Fast Five

Question: Does anyone know where exactly this beach bar is located where Giselle is walking in a bikini? I've been trying to figure it out for a while. Or was it added in for the movie only?

Question: When Hobbs realises that Dom and Brian left him with an empty vault, Hobbs has a flashback of Leo and Santos loading the real vault onto a truck. My question: was that really a flashback (did he really see it take place and forget?) or was it like Dom's image of Letty's death when he and Mia are at the crash site in Fast Four and not 100% accurate, since he didn't know what Letty's killer looked like yet?

Answer: Hobbs doesn't see that scene, though he probably does guess part of what happened - ie. that they swapped the vaults. The scene is played as a reveal for us, the audience, to show us how the vault that is supposed to be full of money is now suddenly empty.


Chosen answer: At the end of the film the girl in his car says "I thought you wanted to go to Tokyo?" to which he replies "Yeah, we will. Soon" Indicating this film took place before Tokyo Drift.


Answer: In the overall timeline of all the films, the events of Tokyo Drift take place after the events of Fast and Furious 6. However, there is obviously something major involving Han coming in Fast and Furious 9 (2021) given what's seen in the trailer.

Answer: First of all, F4, F5 and F6 all take place before Tokyo Drift. In F9, it is revealed that Han has been alive this whole time and had gone into hiding after working with Mr. Nobody.


Question: Something I didn't quite understand: when Hobbs and his team learn of Reyes from getting the information of the owner of the car, Neves says that if there's anything illegal going on in Rio that Reyes is involved. Then later in the film when Dom goes to her place to get his necklace, they talk and she says "Reyes owns this favela now". It seemed as though she did not show her knowledge of Reyes to Hobbs and his team by her use of "If". So is that a character mistake or was she pretending?

Answer: You probably didn't understand that when she spoke to Hobbs, she meant that Reyes is behind everything illegal. Not a mistake.

Anastasios Anastasatos

And that he literally owns the Favela, which is separate from his illegal activities. Remember he talked about the Spaniards and the Portuguese and how they conquered Brazil. He owns the Favela by providing water and electricity and daycare to the people, making him necessary in their life and willing to do anything to keep those things.

Question: (SPOILERS) I'm just curious where the cavalcade of money came from. Brian and Mia hit Rio all but broke, which is why they agree to the train heist job. Dom arrives not long after, fresh out of his orange jump suit. Possibly he had a nice stash of cash he could pick up, but no mention is made of this. Then it starts. They've double-crossed the heist and are tearing the car apart in a fully equipped garage. Apparently they know Rio very well to find such a facility, but someone would still want payment/rent. Then they escape with nothing but their clothes and the chip, but end up in an apartment where they can casually plan and sip cold beer. They decide on the super-heist and immediately transfer to an apartment-condo with a million-dollar view. As the crew shows up, they must be bringing some major investment funds with them. A gigantic warehouse-factory for a base of operations. Loads of high end computer surveillance gear. Sure, they steal or win the cars, but they use tons of components to reinforce them. They order a duplicate top-of-the-line vault for practicing on! (Maybe Amazon waives the delivery fee on such a purchase). It just starts to feel that if they divvied up all the seed money, they'd find they really didn't need to commit the robbery.

Answer: They end up in Rio where Vince is major player as shown with him telling his men to stand down. This means he's going to have access to a fully equipped garage and a home for rest and planning. They then decide on the super heist as you put it. This leads to the team meeting up in an abandoned warehouse. Plenty of those around. All the crew have their own talents and contacts. All they need to do is call in a few favours to get their equipment sent over. The even comments on this when he gets the new safe saying "we had a life before we met you." So the equipment isn't a problem.


Question: Who was the woman at the end of the movie who hijacked the military convoy?

Answer: The woman is Letty, Dom's love interest from the first movie. She was believed to be killed in the fourth movie.

