Question: When Charlie first goes into the cave, he places Emily's music box on a plank of wood, and pushes it so that it floats along the small stream; why did he do that?
Question: During the climax, as Charlie is walking down the hall, he is saying something that sounds like quiet chanting. This is after he has finished singing 'Daddy's gonna buy you a Mockingbird'. Does anyone know what he's saying?
Answer: He keeps singing "mockingbird" over and over, but it is more of a mumbling by this point. Turn on the subtitles and you can see this.
Question: Would it be possible for someone to explain something to me? What is the significance of the time 2:06? Obviously it's when David wakes up in the middle of the night, but why?
Answer: That is the time the he supposedly woke up to find his wife dead in the beginning of the movie, so now he has nightmares and wakes up at the exact same time.
Question: I have watched the move both on DVD and on TV. When I watched it on TV the ending was different than the one that the DVD had. The ending shows Emily in a hospital room of some kind - why was this ending shown?
Answer: The movie actually had five alternate endings, ranging from Emily having the dissociative identity disorder to her not having it and living happily with Katherine. Each ending depended on which theatrical market (U.S. or International) the movie was shown. You happened to watch two of the different versions, the one shown on TV and the other on DVD. The DVD has a special section showing all five endings. The Wikipedia article on this film has a section that describes the five various endings.
Answer: It is just to scare them. The music makes an eerie noise. and the music box was one of Emily's prized possessions. it would scare her to see it floating in the stream.