Question: We see something going on between the corrupt skinhead and the Hispanic criminal inside the prison, and it makes Vinyard leave that gang. What exactly was the arrangement by the skinheads to 'protect' Vinyard?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why did Martin Scorsese wait two years to release the film?
Chosen answer: The show was recorded on Thanksgiving, 1976. The movie was released April 26, 1978, 17 months later closer to 1.5 years. The movie was not just the straight footage of the one concert, it includes various interviews, studio sessions, etc. filmed at different times. It had to be edited, produced, distribution had to be arranged. Then a release date was picked probably based on some marketing scheme - what other movies were being released around that time, etc. 17 months is not at all an unusual delay for this process.
Question: What would have happened if Seth had successfully made the teleportation with Ronnie?
Answer: The deleted 'cat-monkey' scene (where Seth fuses the baboon he used for his experiments with a stray cat) sheds some rather unpleasant light on what would've happened. Essentially the telepods would've merged Ronnie, Seth, their child and the fly DNA together into some manner of chimera-like monstrosity that would most definitely not be what Seth had been hoping to accomplish. As if that wasn't bad enough, the film also implies using the telepods while clothed is a very bad idea (Seth strips naked before both of his attempts), so just imagine how Ronnie, being teleported with her skirt, sweater, stockings and shoes, would've further corrupted whatever resulted.
Answer: Actually, if the teleportation had followed through, then four bodies would have merged into one: Ronnie, Seth, Fly, Baby. Remember, Ronnie was pregnant.
Question: Why make a whole adult just to give birth to a baby? Why not just make a baby in the first place? We know they can adjust the clones' age. Come to that, why was Lima killed right after she gave birth? Her body would still be fine for organs and parts should her sponsor need them.
Chosen answer: The company claims to have the ablity to create organs for their clients. They most likely claimed that they can create babies too. They did not want anyone to know that they are allowing the clones to "live" let alone one to carry a baby. Lima was killed becuase they wanted to conceal this secret. Besides, if their client wants new organs, I guess they'll make her pay for another insurance policy.
Question: The show's theme song is played at the start of each episode. For the life of me, I cannot understand the first line. "...back to the past, Samurai Jack." What is that first line of that theme?
Chosen answer: Gotta get back, back to the past...
The Torrents of Greed (1) - S1-E15
Question: How exactly was Stone set up by the Masucci family?
Chosen answer: Going from memory: Stone gave a nice deal to the star witness against Masucci. He gave some deal to Beigel, the brother-in-law. The witness lied under oath: he was in the hospital and could have never heard the conversation he claimed he did. There was a mistrial declared, jeopardy had attached (Masucci could not be retried for the same crime) and Stone was bound by the deal he gave Biegel, and to the witness. Everyone won, except Stone. The testimony was planned.
Question: Why is Tom Hanks uncredited for his role in the movie?
Answer: He was in a very small part of the movie and at the time he had already become quite a famous star. If his name were attatched to it without being uncredited, he would have had top billing. He probably decided to remove his name from the movie so the younger actors could receive more attention. The same type of thing happens in quite a few movies I can think of.
Question: Does anybody know all the words to the rap Ghostface makes with Shorty and all his mates?
Answer: According to the "Memorable Quotes" section at the IMDB, the words are "I'm gonna slash and gash, cut another hole in your ass. I spill blood on the walls, then play tennis with your balls. If the phone rings, don't answer the call. Gonna slit your throat, f**k you like a goat, peal your foreskin off and make a winter coat. Peace!"
Question: Why would Daryl Hannah not have used her cell phone to call for help in Bud's trailer after her eye was pulled out?
Answer: There is nothing to say this didn't happen. The last we see or hear from Hannah's character is when Uma Thurman leaves the trailer. At the time Thurman leaves Hannah's character she is obviously still in considerable pain and what she did after this is open to debate.
Question: After the second task Harry has a reddish mark on his face and down his neck. Anyone have any idea what this could be?
Answer: They are from the attack by the grindylows just before Harry left the Black Lake. Fleur Delacour has the same type of marks on her neck and shoulders when she goes to help Gabrielle up onto the platform.
