Question: What year do you think it is when Andrew returns to the Martin family home and meets Portia, as well as the older Little Miss?
Question: Why does Miss (Grace) hate Andrew so much?
Answer: She's a smart ass, know-it-all. A delinquent who never grew. I have a sister who is the exact same way.
Question: Andrew was obviously 200 years old when he died. How old do you suppose Portia was when she passed away?
Answer: Between 125 to 150 years old, her life was extended by the artificial body parts developed by Rupert Burns. Andrew traveled the world for nearly 50 years before returning home, at which point Portia was about 25 years old.
50 years? I thought Little Miss said he had been gone for 20 years?
Answer: According to various wikis, the year is 2068.