Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Well for one, his wheels were damaged, and two, if he did try to chuff out of the wall he would still need to perfectly a line his wheels on the track, which is impossible.

Answer: His wheels were destroyed.

Answer: Because he was afraid he was going to fall.

Question: When Sandy is watching the race, she takes her shoes off. Why? It makes no sense, because it's a dirty place. And she's wearing very white socks.

Answer: She was wearing regular shoes, not sandals or sneakers, not made for walking on concrete.

She's wearing Keds. So yeah they're sneakers. It makes no sense.

Answer: I was watching the movie recently. I suddenly thought: she, as Olivia, takes them of because they are not comfortable. In the scene she is not walking much on them.

Question: Why does Michael head back to his old house and why does Karen go inside it by herself?


Answer: It was his own personal man cave, he was born and raised there. It was the only place he felt safe and secure. In just about every "Halloween" film he always returned to his home. It belonged to him. I personally believe Karen went there to get a feel for the place, trying to make sense of everything. Why does a normal kid turn into a ruthless killing machine, was it just him or was it the house itself.

Question: How on earth did any of these hijackers get weapons onto the plane? I know this is 11 years before 9/11 in 1992 and security wasn't that strict back then but there would be no way for them to get through security or anywhere else at the airport carrying weapons or have had them smuggled in.

Answer: Vincent got the weapons on board after killing "Robert" the actual crew member. The hijackers also took the weapons off the dead FBI agents.

Answer: Vincent, in the plane's cargo hold, was the caterer who fixed the meals. He supervised the loading of the food, beverages and weapons. He most likely put the weapons in the storage containers, so they could be loaded and made sure no else suspected anything.

Question: What did Anakin's torpedoes hit that caused the droid control ship to explode?

Answer: It was the main reactor of the ship, according to wookieepedia.


I have a problem with that because realistically would destroying a reactor be enough to cause whatever it powers to explode?

Not sure why you have a problem with that notion. It's a common sci-fi convention/trope that destroying the main reactor of a ship usually causes a chain-reaction that destroys the entire vessel. That's also what destroyed both Death Stars in the original trilogy. (Luke fires a missile into the reactor through an exhaust port/Lando and the others fly into the core and destroy the main reactor.) This is not a documentary... it can operate by nebulous sci-fi rules. Not to mention, none of these things actually exist, so who's to say destroying the main reactor WOULDN'T destroy the ship?


It destroyed the main reactor of the droid control ship itself, not what it powers. Anakin was inside the ship and blew it up from the inside.


If you go by official books put out you see lots of ships in Star Wars are powered by a gas type fuel source. Taking out a reactor could cause that fuel to explode as well. As you see in the movie it not one big boom but a lot of little ones at 1st. But once that fire gets to the main tanks it's all over.

Question: When Angela is looking up information on Constantine, it shows a picture of him being arrested. What did Constantine do to get arrested?

Answer: Constantine constantly does things that are out of line or break the law. It could be as simple as somebody calling the cops on him for doing an exorcism. Take your pick really.


Question: What did Pauley say before he shot Bernie sitting on the steps?

Answer: He says the Italian word "cornuto." Basically insulting Bernie for sleeping with Vito's girlfriend, which is why the hit was put on him in the first place.


Question: If vampires don't have a sense of smell, then how do they smell blood and how to they know Bella has a floral scent?

Answer: In the "Twilight" series, all the vampires had a supernatural sense of smell, along with superior eyesight, hearing, and taste (for blood). They use smell to hunt prey. General vampire lore varies about what characteristics they possess. Contemporary authors have always adapted or modified these traits to suit their stories.


Question: Harvey Keitel was supposed to have been a highly respected veteran officer with the NYPD with connections within the department and other agencies as stated in the movie. With all that power and connections, it puzzles me why his character is still a patrol officer working beat shifts as shown in the scene when he intentionally let Joey fall to his death on the roof. He shows up in uniform in a patrol car with his other crooked partner responding to the call.

Answer: Being a higher-up not only means more responsibility, but also closer scrutiny. As a low-level beat cop, it allows Donlan a lesser profile, greater mobility out on the street, to be at crime scenes without suspicion, and he can more easily and covertly interact with his criminal accomplices and contacts. Being tied to an office would be a hindrance; he can wield his corrupt power more effectively this way.


Actually, Donlan is a Lieutenant, which is a pretty high rank.

Answer: Yes that's correct but in actuality it's highly unlikely a veteran officer would stay in patrol their entire career, crooked cop or not, unless they work for a very small department and there are no opportunities to move up.

Yes, in the real world, it is indeed highly unlikely he would spend his entire career on patrol. For the purpose of the movie, it serves the plot to have the Donlan character written as a mobile beat cop for the reasons stated. It also allows for more action and sets up the final confrontation between Stallone and the crooked cops. Movies just do not reflect reality.


Answer: The idea probably being they're in the oil business, or at least in the pocket of Big Oil. There's been a long time conspiracy that oil companies killed the electric vehicle, so they could keep making money off gasoline.


