Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Equipment - S5-E4

Other mistake: When the cardiac arrest is first brought into the ER we hear "Let's get him intubated," but the weird subtitles read, "Let's get him elevated." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Equipment - S5-E4

Other mistake: At the construction site, after Johnny administers the epinephrine to the cardiac arrest, 39's paramedic resumes CPR, and when they're lifting the patient onto the stretcher Johnny says, "Stop CPR," but the subtitles read, "Start CPR," which makes no sense since they've been doing CPR all along. Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Equipment - S5-E4

Character mistake: At the construction site, while the paramedics are defibbing the cardiac arrest Stoney's on the line with Rampart, and Brackett orders, "Administer 5ccs 1 to 10,000 epinephrine IV," to which Stoney responds, "Administer 5ccs epinephrine, 10-4, LA," even though he's speaking to Rampart not to LA dispatch.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Mouse - S4-E20

Continuity mistake: After Chet sees The Mouse run under the fridge, when the guys are discussing The Mouse Johnny's medical holster is clipped at his right hip, but when they're dispatched to 'man unconscious at laundromat' his medical holster is now at his left hip as he walks to the squad.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19

Character mistake: On scene at the vehicle accident, John palpates a pulse on the driver's leg and tells Roy that he's got a good strong foot pulse. Then when Roy's on the line with Rampart we hear him say, "He has a strong fetal pulse," but presumably Roy certainly must have meant to say, "strong pedal pulse."

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Parade - S4-E13

Continuity mistake: When Roy and John are at the nurses' station talking to Brackett and Dixie about The Old Engine, at the bottom right corner of the screen we can see the patient's metal clipboard chart being held, before Early even walks over to the nurses' station holding a chart. Then when Early does walk over he stands to Brackett's right, but in shots facing Dix and Johnny we still see that chart being held, where Roy is supposedly standing, not Early. Additionally, the charts hanging on the chart holder change/vanish between shots.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Gossip - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the traffic accident involving the car and the armored truck, the chrome center of Squad 51's lightbar is backwards, the solid side is facing front and the vertical slats are facing the rear.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Promotion - S3-E7

Trivia: While Roy is seriously considering the promotion to engineer, he climbs into Engine 51's driver's seat, which is a very poignant moment for the show, and it's the only time during the run of the series that we ever see anyone sitting in the Ward LaFrance driver's seat other than Mike Stoker, who was a real FD engineer, or the other real FD engineers who drove the rig on screen.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Decision - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: After 51's guys rescue the man from under the fallen engine, when the ambulance leaves we can see only the name Mayfair is printed on its side, but en route to Rampart and when Roy has the ambulance stop and then go, there's a red cross printed on the surface above Mayfair.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Decision - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: During the structure fire, after the parents realize their son ran back into the burning house to get the dog, when the father tries to go after the boy we can see the man's wearing a striped T-shirt under his robe, but when Roy rescues both the boy and the dog, the father is now wearing a white T-shirt under the robe.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Hang-Up - S1-E11

Other mistake: During the burglar's rescue, when Roy uses the K-12 to cut the shaft he stops and hands the K-12 to Johnny, and in the closeup we can see he has made only one vertical cut on one side and to his left the fiberglass material hasn't even been ripped off, but after Cap's close-up, Roy's part of the shaft has been cut away on the left and right sides going all the way around the shaft, which is quite impossible since Johnny had already taken the K-12 from Roy.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Hang-Up - S1-E11

Other mistake: While searching for the location of the burglar in the shafts, after John asks for a boost up, we hear one of them say, "Cap," and Cap says, "Oh. Here's a ladder, Johnny," but the subtitles read that Roy says that. (It's worth seeing Johnny drop his helmet on Chet's head.) Soon we hear Johnny say, "Man, he's really stuck..." but subtitles read, "Damn, he's really stuck..." Then later, when John helps carry the cut shaft into the hall, Cap tells him, "Here, I'll take that," but subtitles read that John says that.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Other mistake: At the start of shift, while John's putting the pillowcase on the pillow we hear the dispatcher say, "Boat fire, dock 61," but subtitles read, "Open fire, dock 61." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Johnny explains to Roy how he met Cynthia, he says that he "TX'd for Kirk on B shift," and at the end of the episode we see Kirk, who traded shifts with Chet, and Kirk is even played by the same actor who played 110's Kirk, Tom Wheeler's partner in a previous episode Publicity Hound, and also in the next episode, Crash.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Visible crew/equipment: After the man with trichloroethylene poisoning is hosed down and loaded onto the ambulance, while Roy's on the Biophone with Rampart, John's uniform jacket is pulled open with his hands on his hips, and we can see the outline of his mic transmitter in his shirt pocket with the wires coming out of the pocket.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Publicity Hound - S1-E8

Audio problem: After Tom Wheeler and his partner Kirk show up to assist with the trapped girl, when it cuts to Roy down in the rescue shaft we see him ask Johnny, "Do you see her yet?" but we don't hear any audio, just before we hear Johnny say, "We're getting close." Additionally, earlier at the start of the little girl's rescue, when Johnny tries to loop the rope around Helena's wrist and it doesn't work, he says,"Damn it," but the subtitles read "Darn it."

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Publicity Hound - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: While John's lying in the lateral tunnel when digging to reach Helena, his entire uniform is covered in dirt, but when John pulls her out and is with Roy in the rescue shaft, John's uniform is only a little dirty, nowhere near as filthy as it was just moments before.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Publicity Hound - S1-E8

Other mistake: When Johnny is complaining about Tom Wheeler while the guys are preparing lunch, Squad 51 is dispatched to a structure fire so Roy and Johnny head out of the kitchen, but Marco turns the stove flame off and the rest of the guys in the engine company leave the kitchen as well, even though they were not dispatched.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Publicity Hound - S1-E8

Other mistake: After Johnny gets off the phone with Tom Wheeler, and starts complaining about him while the guys are preparing lunch, there are two milk containers on the table which have orange tape covering the brand names.

Super Grover

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