Question: In the original film, the Discovery's onboard computer states: "I am a HAL 9000 Computer, Production Number 3. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on the 12th of January, 1992." So, "HAL" was a manufacturer identification prefix (standing for Heuristically-programmed ALgorithmic Computers), "9000" was its model number, and "No.3" was its production lineage. In this sequel, however, Dr. Chandra is chatting with one of HAL's earth-based twin computers which has a feminine voice and is called "SAL"; but how can they arbitrarily change its manufacturer identification prefix? Being produced by the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, and being identical to the computer aboard the Discovery, the twin's name should have a different production number, but it should still be called "HAL," should it not?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the final scene, when we see the rose and ring that the Phantom have left on Christine's grave, we also see that she died two years before the scene takes place. Why did the Phantom wait two years to leave the ring on the grave? Was he previously unaware of Christine's death?
Answer: I like to think that he would always place a rose there, possibly every week or so, and they never had the ring on them. And he knew When Raoul would be there, so he placed them when he knew he would be alone with her. As for the two years later, since the phantom "knew" when Raoul came... he especially put that ring there. Just to let Raoul know about his love for Christine and the fact he is still living. He knew Raoul would visit then, and knew what to do. (This is only a theory I have proposed. As for a genuine answer... I am not aware of one.) Hope this maybe helped.
Answer: It may have been Christine's birthday, or anniversary of sort.
Question: Trivial perhaps, but this is a court drama. Isn't the pronunciation of "Oh yez" by the court deputy, announcing the judge, actually pronounced "Oh yay"? In the movie, the deputy uses a strange pronunciation of "O yee", which I've never heard. My late husband was a court deputy, and he was corrected his first day in court. (He pronounced it, wrongly, "O yez" (rhyming with Pez, the candy). We're from the South, and the movie is a Southern court drama. Thoughts?
Answer: I would classify it as a "character mistake." The court deputy (or the actor playing him) just pronounces it differently and wrongly.
Thank you, I think I would have to classify it, then, as a directorial mistake, and interesting that no one else, cast or crew, noticed it.
Question: When Richard Burton is holding his gun on all the people in the meeting and asks if one of the guards could come in and watch them, why doesn't the guard just shoot him?
Answer: When the guard comes in, Burton explains what's going on. Also he is dressed as a German officer so his explanation and actions are plausible.
Question: In the very end of the movie Will Turner's father is on the black Pearl. How did he end up there when just a few minutes before that he was steering the Flying Dutchman for his son?
Answer: Bootstrap Bill Turner was not back on the Black Pearl at the end. He is only on the Flying Dutchman. It appears you're confusing him with another actor in the ending scene who bears a slight resemblance to Stellan Skarsgard, the actor who portrays Bootstrap.
Question: On the helicarrier, when everyone is having an argument Steve says to Stark, "I have seen the footage." What footage is he referring to?
Answer: It could be carefully selected bits of Tony at his worst moments, like when he was a hard drinking irresponsible party animal.
Question: When Angela is buying the Baby Ruths, most of the other candies are turned backwards (I assume to avoid product placement). But above the Baby Ruth is one with the name facing forward that looks like it's called "Picaroon." Is this a real candy bar that's local to the Scranton area or just completely made up? If it's made up, any inside information about where the name came from or if there's an inside joke or show reference to it?
Answer: In the 2007 episode "Ben Franklin" when Jim is talking to Pam there is a candy bar with a purple wrapper that says "Picar-" I assume picaroon, it's hard to see past Pam. I found this trying to investigate what that candy bar is lol.
Question: Why was De Niro angry at Waingro after the truck operation at the beginning of the movie?
Chosen answer: Because he wasn't supposed to kill anyone. Killing the guards, especially for no reason at all, drew much more heat on McCauley and his crew. It also proved that Waingro was a dangerous loose cannon and not the calm professional the rest of the crew were. Waingro was a huge liability.
Question: Why couldn't the ministry just book the Quidditch world cup to be held in Hogsmeade or something? Due to what Harry and Arthur are saying on pages 66-67 about trying to get there without the muggles noticing? I remember Hermione saying that Hogsmeade is the only non muggle place in Britain so you can't get a much better place.
Answer: It's doubtful that Hogsmeade has the room for a full Quidditch pitch and thousands of campsites, especially without disrupting what's already going on there.
Question: Did John Gustafson's ex wife die or did they just get divorced?
Answer: John Gustafson and his wife, May, were divorced after 20 years of marriage.
Question: Anakin's mom says the Republic doesn't exist on Tatooine. Why not?
Answer: It's in the Outer Rim territories. It's far enough away from the central government that they can't really have an effective government. In addition, it's in Hutt-controlled space.
Why not send people to take control of Tatooine, and the outer rim territories away from the hutts?
The Republic has the task of running an entire galaxy, which is billions and billions of planets and solar systems. Sending troops into the Outer Rim, against heavily armed gangsters and with little to no communication, enough resources or backup, would be a terrible plan. At least the Hutts keep things running smoothly and don't let the planets go into anarchy.