Question: When Marty and Jennifer are sitting in front of the clock tower in the park and Jennifer asks Marty if his mother knows he is taking her up to the lake, during Marty's response, he seems to put something in the inside pocket of his jeans jacket with his left hand. What was he doing or what did he put into his jacket pocket? (00:10:00 - 00:11:00)

Answer: It was the audition tape of Marty's music that Jennifer gave him. She wanted him to send it to a record company.


Answer: There's a mistake entry about the scene where Marty is holding the tape in his left hand and then disappears in the next shot, so Marty's hand is empty at the point in question. To me, it honestly looks like Michael J. Fox rehearsed the scene so many times when he was putting the tape into his jacket that he did the same movement without the tape to stay consistent.


Question: What did the crescent moon represent when it was shown throughout the film and why did it even show up during the ending when the camera pans out of Rachel's house? (01:47:40)

Answer: I believe it's to show the well being partially open into a crescent shape. Just like how in the first movie, it showed a bunch of rings since the well was closed at the time.

Question: Minutes after Elsa freezes, Olaf flurries away, and turns into a pile of ordinary snow. Why? Is it because he can't exist without Elsa?

Answer: When Elsa was frozen solid, her power, which animated Olaf, was cut off from the surrounding environment. That caused him to disintegrate into ordinary snow.


Answer: He was an investment broker.


Mercy - S2-E1

Question: What pier are Frank and Jamie fishing off? They've done several fishing scenes there I believe.

Answer: In this specific episode "Mercy" S2xE1, the final scene was filmed at Brooklyn's Valentino Pier (also known as Coffey Street Pier), in Red Hook. This area's full name is Louis Valentino Jr Park and Pier. The unusual structure and layout of Valentino Pier make it quite unique (and it's a lovely place to just hang out). Different local piers have been used to film fishing scenes in other episodes, note their distinctive structures and skyline views.

Super Grover

Answer: They usually fish on the 65th Street pier in Brooklyn.


Show generally

Question: When did Quagmire start hating Brian? In earlier seasons it shows Quagmire and Brian getting along fine but, several seasons later, Quagmire now hates Brian.

Answer: Given how succinctly he nails Brian, we can presume that Quagmire has never liked Brian and has only now put it into words.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: It's explained in Season 7 Episode 8 that he hates him for his pompous nature, his liberal attitude, his arrogance towards God believing people, and that he see him as a sad, alcoholic, bore.


That answers the "why" but not really the "when." Brian's personality didn't really change, so when did Quagmire start hating him?


For all we know, Quagmire might have disliked Brian shortly after they first met. Maybe he kept his feelings to himself for a while, due to his friendships with Peter, Lois, Joe, Cleveland, and others who associate with Brian. There are some people who I dislike, but I don't want unnecessary tension among people who we both know.

Maybe always, but he was too polite to say anything for years. Hey I started hating my mother for her arrogant bigoted attitude when I was 18 but didn't say anything for years.


Question: When Bill Cosby tells Fat Albert about how he was inspired to create him, was it really based on a true life experience of Bill's or was it just written for the movie?

Answer: He has said in many interviews that they were based on his friends growing up. The characters of Bill and his little brother Russell, were Bill Cosby and his brother Russell. Thou the adventures were exaggerated, the characterizations were real.

Answer: It was just an excuse because George didn't want to be in the race anymore after the remote control got broken.

Well, it was an accident with Stuart throwing the remote control for the boat, and was broken and stepped on by the man's foot.

Question: At the bandstand dance there's an extra who gets a lot of camera time. (Brown jacket, open shirt and tie around his neck). As well as a delayed shot of him, Sandy also bumps into him when leaving. Not sure why he gets so much camera time almost as if he had a part elsewhere that got cut out. Any thoughts?

Answer: I remember watching a commentary when I was young. This woman on the crew pointed out that it was her son, or the son of a different crew member. I can't remember specifics because I watched the commentary over 10-years-ago. She may have been a producer or someone like that.

Answer: That makes sense to me. I've wondered about him too. But I've seen him in many other scenes when watching the movie again tonight on TV to honour the passing of Dame Olivia Newton-John.

Question: 2 things. 1) The escape pod with Ripley inside is heading for land in the overhead shot on its way down to the planet's does it end up ditching into the sea? 2) Who does the bleeding garment belong to at the beginning of the film? If an alien had burst from Newt or Hicks wouldn't that have shown up in the autopsies? And where did THAT alien go? And it couldn't have been Ripley her chest is obviously still intact.

Answer: During the opening scenes, there was a quick image empty egg sack below the bulk heads. The Queen, from "Aliens," layed it before she was blown out into space. That "alien" laid a "Queen" egg inside of Ripley. They later performed an autopsy on Newt and Hicks and there was no eggs inside of them. As for landing in the ocean it wasn't programmed to properly land. It was purposely dropped there so the "Corporation" couldn't explain the loss of the colony on the alien planet.

Doesn't explain the blood stained garment still. Who did it belong to?

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