
Question: Wouldn't the air-to-air refuelling plane have exploded once E.D.I shot off the couplet?

Question: What is the deal with a apples in this movie, is it a subtle reference to something? Aside from the main bad guy chomping on one while tailing with someone (rude), there are several scenes with large bowls of apples. In one scene, there are two tables with bowls of apples on them.

Answer: Its a Navy thing. Centuries ago, to ward off the threat of Scurvy when sailing long distances, eating apples would prevent it, and the tradition carries over into modern times.

After 21 years of Naval service (10 years destine and four ships) I have never heard of apples warding off scurvy. It was discovered that lemons were very effective. Later in time the British started using limes to avoid scurvy. While limes were cheaper than lemons, they were not as effective. This is also where we get the phrase "Limey Brits" from.

Yep you're right. It's the Vitamin C in limes and oranges that prevents scurvy. Not much of that in an apple.


Question: Is it a coincidence that the name of the plane EDI is made following a pattern similar to the one used with HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey with the name of IBM? Letter "E" is 3 letters before "H", "D" is 3 letters after "A", and "I" is 3 letters before "L". Is it just a coincidence?

Answer: Not a coincidence, this is what happens when a screenwriter or producer decides that he is terribly clever. They probably assumed they were paying homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey with their whole "dangerous AI loses control" schtick, so they thought it'd be coy to make that kind of reference.

Question: How did Lt. Wade wind up over North Korea when she was flying South/Southeast from Tajikistan as instructed by Lt. Gannon? North Korea is East/Northeast of Tajikistan.

Answer: The writers didn't understand geography.

Question: When Captain Marshfield goes to arrest Captain Cummins, he says, "You gave intel to a foreign government" (or something like that). What is Marshfield referring to?

Answer: He gave the Russians EDI's energy signature so they could shoot him down, which is pretty classified information.


Question: Throughout the movie, what songs were E.D.I. playing?

Answer: Most of them were new songs from the band Incubus.

Jane Doe

Factual error: Captain Cummings is shown smoking a cigar inside of his office onboard the ship. This would never happen.

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Kara Wade: Just tell me you love me, you pussy.

More quotes from Stealth

Trivia: When E.D.I. first takes off one person says, "I never thought I'd see this day". The man standing next to him is the director, Rob Cohen.

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