Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: There is the tomato soup reference at the diner which is referring to God parting the Red Sea for Moses. Then at the party we see Bruce leaning on the golden calf which is another reference to the Bible's 10 Commandments where it says that "thou shalt not worship any false idols." Meaning that only the faithful must worship God and no false entities. Again at the party Bruce is coming upstairs with a pitcher of water and a glass of wine which is a reference to Jesus turning water into wine at a social function. When God and Bruce meet out on the water this is a reference to Jesus walking on water and the search engine Bruce uses on his computer Yahweh, is also another name for God.

Tobin OReilly

Answer: I don't know how prevalent this is (or how it actually works), but one possibility would be that he was under contract with a particular agency (or company/ business) and could only receive credit for work performed under this contract and/or no other agency could benefit from using him. His name cannot show up in something he did outside of that contract.


Chosen answer: I don't know why, but he asked not to be in the credits.

Josh Appelbaum

Answer: Yes. At the end of the episode in question when it goes to split screen before the clock appears, one of the screens shows Kingsley stood in front of his desk with her lying on the floor.

Question: Why is the Black Pearl able to sail so fast (let alone faster than the Interceptor) with tattered sails? If the ship is cursed like the crew, then you'd think they'd only look tattered in moonlight. And even still, it's hard to settle why a cursed ship would be faster than normal. The curse means the crew can't be killed, not that they're superhuman. So how does the "supership" come into it? It might have been the crew using the oars, but the Pearl sails just fine even without the oars. With those sails, it shouldn't be moving hardly at all.

Answer: First of all, the tattered sails are only to make it look more the part of a ship or a cursed crew. While still technically a mistake, it is intentional. Secondly, the curse has nothing to do with the speed of the Pearl. It is the fastest, as it is the best built ship of the time.

Question: What is the name of the style of the Merovingian's tie knot? How is it done? He also has a different mystery style in the dinner and fight scenes in Reloaded.

Answer: In Reloaded the knot always looked to me as if it's a regular necktie, tied in a windsor knot, only backwards. At a lot of angles it's tricky to see, but the narrow end of the blade is at the front, and the wide end is at the back. Tie a windsor and turn it around, you'll see. One method to duplicate the Merovingian's knot from Revolutions is to first tie a normal Windsor knot. Then with the small blade of the tie from behind, wrap it loosely around the base of the knot twice, tucking it through the loop you've just made down the back again.

Five By Five - S1-E18

Question: What is that song playing as Faith starts the club brawl in '5 by 5'? I'm pretty sure its by the Murderdolls, but what's the song called?


Chosen answer: The 'Angel: The Casefiles' book only identifies one track in this episode - 'Living Dead Girl' by Rob Zombie.

Question: Scott Foley's character is called Roman. I wonder if this has anything to do with real life film-maker Roman Polanski, who's wife Sharon Tate was murdered by Charles Manson and his gang?

Answer: Surprisingly it wasn't it wasn't until one of the stars (I think it was Courteney Cox) pointed that out did the director realise.

Question: Does it ever explain why or how Mr. Gibbs went from not liking pirates in the beginning of the movie to working with Jack and other pirates 8 years later? (00:01:05 - 00:51:40)

Answer: Nope.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Keys says to Elliot that E.T. came to him too, does he mean that E.T. came into his life or that Keys himself had a similar experience to Elliot's when he was ten?

Answer: I think he's saying that it's been his dream since he was a little kid to see an alien- hence, E.T. came into his life.


Question: This actually applies to all the Matrix movies. I began thinking about it one afternoon when I had nothing better to do. What is the significance of sunglasses in the three movies? The characters only ever wear them when they're in the Matrix and, to me, it makes them look more like the machines they are warring with; possibly because it conceals their eyes and our eyes are the "window to the soul", the soul being one of the things that makes us different from the machines. Is this a deliberate tactic on behalf of the directors to make the characters stand out from everyone else in the Matrix? Is it a deliberate tactic on behalf of the characters to present a powerfully uniform front? Or is it simply to make them look cool? I just wondered whether anyone else had given it as much thought as I had and what conclusions they had reached.