Answer: In addition to the other answers: It's simply not worth it. There is nothing strategic about the system other than maybe as a waypoint. It is resource-poor, which added together means very little presence by any side.
Answer: There are places like Tatooine on Earth, like Afghanistan. Superpowers have attempted and failed to take over the indigenous population many times. Here, the Hutt organisation is too powerful and entrenched to defeat, and the Republic probably doesn't have unlimited resources to fight such a war.
Question: If the waterfall prevents the creatures hearing them, why not live there?
Question: When Anakin reports to Mace Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Why didn't Windu consult Yoda and the other Jedi such as Obi-Wan before facing Palpatine? It would've been a backup or reinforcements kind of thing.
Answer: Yoda was on Kashyyyk helping the Wookies and Obi-Wan was on Utapau engaging General Grievous. Mace Windu did bring three other jedi with him, he thought he had enough backup. Obviously he misjudged but the Jedi were spread thin throughout the galaxy and Windu had limited choices.
This is true. You could even argue that he didn't misjudge Anakin, he told Anakin to stay behind knowing his feelings would be conflicted but Anakin disobeyed.
Well he knew there was conflict inside Anakin but he misjudged the level of conflict, or the fact Anakin was basically already a Sith.This new information meant too much for Windu in such a short time, his duty got in the way, he felt it absolutely necessary to do it quickly. If only he had waited and taken his time to connect the dots. So many dots.
The idea that Sidious was beaten by Windu is up for debate. Sidious needed Anakin to do something big to fully succumb to the dark side. He knew Anakin was coming and in my opinion, was acting defeated to force Anakin to choose. Mace was naive and arrogant and assumed Sidious was beaten, when in reality, it was a show.
Windu is supposed to be the best lightsaber duellist around, even better than Yoda. I don't believe for a second Sidious was allowing Windu to beat him. Anakin showing up was his gamble, if he hadn't then Sidious would be dead.
Sidious would have sensed the conflict in Anakin and knew that the temptation would force him (no pun intended) to go and intervene.
I think it's worth mentioning that almost everyone on the Jedi Council and most of the Jedi masters were on the front lines when Mace Windu confronts Palpatine, so Kit Fisto and co. were probably the only help he could get? Palpatine may have even orchestrated events so most of the strongest Jedi were away from Coruscant in the first place (so they could more easily be dispatched by Order 66).
The entire war was Palpatine's way of spreading the Jedi thin.
Answer: Possibly the Jedi have the dark side of the force clouding their judgements.
Question: Why doesn't anyone ever destroy the stones? What purpose do they serve other than no one person should have them?
Answer: "Doctor Strange" demonstrates that the Infinity Stones are useful in the most dire of situations, when Strange used the Time Stone to prevent Dormammu from taking over the Earth. It's also possible that some of the stones are indestructible. Wanda is able to temporarily destroy the Mind Stone by using her own powers, but the Power Stone will destroy any being that doesn't possess the strength to wield it, and the Reality Stone is shown to have a will of its own and defended itself when it bonded with Jane Foster.
Also, in the comics, if the stones are destroyed they will simply be replaced by something else or even stones again. They represent the existence of the universe and cannot be destroyed for real. Always only temporarily.
Question: Is it true Jimmy Harrell was taking a shower as the disaster began?
Answer: Yes. There are actually many cases where the actors portray what the actual people were doing at the time of the disaster. Another example is when the guy (I can't remember his name off the top of my head) rubs mud off the main drill pipe.
Answer: Yes.
Question: In the Bourne Identity, Conklin orders all Treadstone operatives to kill Bourne and Jarda was neither shown in any scene or mentioned. In the Bourne Supremacy, Bourne hunts Jarda down and Jarda says, "we are the last two." How is this possible?
Answer: Only three Treadstone assets are shown being activated for the Bourne mission (there had to have been more), and all in Western Europe, so by "all of them" and "everyone" Conklin presumably meant all local/available assets. Manheim was based in Germany, so Jarda was probably elsewhere at the time, as he was in Germany in The Bourne Supremacy.
Question: A flashback showed that the Fabrication Machine was taken from the scientist before he can give it life. If he did get to give the machine life, then create the stitchpunks, would that mean he wouldn't be able to create 9, dying after giving life to 8?
Answer: He already gave it life. Then it was taken away. The machine's life and the life of the stitch punks do not correlate. The only thing that he needed to create life was that key with the three ruins on it. So the scientist kept creating life until all of his soul was gone and he died.
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Answer: The most likely reason the name was changed was probably a literary one. It makes it easier for the audience to differentiate SAL from HAL, showing how they are two distinct computers playing different roles in the film. It may also just be a feminine nickname being that SAL has a female voice.
raywest ★
I thought perhaps "SAL" was a nickname, also, until I saw that the computer's maker nameplate reads "SAL 9000" (visible in close-ups of SAL's glowing eye).
Charles Austin Miller