Question: Does anybody know why Sardo Numspa can't pronounce J's? Such as when he pronounces Chandler Jarell as Yarell. I've looked but can't seem to find any explanation.
Answer: A lot of non english speaking countries have trouble pronouncing the letter J as it does not appear in their alphabet. It is a fairly recent addition to the english language too. Previously words that now start with a J would have began with an "I" sound as in "Iarell".
Question: What does the sequence with the fake Brill have to do with anything? I've watched this scene several times and can't find its significance in the film.
Chosen answer: The fake Brill is an undercover federal agent trying to find out what Will Smith knows about the video tape.
Poor writing though as that character is never spoke of again.
Question: At one point, Melanie mentions that Jake got her pregnant several years ago. Was the baby stillborn or did she get an abortion?
Answer: She says something to the effect of "mother nature had other plans" leading audience to believe she had a miscarriage.
Answer: She had an abortion because she said it would have altered her future plans and admitted to feeling so ashamed.
Melanie did not have an abortion. When she's talking to Jake's mother, Stella Kay, at the bar, it's mentioned that Melanie had a miscarriage. Melanie felt ashamed because after losing the baby, she ran out on Jake and their marriage to pursue her own goals in New York.
Question: For the season five episode "Grave Danger". In the beginning of the show there is a plot-line about twins being shot to death. They make quite the point out of it. Why is this important, does it refer to a previous episode or set up for a following? I don't get it.
Answer: It doesn't refer to anything specific, just office chatter. Quentin Tarantino has a lot of pointless time-fillers in the episode, and this is one example.
Question: Why does the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall begin acting weird when Mad Eye Moody (Crouch) makes his entrance during the beginning-of-the-year feast?
Chosen answer: The ceiling does not really start acting weirdly when Moody enters. The ceiling is enchanted to portray whatever the outside sky is doing, and, as it is stormy outside, it is therefore stormy on the ceiling. It is just a coincidence that just as Moody enters, there is a lightning strike, and he thinks that it is a curse or some other magic spell.
Addendum: in the book, there's a big storm going on (outside), and Mad-Eye does not interact with the ceiling as he does in the movie. The lightning at the same time he comes in is a coincidence.
It's more about foreshadowing for the terrible events caused by fake Moody later in the movie.
Question: What is meant by "We don't need no stinking baggers" line in the movie?
Chosen answer: It's making fun of "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" which is an often referenced 'quote' from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (Actually, the real line is "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!", but that's the way people say it.)
Mel Brooks borrowed the line in "Blazing Saddles." In that film, the line actually was "We don't need no stinkin' badges."
Question: After Atreyu passes the first gate, soon then after is a scene with Falcor and [forgotten the little man's name] is stabbing Falcor with what looks like a cross between a jackhammer and a giant hypodermic needle. What's that all about?
Answer: That's actually Urgl, Engywwok's wife. She is giving Falcor a vitamin injection while she is nursing him back from his exhaustion.
Question: What is the meaning of the rock paintings that Atreyu finds, that seem to sum up all his adventures? (This is right before the fight with that black wolf-creature.)
Answer: The meaning is basically all his adventures have been fortold and recorded, kind of like as if they were part of a book.
Question: What were the cases that the so-called "honorable" William Wright was presiding over and why did he reverse the verdicts?
Answer: William Wright has been in 4 episodes of Law & Order as an judge. They were "Damaged", "Gunshow", "Harm" and "Dissonance". I believe "Gunshow was the only episode he reversed a verdict. That was because the evidence presented did not meet the guidenlines set at the start of the trial and the evidence wasn't conclusive enough to link the gun manufacturers to the crime itself.
If I remember correctly there was also an episode where he also reversed the verdict on two teenage boys who were found guilty of raping a girl because according to Wright, "She probably enjoyed it."
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Answer: It's quite simple: He was one of them, a fellow skinhead. In prison different groups stick together for mutual protection and comradeship, and as neo-nazis/skinheads would be fairly unpopular with the colored inmates, all the more reason for them to protect each other.