Question: Throughout the film, Megamind transforms himself to take the appearance of other characters. Early on in the film, these characters are killed (or otherwise disposed of), allowing Megamind to take their appearance. Near the end of the film, Megamind takes Metro Man's appearance, but Metro Man is not dead (we see him as retired after faking his death, then specifically in the crowd scene at the Megamind museum opening). Is this an error, or is there some other reason why Megamind doesn't need to kill Metro Man to take his appearance?
Question: How is Megamind's robot able to do exactly what he does? We don't see him push any buttons or anything, so how is this possible?
Answer: Mad Science. There's an old science fiction writers' saying that "Poorly explained science is better than DUMB science, " so exactly how it works isn't important, it just works.
Answer: Because he trained him.
Answer: I could be wrong, but I always figured that Megamind had created I device that would be able to have Minion control the robot thing with his mind.
Question: When Metro Man admits to Mega Mind and Roxanne what really happened at the observatory, he tells them that everybody had something he didn't have, which was a choice. What did Metro Man mean he didn't have a choice? He chose to become a superhero and use his powers to help people.
Answer: When it was discovered he had superpowers, everyone assumed he would become a superhero. What else would he be - a super delivery man, garbage man or a super plumber?
Answer: The characters are only 'disposed of' so that they won't be able to reveal Megamind's deception. Remember, the warden wasn't killed and neither was Megamind when the warden was transformed into him. It is not necessary for the device to function that the individual being copied be eliminated.
Phixius ★