
Question: Is the food fight scene completely imaginary, or are the Lost Boys actually able to will food into existence by imagining it? I always thought it was the latter growing up and we as the audience didn't see it until Peter, as the audience's proxy, saw it for himself, but any YouTube videos I watch about this movie all seem to think all the food was just in everyone's collective imaginations.


Answer: Neverland very much runs on "If you believe, it will happen" which is what Tink means during the meal when she says "If you don't imagine yourself as Peter Pan you won't be Peter Pan." So by the rules of Neverland, as soon as Peter believed it was real it was then real. The dinner was trying to teach him to believe as, in Neverland, if you don't believe it then it won't happen.

Question: 1) I remember reading online once that some person in a band (not any of the ones mentioned in the trivia for this movie) lost a bet and appeared as one of Hook's pirates in this movie. Is this true and if yes who was it? 2) I also once read online that it is a tradition for Peter Pan movies to have the same actor to play Hook and somebody else in the movie. I don't remember Dustin Hoffman as anybody else in this movie. Was he somebody else in the movie?

Answer: (1) David Crosby and Jimmy Buffett both appear as part of Hook's crew - whether either of them is there as a result of losing a bet is unknown. (2) Traditionally, in stage productions of Peter Pan, the actor who plays Hook will also take on the minor role of Mr Darling, Wendy's father. As, in the story presented in the film, Wendy is now elderly, her father is likely long dead, and thus no opportunity exists to maintain the tradition. However, you can hear Dustin Hoffman as the voice of the pilot on the plane ride to London, giving a nod to the tradition.


Answer: Actress Glenn Close is a pirate too. The first pirate that Hook goes to on deck and puts in the Boo Box. Https://youtu.be/TCx-M8dcDhk.

Answer: It's Phil Collins - he's the police officer.

Question: How is it that Tootles still remembers everything about Neverland and Peter really being Peter Pan, but Peter completely forgets everything about it and his true identity?

Answer: It's not specifically explained, but it's implied this was subconsciously voluntary on Peter's part. After falling in love with Moira, Peter decided to leave Neverland forever to stay with her in the real world. As time passed, all memories of being Peter Pan were completely suppressed, probably so he would not be tempted to return. The memories had become so deeply buried that it took much encouragement from others for him to unlock them.


Answer: Tootles suffers from dementia, dementia turns old people back into children. The final scene is Tootles dying and going back to Neverland. Yes, it makes that scene infinitely harder to watch without crying.

Tootles did not die as everyone saw him flying back to Neverland after Peter gave him back his marbles.

Question: 1. How did Hook travel to London to kidnap Peter's children? 2. How is it Hook can know with certainty who Peter's kids are, but he doesn't know that Peter Banning is supposed to be Peter Pan? Wouldn't he have to have been following or spying on the family for some time know who the kids are in the first place? 3. How is Hook not able to find where the Lost Boys are hiding when Neverland is a single island?


Answer: 1) Though it is never fully explained, the mystical way Peter Pan would come and go from Never land. 2) It was Smee who was doing the spying. When Hook asked Smee, "This can't be my great and worthy foe?" Smee replied, "I have all the information here." He had a file of paper work on Peter. 3) Hook knew where the Lost Boys were, When Peter asked, what happened to the Never Tree. Tinkerbell said, "Hook burned it when you didn't come back." He considered the Lost Boys not worth the effort. It was Peter, he wanted.

Question: I know I already asked this, but my question wasn't answered correctly. Supposedly, some member of a band lost a bet and appeared as one of Hook's pirates. It definitely was not Phil Collins, David Crosby, or Jimmy Buffett, but definitely somebody else. The best I can come up with is that it was a band from either the 70's or 80's, but even that fact is pretty pointless considering the movie was made in 1990. It is quite possible that this person could have had no lines or was uncredited, but I know for sure that I'm not making this up. Can somebody find out for me?

Answer: I don't know how you can say it was answered incorrectly when you don't know the answer yourself. I also don't know how you "know for sure" when you also say it "supposedly" is true. In any case, I can't speak to any kind of bet... but along with Phil Collins, Genesis band members Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford appear in the same scene. Perhaps if you reference the initial source of this information someone might be able to help more.

JC Fernandez

Question: What does the "JAS" in Hook's "JAS Hook, Captain" signature on the ransom note stand for? Is it possibly Hook's true name? (Going off of the Q&A about his name posted here).

Answer: Jas is simply an older three-letter abbreviation for the name James. Was also used in Peter Pan creator J. M. Barrie's short story, "Jas. Hook at Eton" - a reference to the fact that James Hook might have been an Old Etonian, due to the fact that he has a tattoo of the crest of England's Eton College on his chest.


Question: Why didn't Tinkerbell grant Rufio the ability to fly? He was the de facto leader of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan's absence, and they looked up to him when he is first introduced.


Answer: It's possible Tinkerbell didn't feel Rufio deserved the ability to fly, especially with him being a bit of a jerk.

Answer: It's unknown why Tinkerbell didn't do this.


Chosen answer: No, he wasn't. To quote J.M. Barrie, "Hook was not his true name. To reveal who he really was would even at this date set the country in a blaze", which rather implies that Hook was supposed to have been an important individual at some earlier point in his life. The only other clue to his history is that Barrie mentions that he attended Eton.


Question: Does anyone know if the song Maggie sings underneath the stars is a real song? What's it called? Are the lyrics to the whole song written out anywhere? I'm talking about the one that goes "But I know I'm not alone, standing here on my own".

Answer: "When You're Alone," written by John Williams and Leslie Briccuse, was an original song and was nominated for a 1991 Oscar. It lost to Beauty and the Beast. It was also up against "Everything I Do, I do it for you" from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

K.C. Sierra

Question: After defeating Hook and flying back home, it shows Peter wearing his green garb. When he wakes up, why is he outside and wearing the clothes he wore the night he was taken to Neverland?

Answer: It's the magic of Neverland. Peter was dressed as a pirate when he remembered his happy thought and ascended in the tree-house but when he exited through the top, he was in his green garb. I guess the best explanation is that when he left Neverland, his green garb reverted to his original clothing he had on when his adventure began.

I always took it that when he remembered his happy thought, he became Peter Pan again and when the adventure was over, he went back to being Peter Banning.

Continuity mistake: When Smee gives Hook his nightcap drink, Hook takes it in his hand and holds it at the top of the goblet so that it is hidden under his hand. But in the very next shot he is holding it by the handle and the whole goblet is now visible with a small black umbrella sticking out the top. Additionally, the position of the small umbrella that sits in the goblet changes a few times. (01:02:40)


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Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter: To die would be a grand adventure!
Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left!

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