Michael James Lago

Question: SPOILERS. We learn that when Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are driving across the bridge, the vault that they are dragging is empty. If this is so, why didn't they both just disconnect and run instead of Vin driving back and causing a huge pile-up? They had the money and dragging an empty vault didn't solve anything.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Dom wanted Reyes dead, the only way that was going to happen was for the chase to be concluded, and for both Dom and Brian to be caught up by the Police who were in Reyes' pocket. Reyes naturally would think he was safe going near Dom and Brian because of the Police presence.


Answer: Along with putting a stop to Reyes and all the dirty cops, they needed everyone (including Hobbs) to believe that was the real safe, so they could get the actual safe somewhere secure to be able to open it and quietly divvy up and go their own ways.

Question: Hobbs tells Toretto that when he found the tracking device on his car he was able to locate the receiver. How is that possible? I suppose a "receiver" does only receive and not send any data out.

Answer: We may assume in this case the 'receiver' sends out a search signal out into the world, when that signal reaches the tracker, the tracker sends back a response to the 'receiver' So it may be possible to track a receiver as stated in the movie.


Question: At the end of the final chase scene when they're on the bridge, why do Briana and Reyes saying they can't outrun them and that they have no more room left? Couldn't they just keep driving on the bridges in hopes that they get away? Or when they do get off the bridge, just go through another chase?

Answer: So the thought would be that the bridge was really pretty damn long, they were already gaining on the cars that were pulling the heavy safe slowing them down significantly. It's not out of reason to easily assume that they would have been overtaken had the chase continued on the bridge. Dom and Brian were only even able to get away from all the cops initially by the help of Roman and Han and by making constant quick turns to get away from the straightaways.

Question: I know this is just a movie, but I'm confused about how the whole jurisdiction subject is highlighted in the movie. In the scene where Hobbs tries to arrest Dom and co., they exchange words and Dom says "And your mistake is thinking you're in America". Earlier in the conversation and also earlier in film Hobbs basically says that when names of criminals come up, he hunts them down, but seems to indicate it doesn't matter where the arrest is made. There's never an indication Hobbs had a warrant to make an arrest in another country. The main characters also mention the "No extradition" policy in some countries. Does that play a part as well?

Answer: Hobbs' team is part of an international police force, so if they are called in all warrants would have been taken care of off screen. When it pertains to Dom's comment about "Your mistake is forgetting where you are, this is Brazil" wasn't so much stating that he's out of his jurisdiction. He was basically stating "Well guess what, there are different laws here. And unlike the US, here they have a lot of guns and now they're all going to point them at you and warn you that you are not going to take us in right here and now like you think you are." It had nothing to do with jurisdiction, legality or warrants or any of that. It was basically about how things are handled and done in the streets regardless if you are police or International law enforcement or not.


Also, extradition just refers to them breaking the law in the new country, they can't get shipped back to the US for their warrants. So like if they got arrested in Japan, Japan wouldn't notify the US and transport them back to be tried for their crimes there.

Answer: Maybe what he meant was if they are in America, no one probably would go against them, but in Brazil, no one is afraid of them since everyone is with a gun.

Question: At the beginning with the 3 cars coming after the bus, you can see Mia driving one and Brian driving the second car. Who's driving the 3rd car?

Answer: Leo and Santos are driving the 3rd car. This scene is a continuation of the ending scene from Fast and Furious (the 4th movie) where the pair are shown driving that car.


Answer: We don't actually see however it would be a safe bet that it would be one of their accomplices from their contacts. The events are actually a direct follow on to Fast and Furious 4 so would be someone from that film if anyone.


Question: Tokyo Drift is set after 5 and 6, so why is it that Han is stealing money from D.K in Tokyo Drift, despite the fact that he had $10,000,000 after the end of Fast Five? even factoring in the cars, garage and everything else he had, he would still be loaded.