Answer: From the commentary: The sunglasses actually have a lot of meaning. They represent power and confidence etc. etc. that is why they are removed during fights and more meaningful moments. Especially in Reloaded you''ll see the glasses are removed during the talk with the oracle, when Morpheus is fighting on the truck (he is weak and vulnerable here) and during Trinity's "death", and in the first movie notice the first time Neo effectively hits Smith (as he begins to believe) he breaks Smith's glasses. One other tidbit, notice all the good guys have circular glasses and bad guys have square ones.

Answer: He just used the name as a joke, since she was very excited and "knowledgeable" about bribing the waiter. Somewhat of a throw-back to the old mob days in New York.


It is a reference to Grace O'Malley, an Irish pirate. Here's the story:

Question: What does it mean when Bruce is live from the Maid of the Mist and one of the audio guys says "We've got a Walt Disney"? (00:15:10)

Answer: There is an urban myth that Walt Disney froze himself so he return unfrozen in the future. At the Maid of the Mist, Bruce is frozen from shock. If you listen to another audio guy after the first one says we got a Walt Disney, he says he is frozen solid, telling what it means to have a Walt Disney.

T Poston

Question: This film was called California man in the UK, I'm guessing the reason it was changed was because the UK wouldn't know what Encino man meant, which (in my case) is true. What does Encino man mean?


Chosen answer: Encino is a city near L.A. in California.


Question: What is sweeps week (to do with new studios)?

Answer: It's explained quite well here.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If the rebels have an ion cannon that can disable a Star Destroyer in orbit, why not use it on the AT-ATs instead of sending pilots to their death? I know it wouldn't be as cool without the ground combat with the snowspeeders, but it is a good question, I think.

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: The ion cannon is designed for taking out large capital ships in orbit. It's not precise enough for use in ground combat situations. It's also highly likely that the Imperial forces would have detected the ion cannon from orbit, and would send in their ground troops from a direction where the ion cannon couldn't target them, just in case the Rebels were nuts enough to try it anyway.


Question: What are those blades (the ones used at the end on the caviar factory) used for in real life?


Chosen answer: We see them in the movie when Bond first arrives to meet Electra - they're used for cutting trees in a straight line. Google "helicopter tree trimmer" to see dozens of examples.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Mr. French was the butler on a TV show from the late 60's, called Family Affair. He was played by Sebastion Cabot, a rotund actor.

Super Grover

Question: Does anyone know the name Bastian screams out the window during the storm to name the Childlike Empress? It doesn't matter how many times I've seen the movie (too many to count), I can never make out that name.

Answer: According to the book, he names the Empress "Moon Child" and this is what he appears to be shouting, although I admit that it isn't likely that his mother was named Moonchild. Although it was a popular name during the Flower Power period.

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Question: What happens to Haldir, right before he dies? I've watched it several times, but still can't figure it out.

Answer: The first stab Haldir gets in his side, when two orcs come at him at once. The second blow, from what we can see, Haldir receives from above by an orc sword. The orc swings it downward, and from the jerk of Haldir's head, it apparently cleaves downward through the back of his skull, or his neck. Either way, it's enough to sever a vertebrae (or whatever elves have). Peter Jackson was gracious enough not to show it.

Question: After Frodo has been stabbed by the Morgul blade and Arwen is taking him to Rivendell, right after she uses the river to sweep the Ringwraiths away, Frodo makes a wheezing noise and begins to look radically worse. Why does Arwen get off the horse, lay him down on the bank, and cry? Why doesn't she just speed off to her father who can cure Frodo? Why the delay?


Chosen answer: If she had started riding off w/ him, he could've died on the way there. Instead she stopped and got off the horse and prayed to the Gods to "give him the grace you have given me." Basically to save his life was what she was asking for.

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