Question: What did Hart say when she spoke In Russian?
Question: I heard in the DVD commentary that what the Russian gangsters are saying in the beginning is total bull, because they ran out of time to translate the actual dialogue. Is there anyone from Russia, or who speaks Russian, that can understand what they are saying?
Question: What's the significance of the Dalai Lama when Vic wants Hart to smile?
Answer: It is an image Victor Melling conjures in an effort to elicit a calm, zen-like state for Grace. He is trying to assist her to focus on the competition, rather than her fear of walking the stage in a two piece swimsuit.
Question: After the citizen is caught and Hart tries to keep the agents back with her, shouldn't McDonald be or act at least a LITTLE surprised at Hart's 'new look'?
Answer: He was so riled up about the amount of trouble that Hart had caused that he probably didn't notice. Also, since the makeover was FBI sponsored, he probably knew about it and possibly had even seen pictures.
Question: When McDonald tells Hart "If you wanna stay, stay. But as a private citizen. Turn in your badge and your gun." Did he just fire her? Suspend her? Ask for her gun and badge so that if anything happened, she wouldn't give the FBI a bad name?
Answer: Somewhere between your second and third guess, in my opinion. Firing would require a far more complex due process under Federal rules. But McDonald certainly has the authority to determine what missions will and won't be pursued under the authority of the FBI. He's essentially telling her that this is a rogue action on her part, and she may not use her status as an FBI agent, nor her government issued weapon, to pursue it. She also won't be paid for her time and efforts in the process.
Question: Right before the swimsuit portion, Vic puts some "enhancements" in Gracie's bikini top. When she goes out on stage the crowd cheers loudly then Morningside gets mad hits Vic on the side of his head. Does that mean Gracie was the only one who secretly used an enhancement and Morningside knew?
Answer: She smacked him because Gracie looked silly smiling out there. Every time she messed up, she looked worse and she had to be in the top 5.
Question: In the scene where Hart finds out about the Citizen being caught, when she and Matthews are arguing, Matthews says ,"You're not the only one who lives his life for the job..." Clearly he says HIS, as though both him and Hart would fall under that category. Is this a mistake, or is it supposed to be there?
Answer: It is supposed to be there. There are numerous references to Matthews (and the other agents) simply referring to Hart as one of the guys or even just as a guy.
Question: What does Congeniality mean?
Answer: Congenial-1. Kindred, sympathetic 2. suited to one's taste or nature: Agreeable. (New Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Answer: Yes, I can speak Russian, and what they said in the movie did make sense but they spoke so horribly it was almost impossible to understand them. But it wasn't bull.
But what was said?