship with Iris but that Patty Spivot was now his girlfriend.
Question: I've been wondering, after the events of this movie, what happened to the Clone facilities on Kamino? Did the Empire takeover them and use them for their own advantage to grow Stormtroopers instead of Clones? In the game "Star Wars: Battlefront II," there's a mission where the Kaminoans would continue using them to make Clones to fight against the Empire, which would later on be destroyed by the Empire, and in "The Force Unleashed II" game, the Empire would've taken over the facilities with Vader. I would imagine "The Force Unleashed II" game being more canon plot-wise, but I'm not sure.
Answer: It's never specified. Though, once all the ordered clones were deployed it's safe to assume the Kaminoans didn't make any more. Since they had shut down their production, taking over and starting a new batch would take too much time for the empire so instead they were probably left alone and the Empire initiated a recruitment program to reinforce its ranks.
Question: If this movie is a sequel to the first Evil Dead, how come it only shows Ash and Linda driving up to the cabin and not the other friends? Also, why does it show Ash playing the recording and not Scotty, like in the first film?
Answer: Sam Rami could not get the footage of Evil Dead to use in the sequel, so he remade the movie in a shortened form for the beginning. Since Linda was the only original character other than Ash to come back he included her in the recap but deleted the others as not to waste time. An in universe answer could be that trauma of losing his friends made Ash block them out and rewrite history in his head, except for Linda who comes back to haunt him in the movie so he is forced to deal with it.
Question: I have 3 questions. 1) How come Obi-Wan lied to Luke by telling him that Darth Vader killed his father? 2) Why didn't Obi-Wan tell Luke that Leia was his sister? And 3) Why does Obi-Wan act like he doesn't know Leia?
Chosen answer: 1) Obi-Wan doesn't view this as being a strict lie. He states in Return of the Jedi that what he said about Vader betraying and murdering Luke's father is technically true, from a certain point of view. He keeps the details hidden to keep Luke from falling to the dark side the same way Anakin did. 2) The identity of Leia was kept secret to protect her from the emperor. Obi-Wan only tells Luke of her identity when Vader begins directly targeting Luke's friends to goad him into a confrontation. By this point there is no reason to keep the secret from Luke. 3) Because he doesn't. Obi-Wan was present at her birth and that's the only contact they've ever had. Leia specifically describes Obi-Wan as someone who once helped her father and nothing more. He knows her secret but he doesn't really know her personally.
Just commenting on your last answer. Leia didn't know that Darth Vader was her father and neither did Luke. However, Obi Wan did fight with Bail Organa, her adopted father so it could make sense either way.
Question: Why does everybody hate the idea in the special edition of Han shooting first?
Chosen answer: Because Han Solo had been established as a cunning, roguish antihero. The scene as it originally played out shows that Han is not afraid to get his hands dirty when facing danger. The altered scene is an awkward attempt to make it seem like Han is acting completely in self defense rather than as an assertive tough-guy, and in the process takes away part of the character's charm. In short it makes Han seem less "cool". It must also be pointed out that the Special Edition changes were met with very strong fan backlash almost unilaterally, Greedo shooting first is just seen by some as a perfect example of why the changes were unnecessary.
Answer: In the original, Greedo doesn't even fire a shot. The film established Han as more ruthless, and the antihero, for killing Greedo in this way. In the special edition, Lucas altered the film so that Greedo fired first (and in a later version both shoot about the same time.) Any changes to original releases is often met with criticism for a number of reasons, especially by adults who watched the film as kids and remember it certain a way. Another example of this is when E.T. was digitally changed so the police were holding walkie-talkies instead of guns and was met with such criticism that even South Park made fun of it. However, ultimately, Greedo shooting first changes the character of Han, who becomes less proactive and more reactive and less of an antihero. And it raises the question of how could Greedo miss at such close range? Given that the film already has stormtroopers with terrible aim, it seems like another cop-out to let the good guys win.
Question: What was the mixture that Mississippi gave to JP Harra?
Answer: The prime ingredient was Ipecac, a nausea-inducing compound (still used today) which so inflames the stomach lining that it's impossible for the patient to hold anything down. Hot mustard in large doses has a similar effect. The other ingredients (croton oil, cayenne pepper, etc) acted as powerful laxatives, so the entire gastrointestinal tract is evacuated in short order. The gunpowder was a fantasy ingredient, no doubt, as gunpowder is known to cause gangrene of internal tissues.
Answer: It was an old folk remedy for a hangover. It was supposed to make someone unable to drink liquor for a short period of time. The fictional potion's ingredients were not specified.
The ingredients of Mississippi's hangover concoction are very surely in the scripted dialogue. Mississippi: "Johnny Diamond had a recipe. Let's see. Cayenne pepper, mustard-the hot kind, ipecac, asafetida, and oil of cloves or was it? No, it was croton oil." Bull: "Croton oil?! I'll be a suck-egg mule. You know what that mixture'll do to a fella?" Mississippi: "Guaranteed kill or cure." The final ingredient is gunpowder.
Answer: Croaking oil, gunpowder, hot mustard, ipecac, asafetida.
Question: Would the people who tried to kill Coleman Reese be prosecuted and convicted, given the difficult situation they were put into by the Joker?
Answer: Certainly they did break the law, and if the Gotham Police Dept. or the D.A. were so inclined, they could pursue convictions against them. However, it's probable that Commissioner Gordon and/or the new D.A., who understood the situation, elected not to prosecute.
Question: When Linguini is presented to Chef Skinner for the first time, a cook says that Linguini is Rinatta's son, and which she is Gusteau's old flame. Wouldn't that have given them a clue that Linguini is Gusteau's son before Remy proved it?
Answer: Renata and Gusteau likely broke up before Alfredo was born and she never told him. If they parted company, they would not suspect it, especially since Alfredo looks almost nothing like Gusteau.
Question: Any idea what compound he made in the lab before preparing to escape? It was the explosive stuff he tested.
Answer: Given its volatility, it was likely nitroglycerin. They would likely have the components in a scientific lab of that size and scope.
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Answer: He is humming the theme song to the TV show The Rockford Files.
Casual Person