
Question: I found it odd that Slim's real name is never revealed. Why does she have this nickname, with no explanation as to why she never tells anyone her real name? Was there a deleted scene?

Answer: I wonder if the nickname is related to the difficult times in her life. Her father was not around. She and her mother did not have much money. Maybe she felt that she had a "slim chance" of life getting easier.

Answer: From memory her daughter says "I don't even think you're that slim" making a dig she's not that skinny, maybe it's due to her being thin?

Question: When Mitch and Robbie are talking about Slim in Robbie's office, Robbie mentions all the women that they've "pulled this on". What is the scam that they usually pull?

Answer: The scam is that one pretends to be interested in the girl while the other one calls him on a "bet" that he and another person made on how fast he could get the phone number, looking like the knight in shining armor saving the girl from being made a fool out of. In actuality he is part of the scam, in that she would fall for the second man.


Question: Slim visits a lawyer to seek advice. How did Slim find out about the lawyer in the first place?

Answer: She asked a waitress at the diner she was at in the previous scene.

Slim did not ask the waitress. She overheard another person saying the name of the waitress, Millie, and she pretended that Millie had told her about the lawyer. She thought the lawyer might take her more seriously if she pretended to know a local person.

Question: When Slim is in the diner, she hears someone call Millie's (the waitress') name. When she goes to the lawyer and says that she got his name from Millie, did she really talk to Millie (if so, it's not shown on-screen), or did she use the name she overheard, so that the lawyer would think that someone in the town recommended him to her?

Answer: She just uses the name that she overheard so that lawyer would not think that she was just some random crazy person that burst into his office asking for help.

Question: When Slim catches her husband's girlfriend paging him, why does she want to know the woman's name? Why does she think that knowing the name will help the situation?

Answer: She wants to confront Mitch with a name. If she had vague suspicions, but no names, it would be easier for him to make something up and quickly dismiss her questions.

Answer: She would likely want to know if the other woman was someone she knew.


Question: Why did Mitch want Slim (and Gracie) to remain a part of his life if he has no qualms about neglecting and cheating on her with countless other women. Why does he have such standards?


Answer: Mitch wants to be in control. He will not tolerate Slim leaving him - he wants to be the one who leaves, if and when he chooses. I think that is also why he threatened to plant drugs and portray Slim as a drug user, so he can have full custody of Gracie. He would want to control where Gracie lives, and whether Slim could be with her.

Answer: A variety of reasons. For one, he'd probably want to keep his daughter close. Other reasons: abuse is about power and control. He controls Slim while she maintains the house, tends to his needs, raises his child, while allowing him to casually cheat with other women whenever he wanted and without any commitment. Their relationship also becomes a sick game to him in which he challenges Slim to try to end their relationship.


Question: If Mitch was pleased with the way his marriage had turned out and he admitted that Slim was a great sexual partner and she did nothing wrong to justify his affairs, then why does he still have "needs" that need to be met by sleeping around? He seemed to know full well he was risking throwing away all the success he had achieved and wanted to keep just to fool around.


Answer: You've answered your own question; he just wanted to continue having affairs and was using his "needs" as an excuse. Abusers manipulate/gaslight their victims by placing the blame for the abuser's behaviour onto them, knowing full well it is a lie.

Well, did he have an actual reason for doing that in the first place, since he stated that he was satisfied with his marriage? After all, he never denied that Slim was a great partner and did a lot for him, and he wouldn't have lost his family if he had acted like a responsible family man.


Right, he *acts* like a responsible family man. This is part of his abuse. The point is that he is NOT a responsible family man; never was, never would be. He's an abuser, and Slim is his victim. From the moment they met, he was manipulating her into thinking he was devoted to her. This is how abusers work: act like the perfect partner on the surface until they have total control over their victim, when it's too late for their victim to escape. Everything he says about being "satisfied" is a lie.

You do make a good point about how him saying he was truly satisfied with the marriage life was a lie. I was a bit skeptical since he did seem content with his marriage for the most part prior to truly losing control, but the possible idea did occur to me that he was probably playing the role of someone who he really wasn't, such as putting on a face of being a strong and hard-working man, when in reality he was weak and a coward. I appreciate the feedback and insight.