Andy Jon Martin

Chosen answer: He might possibly have money left over, or not. We don't know. He could have lost a fortune betting on races. He could have lost money selling cars (since it is extremely rare to sell a customized car for anything approaching what you put into it), he could have had previous debts he had to pay off. There's no reason to suspect he'd still have a lot of the $10,000,000 left over. Also, to some you can NEVER have enough money. So honestly, it's not all that surprising or far-fetched for a person to want to make more money regardless of whatever way they decide to go about getting it and regardless of how much money they may already have. Just like when millionaires invest in things, despite already having millions. It could be a way to not only make sure they are set and comfortable no matter what could ever happen or come up (legal issues, accidents, just anything that could possibly happen that could end up costing a great deal of money) that could possibly eventually run a person's pocket dry if all they ever relied on was that set amount of 10,000,000 if they never expanded it. As well as, making sure his children, grandchildren, any other family member (s), or even friend (s) are and will always remain comfortable and set for life the way he has done for himself.

IIRC Han literally states in the movie that he basically just steals for the excitement of it when talking with the DK. I will have to go back and review but I believe he just steals because he can, not because he needs to.

As in, it's something to do besides racing.


Answer: It may have been more personally motivated and not about him needing anything for himself. Maybe his own personal screw you.

Question: A couple times throughout the film the phrase "I had to make the call" is used. It is first used by Dom at the beginning of the film directed towards Brian: "You had to make the call, huh?" and then towards the end of the film by Brian when the car chase ends and he saves Dom and says "I had to make the call." So my question is: what exactly were the calls that were made? I'm assuming the second one was Brian letting Hobbs know what was going on since he arrives seconds after Brian kills Zizi.

Answer: They don't mean a call as in a telephone call, they mean it as in a judgement call. The first one is that Brian went along with Vince on the job, and the second one is when he turned around to help Dom instead of leaving him behind.


Question: Why did Dom and Brian decided to double cross the train heist in the first place? They are already on the run, what differences does it make when they found out the cars they're robbing has been seized by the DEA? Isn't it easier to just complete the job and get the money after the heist is done?

Answer: Dom decided on the double cross when he realised the DEA had seized the cars and Zizi was only interested in one car. It turned out to be a much more complicated job than simply stealing three cars from a collector, they were actually retrieving seized property from the United States government. The crew was hired under false pretenses and he didn't trust his employer to follow through on his end of the deal. Stealing the GT40 was leverage to make sure he and his crew were properly paid for putting their necks on the line and exposing them to even more risk.


Also, he probably had a gut feeling that like you said, the job was not what they thought and didn't trust what Zizi and his crew might do to them after the heist.

Question: I find myself confused about the money. The chip from the GT40 contains the information about Reyes' money and cash houses and that there is 100 million dollars spread throughout 10 cash houses. That would mean that there's 10 million in each house. The group decides to split it 9 ways since there's 9 of them (before counting Vince which makes 10). They burn the money from one cash house so wouldn't that mean there's only 90 million dollars left that Reyes' had locked away in the safe and put into the police station to split amongst 10 people?

Answer: Theres no telling how much money is in the safe. First, just because there are 10 safe houses, does not mean it is divided equally between them. Second, there may be more locations where his money is located that we (and the characters in the movie) are not aware of. Third, we have no idea how much money was burned at his safe house. Plus I doubt very much a man this rich and powerful would put every last dollar he has into one safe. Sure there were millions in the safe to split between them, how much though is a mystery.

Carl Missouri

It's also not known how much was in the vault to begin with before all the money was consolidated.

Answer: I think the chip they found gave a pretty accurate amount when they mentioned it was basically a schedule for deliveries and pick-ups to every safe house, and the weight of the money gave the numerical value. So give and take a certain amount, that's where Toretto comes up with one hundred and eleven split equally to Roman that has him changing his tune in about a second.

