Question: In the segment "The Hitchhiker", why does Annie keep mentioning the prices of things like how much the male gigolo charges and the damage to her car?
Question: At the end of the segment "The Hitchhiker", when the mutilated corpse attacks Annie in her car, what was she saying after she said, "How much do you want?"
Answer: Incoherent mumbling.
Question: Not including the animation sequences, why did this film only have 3 live stories (unlike the original which had 5).
Chosen answer: Beacause the ones from the first ones are short, but the ones from this one are long. So they probly cut it to three to save the budget.
Question: How much involvement did Stephen King have in the making of this film? He wrote the script for the first Creepshow movie; however, for this film, the screenwriter is credited as George A. Romero. I know the middle story "The Raft" is based on a story King had written previously, but what about the other two, "Old Chief Woodenhead" and "The Hitchhiker"? Did King have any involvement in the making of those stories as well, or were they made up entirely by Romero?
Answer: From what I understand, "Old Chief Woodenhead" and "The Hitchhiker" were both loosely outlined by King. But he ended up stepping back and having little involvement in the film beyond writing rough outlines since the budget was being cut drastically and George A. Romero wasn't directing.
Question: What movie was Fat Stuff watching before getting killed?
Answer: It's an episode of The Cisco Kid. You can even faintly hear an announcer say the name when Fatso is standing in the doorway.
Answer: What she says is "do you want 50 or a 100." You have to listen close.
The horror movie fanatic
I heard it. You got good ears. I had to increase the volume on my TV but I heard it.