I've known a few men who were completely satisfied being married, loved their wives, and enjoyed the perks and comforts of domestic life with their spouse running the house, caring for the kids, coordinating their social life, etc. But despite all that, they had affairs on the side, apparently enjoying the thrill of secret liaisons and wanting variety. Eventually, their wives divorced them.


Answer: Along with the other comments here, I want to point out that abusive people can have a twisted idea of "love" and acceptable behaviour. Mitch might actually believe that he loves his family and he is a good husband/father, who likes to have the casual affair "on the side."

Question: Two questions in the opening montage: 1. Why did Mitch seem somewhat ungrateful when Phil handed him some money as a sole act of consideration and respect for him, and what was he inferring when he told Slim "he really loves you"? He didn't even seem all that interested in Phil's compassion towards him even though he accepted it. 2. Why was Mitch upset on the beach? Why not just join Slim and his daughter, talking with them and ask how they are?


Answer: 1. Mitch was being "polite" - putting on a good image - by accepting the money, despite not needing it. Abusive people can seem nice, charming, and respectable outside their homes. He told Slim that Phil really loves her because he has observed the bond between them. 2. I viewed his behavior at the beach as distant rather than upset. He might have been thinking about work, his affairs, or whatever. Also, it was just one moment. Maybe he joined them off-screen. Remember, Slim thinks her life is overall great until she finds out that Mitch has affairs. So he was probably acting like an ideal husband and father most of the time.

Question: If Mitch set up a custody battle for Gracie while Slim was hiding, then why doesn't he file a missing persons report for them as well? Surely he would have figured the law would be on his side as she would seem completely unreliable for "kidnapping" his child and disappearing, and that there would have been some kind of manhunt or tracking done to find her? So why waste his own time into searching when he could just have the authorities do the work for him?


Answer: Mitch is trying to control the situation completely. Yes, he could have filed a missing persons report, but he would prefer to get Slim and Gracie back in his own way. He wants Slim to respect his dominance.

Question: How on earth could it take as long five years for a possessive and controlling abuser like Mitch to first show his true nature? I get that with some abusers it can take a bit of time, but five years seems a bit of a stretch. Also, did Mitch really believe himself to be in love with Slim? It seemed to me that he was far more arrogant and greedy, rather than lusting.


Answer: Terrifyingly, it absolutely is not a stretch; abusers can lay the groundwork for a very long time, including years, before "revealing" themselves. The better to manipulate not only the victim, but the people around them, who will say "Oh, I've known him for years and he wouldn't do that" if the victim discloses abuse. As to your second question, you have to decide for yourself; abusers will often explain their actions as being motivated by love, but whether they believe it themselves or simply use it as a controlling tactic is a vexed question.

I believe that Slim was not abused at first because everything was going fine for Mitch. Slim was - as she later points out - taking care of his house and his child. She had not yet realised his deception. He was able to work, engage in affairs, then return to his nice home, with a beautiful wife and child. When Slim finally caught him and refused to tolerate his behavior, he was ready to "openly" abuse and control her.

Answer: In addition to the other answer here: Abusers often *do* believe that they love their victims. They have a distorted idea of how to behave and treat someone who they love. Mitch can certainly be arrogant and greedy, while also "loving" Slim in his own sick way. There are even non-abusive people who are arrogant and greedy, but love their partners and families.

Question: When speaking with Robbie, Mitch says he thinks he chose his family out of "love." Does he really mean that? Because he seems MUCH more interested in his own self-serving desires at the expense of tending to his family. Surely that should mean he would easily be capable of moving on from his family, as Robbie suggested? He even acted liked his family wasn't a huge importance until Slim called him out on his nonsense.


Answer: I believe that yes, Mitch really means it. Abusive people often have a twisted idea of love. He loves Slim and Gracie -according to his own sick idea of love. This is one reason why he can't simply move on. Also, as an abuser, he wants to control his family. If he gave up on finding them, Slim would "win", and he cannot tolerate that. He needs for his victim to come back and be controlled by him again.

Other mistake: When Slim is getting ready for the fight, she gets out a device to interrupt cell phone service. When she gets out her cell phone to test it, her phone reads something like 'No service', yet it shows that it has all five bars next to the antenna.

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Mitch: All right, man against woman. Is that really fair?
Slim: Fair for whom?

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