Question: I have searched every where to find the answer to 2 questions with no luck. First being at the end, where is the house that Brian and Mia are living at? The second is how does Dom know Neves? When Dom goes to her house to get the necklace back it implies that they know each other but she hasn't been in any other F and F films and in addition Dom says later in the film "running ain't freedom you should know that."

Brandon Smith

Chosen answer: 1. Brian and Mia are just in "a" house that they bought in a non-extradition country, probably with the proceeds of the heist. 2. They have both lost the people they loved, something they have in common. Plus, people like a happy ending.


Answer: I agree that it's a new home they bought to settle down with Dom close by. As for Elena, it would not have been hard to track her down. They were running their own surveillance and I think he was referring to her own situation and having her honest policeman husband being gunned down. Like you said she's running in her own way with her own personal demons.

What surveillance were Dom and Brian running at the time? Dom says "I know you" to Elena in their very first scene together right after they found out what was on the chip in the favelas when Reyes men found them, and he saves her from Reyes' men that were shooting at them. They wouldn't have been running surveillance on the police at that time that would have involved them coming across Elena's information.

Question: After Dom burns the money at the exchange house, what happened to the men and women who were in the place?

Answer: The one man is taken to Reyes to explain what happened and who did it. He is then struck across the head and killed. The rest of the works are either sent to a different safe house to continue working for Reyes or killed to ensure they don't have chance to talk to (non corrupt) cops about the illegal activities.


Question: At the end on the bridge when Dom is about to be shot, Brian appears as if out of thin air, behind Dom, car and all, gun in hand, and shoots the bad guy who had to have been staring right at him for like a good minute while Brian drove to Dom, parked the car, got out and aimed his gun. What am I missing?

Stace Mann

Answer: After all the gun fire, explosions and flipped in a car however many times, I'm sure you'd be lucky if you'd even hear ringing and it doesn't really show when Brian comes back. He may have been working his way towards them.

Answer: You aren't missing anything. That's pretty much exactly what happens. Zizi is determined to kill Dom at this point and he isn't paying attention to anything else around him. He never even notices Brian until it's too late.


Question: When Dom finds Vince with the chip, the conversation concludes with Vince basically saying how all of them have been negatively affected by everything that has happened and he sarcastically asks Dom where Letty is. How would he have found out about Letty if he was on the run since the events of the first film? Earlier in the film he tells Brian and Mia about his misfortunes and how he ended up in Rio.

Answer: The movies don't follow actually follow in order of each other every time. So you have to look forward in one and see an earlier released one to follow what's going on. That being said, Vince went on the run at the end of the first movie. Then Brian ends up in hiding out in Miami which opens up new characters. He's offered to clear his record and his job. Then the next movie Tokyo Drift you can ignore (doesn't actually fit in for several more instalments. The next Fast and Furious has Brian now being FBI and Dom had fled the country to Panama after the first movie to keep his "family" safe. It doesn't give an exact timeline when Mia contacts him to say that Letty is dead. Given even this bit of context shows that at least a year or most several have passed. So I'm sure that fugitive or not, in this day and age it wouldn't be too difficult to quietly check up on people.

Answer: Word of Letty's supposed death could have gotten to Vince a number of ways. Most likely when Dom or Mia initially contacted him to ask for help they mentioned that Letty had died. Letty was one of Vince's best friends, her death would have been one of the first things mentioned to him.


Other mistake: Throughout the entire chase scene at the end, the vault creates sparks on the road. Yet when they get to the bridge, no sparks appear. This cannot be due to the vault being empty at this point, as the vault itself is 10 tonnes, as mentioned earlier in the film. (01:49:00)


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Roman Pearce: You know, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did.
Brian O'Conner: I guess that depends on how you define 'special'.

More quotes from Fast Five

Trivia: When Hobbs gets confirmation on the identities of everyone involved with Dom (excluding Brian and Mia), when Han's name and picture comes up it reads "Han Seoul-Oh" which is a play off "Han Solo" from the original "Star Wars" trilogy.

More trivia for Fast Five

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