Grease 2

Question: On the soundtrack Dimucci sings the song "Do it for our Country" as a solo number. In the film it's a duet with Sharon. Does anyone know why they changed it in the film, or let Peter Frechette sing it alone on the soundtrack?

Answer: "Do It For Our Country" is a duet between Sharon and Louis. Maureen Teefy couldn't make it to the recording session, so Peter Frechette had to sing the whole song himself, which is why Maureen's vocals aren't on the movie's soundtrack. In some recordings her voice was dubbed in later.

Question: At the bowling alley Johnny says he's going to cure Paulette of her disease. The guys ask what disease, he says "emphysema" and they all go "ooh." Well I don't get it. Can someone please explain?

Answer: Johnny says she has "nymphomania" not "emphysema". According to, nymphomania is defined as "excessive sexual desire in and behavior by a female."


Question: In the bowling alley who are the two nuns played by?

Answer: I don't think it is ever mentioned as to who played the two nuns. I think they're just extras.

Question: How come Stephanie wasn't very friendly towards Michael, but at the end she was happy it was him, as the mystery motorcycle guy? Did she always like him?

Answer: Quite simple, really. Michael (as Michael the student) is preceived as a geek/loser at school and is consequently snubbed by the local girls. As "The Motorcycle Mystery Guy" he is cool, hip, dangerous, and the object of all the girls desire. Stephanie sorta likes Michael because he's easy to talk to and he understands her feelings. It's easy to see that when she finds out Michael & the Motorcycle Guy are one in the same, she's ecstatic!


Question: Where did Frenchy go after talking to Michael in the chem lab? She never appeared on camera again.

Answer: Frenchy originally had more scenes, including helping Michael act more like a T-Bird, ride a motorcycle, and wear cooler clothes, but all of these were cut.

Question: When Johnny knocks down two pins, he says to mark it a strike. Stephanie says that he only hit two pins but Johnny retorts it's a technical strike because the Pink Ladies were late and to check the bowling rules. Was is it really a technical strike or was Johnny using it as an excuse to cheat?

Answer: If he's not making it up, then it would have to be very specific bylaw for whatever local bowling league they're in (or to which Johnny is referencing). Most rules state a player has until the 4th or 5th frame to show up and can still play. If a player doesn't show up by whatever designated frame, they simply aren't allowed to bowl, or the team could be disqualified. No extra points are awarded to the other team.


Question: During "Score Tonight," Stefanie seems to be flirting with Davy; anyone else ever wonder why they didn't become a couple?

Answer: Very simple. There are four T-Birds and four Pink Ladies. Given that the other three of each are paired up, that leaves those two to dance together.


Answer: Just because he's a T-Bird doesn't mean he's a nerd. Every group has the leader, the joker, the loud mouth, and the geeky guy.

I'm not sure this answer applies; none of the T-Birds came across as geeky, jokers, etc. We only know Johnny is the leader, as he is referenced as such several times during the film.

Answer: Like Steve Urkel, "Family Matters," he was the nerd in love with the popular girl. It would be unrequited.

Actually, Davy was one of the T-Birds, the cool group of the school. You're thinking of Michael, the nerdy exchange student who liked Stefanie.

Question: What is Goose's surname, and where is it mentioned?

Answer: According to the credits, his surname is McKenzie.


Question: At what point did Davy and Delores become a couple? He shows no interest in her the entire film, but is dancing close with her during the last song.

Answer: The pictures of students jumping at the end are the graduating seniors. Deloris is not a senior.


Answer: Are you sure about that? I remember Dolores bringing in some young kid her own age. She says it never would have worked out between her and Michael. Everyone laughed. At the end of the movie, when everyone jumped in the air, they were paired off, except for Davy, who jumped solo.

Dolores was talking about Davy when she said that; she was holding onto his arm.

The ending where the characters were jumping was reserved for the major players in the film; Delores was more of a featured character and therefore would not have been included.

Question: How was membership passed down for the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies? How was the torch passed from the members in the first Grease to the eventual members in Grease 2?

Answer: It's never explained in the films how membership is gained, but from the tight bond between its members, we can assume they're friends prior to joining. So maybe it's just that - a group of friends who take up the mantle.

Good theory, but we know through dialogue at the bowling alley that there is a code to follow for both the T-Birds and Pink Ladies, so there must be initiation requirements.

Continuity mistake: After we see the twins push Crater-Face into the pool, we see them a couple of scenes later after Michael reveals himself as the mystery rider and we notice that the twins are completely dry.

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Principal Mcgee: If you play an instrument, remember, it is better to play with a group then with yourself.

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