Final Destination 3

Question: I saw the answer to the whole Frankie death scene, but there's still something I don't get. If Wendy and Kevin had stayed in his truck, wouldn't they have died, and messed up Death's list?


Chosen answer: They would've died, but Death "knew" they wouldn't have stayed in the car. If they had stayed, Death would change his death.

Question: We know that Wendy's pictures on her camera are clues to everyone's deaths, but Death's plan was for them to die on the roller coaster. Also, Wendy took the photos before she got on Devil's Flight, so if everyone was supposed to die on the coaster, what's the point of the pictures?


Chosen answer: It's metioned in the filmakers' commentary that in every Final Destination movie everyone has a premonition (Of course), well it's also mentioned by the director, James Wong, that if death wants to kill them why give them the premonition in the first place? Well he believes that there is some other force out there trying to prevent death from killing these teenagers. That's where the premonitions come in including the signs therefore, Wendy's pictures are helping signs like voices or visions from other movies. It's just the whole "giving signs" thing is portrayed differently in this movie.

Question: In the scene just before Erin dies, they are talking about if anyone else was on the ride and Ian makes a comment about a guy in a black cloak and how the ride attendant took his sickle, (or whatever), before the ride started. I know it's supposed to be a joke but what's a "sickle" and what did he mean by his comment?

Answer: A sickle is a harvesting tool with a crescent-shaped blade (with the sharp edge on the inside) as seen on the old USSR flag (along with a hammer). It's a reference to Death, who is most often seen dressed in black cloak with a scythe. On rare occasions Death has a sickle, but more often it's people confusing the two tools or thinking the words are synonymous. Plus, it's easier for some people to say "sickle" than "scythe." Ian is saying Death is on the ride.


Question: Here is something I really don't get. Near the end, Wendy and Kevin find out that Ian was supposed to cause Wendy's death somehow, but Ian would've already been dead. If Wendy hadn't intervened with Ian's original death, Ian wouldn't have been at the fair to cause Wendy's death. Can someone please explain this?


Chosen answer: This is REALLY tough to explain. Ian was NEVER supposed to cause Wendy's death. When Wendy looked at her shirt in the picture, she assumed that Ian was supposed to cause her death. Instead, Wendy was supposed to be crushed by the MCKINLEY sign, following the MCKINLEY shirt. Because Ian's death was skipped, he arrived at the fair, stopping Wendy from going under the sign, thus, skipping HER death. Also, the fireworks weren't supposed to kill Wendy while she laying on the ground, but to kill her while she was SUPPOSED to be under the sign. It was a coincidence that IAN showed up at the fair, and that he was under the sign, and had died. So, Ian was never gonna cause Wendy's death in the first place.


Answer: Well if you look at Ian's death picture he was suppose to be killed by a wood arrow. The sign was just like the flags in the picture. (With the same arrow tip shape). So Ian's death picture really wasn't wrong.

Plus when they are on the train there is a stop called McKinley street she was wearing a mock key T-shirt and was killed on the train.

Question: In the premonition, Frankie drops his camera, which ultimately causes the rollercoaster to derail. However, he gets off the ride in real life, so isn't on it to drop his camera on the tracks. So what makes it derail?


Chosen answer: The roller coasters hydraulics were rupturing and Frankie's camera caused them to be ruptured further. Because Wendy delayed the ride, the hydraulics were still rupturing and once the ride started the hydraulics were already ruptured enough so the ride derailed.

Question: I haven't seen this movie because my parents won't let me, but I've heard that the main character's yearbook pictures of her friends have something to do with how they are killed. Could somebody make a list of the characters and how they are killed and how their deaths pertain to the pictures?

Answer: Erin Ulmer: Nails go through her head. In the picture she is sticking her middle fingers up, and the focus is on her fingernails. Lewis Romero: The weights he is working out with smash his head. At first they think that he is going to be killed by the swords (in the picture their was a statue of a samurai with swords), but in the end, he was killed by being crushed by weights - the foreshadow in the photo was that he was using a weighty "test-your-strength" funfair game. Ashley Freund and Ashlynn Halperin: The tanning beds catch on fire, and they are both burnt to death in the beds. The foreshadowing in the photo is (a) the girls are red and out of focus in the picture and (b) they are holding an inflatable palm tree. In their death sequence a palm tree falls over, knocks a plank of wood down and traps the girls in the tanning beds. Frankie Cheeks: The cooling fan from a car goes into his head. In his photo we see his standing right beside a fan, and it looks as though it is going into his head. Ian Mckinley: A cherry picker collapses and knocks a sign over and cuts him in half. There is no real connection to his photo here, as he escaped his original death (his original death was to be hit by a stack of sharp pieces of wood.) Perry Maloinski: A flagpole impales her. In the photo where she is standing next to Julie by the carousel, an American flag can be seen behind her head. Julie Christensen: A train wheel hits her. Kevin Fischer: He falls out of a train window. Wendy Christensen: A Train hits her.


Question: Why did death try to kill Wendy and Kevin during Frankie's death scene, when it wasn't their turn to die?


Chosen answer: It didn't exactly try to kill them. They were more like a part of Frankie's death. It was Kevin's car engine fan that killed Frankie. It was fate. In my opinion Death wanted Wendy and Kevin to witness Frankie's death.

Question: In the tanning bed sequence, why was the sun tan cream put under the door?


Chosen answer: It was to stop the door from closing, becuase when the door fully closes it locks, which is seen when the cream leaks out of the bottle and the door slams shut.

Chosen answer: Her boyfriend, who never appeared in the movie.

Jason Riley

Question: In the new version of the DVD, where you make some of the choices (ex. choose heads or tails on the coin, tell Ian to step left or right away from the sign), is there a way to make all the characters survive? And if so, what are the choices?

Answer: If you choose tails during the first choice, Wendy and her friends don't get on the coaster (it still crashes), but the movie ends minutes later. Also, you can "save" Frankie by choosing to honk your horn again at the drive-thru. He is saved but everything else plays out pretty much the same. Finally, by choosing to step right at the end you'll see an alternate ending that does not include the subway scene.

Nick N.

Answer: Actually you will see the subway scene even if you have Ian jump to the right. And for the coin toss, after they get on Wendy has a different premonition than what she had in the original.

Question: When Wendy takes a picture at the start of the 'Dive' thing, can somebody explain me why the 'v' in lighted off when she looks at her camera? Does this has anything to do with somebody's death?


Chosen answer: When the v flicks off the word letters D I and E are still lite up, DIE. it is a sign from Death that people are about to die.

Answer: Pretty much only superstitious people would think that something is wrong. Oblivious people would have thought the V had flicked at the right moment.

It says "High Die" which signifies that everyone is going to die from being on a roller coaster; something that is high up. Also, I'm pretty sure Wendy would've noticed the "V" flickering while she was taking the picture, or else she wouldn't look so surprised by it; did you not notice that she looked past the picture that every letter was fine?

Question: In the scene just before Ashley and Ashlyn die, Ashlyn, the brunette, (I think), asks Ashley why she's wearing underwear and Ashley says it's because Simon gets off on tan lines. Now I know who Simon is but, what does she mean by "he gets off on tan lines"? Is this a turn on or something?

Answer: For some guys yes, it is a powerful turn on. Tan lines appear when the sun hits the legs, etc. but not the bits covered by clothing, hence "tan lines" appear where the skin goes from bronze to white.


Chosen answer: In the picture, the two stuffed animals she's holding look like roller coaster harnesses & the blurry background seems as if she's on something fast.

Question: There is a picture of Wendy's boyfriend where he is standing in front of the roller coaster. That is how Wendy first notices the pictures have a connection to the deaths. Later in the film, Kevin and Wendy come across a picture of Kevin's girlfriend holding a stuffed crocodile and there are blurry lights behind her. What does that picture have to do with how she died?

Answer: The picture looks like she's holding onto the part that comes down to hold you in place, and since roller coasters are fast, that explains why the background is blurry; it's signifying her on the ride, which is where she died.

Question: Near the end, before the fair, Wendy is looking at the pictures on the computer, and she sees her picture. The clue is that Ian will cause Wendy's death, but Jason is next to her, and his face is blurred out. Is this another clue to Wendy's death?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is another part of Wendy's death. At the end, on Train 081, Wendy was looking out the window, and the people were blurry, and then Wendy saw Jason's face blurred out in the window.


Question: Was this filmed at a real amusement park? If so has this film had an adverse effect on the park's attendance?


Chosen answer: IMDb gives the information that it was filmed in Playland Amusement Park, Pacific National Exhibition Grounds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ('The Corkscrew' rollercoater')".


Question: What is the name of the song that Wendy keeps hearing in the movie? The one with the "Walking Behind You" line? You can hear this song when Ian is following Wendy to the town's Tricentennial, and on the train.

Answer: "Turn Around, Look At Me" performed by The Vouges.


Answer: Turn Around, Look at me by Letterman.

Question: With all the deaths there was a clue in the pictures that Wendy took, however I can't see the link in the picture of the two girls that got killed by the sunbeds. What was the clue in the pictures of them?


Chosen answer: If you look at the picture when Wendy is at her computer you will see that the photo has a high exposure, as there is a red tint on the girls. This is a clue that they will die by fire. The inflatable palm tree that they are holding also represents the potted Palm tree plant that played a role in their deaths.

cameron davies

Question: In the second film, death chose those people to be in the pile up because they survived death in the first film, because the other people's death caused them to survive. Is there a connection like this in the 3rd film that I've missed?

Answer: No, the films are unrelated.


Answer: Nope but the question asker is a bit wrong. The people from FD2 were kinda involved but were never in the movie themselves.

Question: Is there some connection between death and water? In FD1 there was Tod who slipped on water, FD2 the pile up occurred on a very wet road and Nora was nearly electrocuted by the fish tank leak, and in this one there's the girls who are burned to death due to the slurped water causing a power overload.

Answer: There is no deliberate connection. Water can be the cause of many accidents and it's an easy one to put in a movie...


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Ashley says that they've got CDs in the tanning salon you can see Ashlyn keeping a cream tube on the table with her right hand. In the next shot you see her continuing the same action with the left hand.

More mistakes in Final Destination 3

Kevin Fischer: What's wrong?
Wendy Christensen: It's nothing. It's just that I'm going to be worrying about you every second while you're gone.
Kevin Fischer: Why would you worry about me? We don't even like each other, remember?

More quotes from Final Destination 3

Trivia: The opening sequence is a foreshadow to a few of the deaths in the movie. The pinball-like game shows a picture of a woman with nails in her face (Erin), twin "electric sisters" (Ashley & Ashlyn), and daggers/swords (Lewis).


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