Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Faramir and his men ride out of Osgiliath, and in the first wide shot their shadows are behind them. Thereafter as they ride, sometimes the shadow is directly below them, in front of them or to their left, and as Gandalf rides towards them, in one shot his shadow is in front of him to his left. Obviously filmed at different times of the day. (00:53:45)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Faramir and his men retreat towards Minas Tirith, someone shouts, "Take cover, my lord! It's coming!" In this shot Faramir starts to duck from the Nazgul overhead and seen to his left are his men. After Gandalf rides towards them and a Nazgul lifts a horse and its rider, Faramir is ducking again with the same men to his left in the same positions as the earlier shot. Obviously this is the same sequence that was edited to include shots in between. (00:53:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the Grey Havens, Frodo hugs Merry and when they let go of each other, in the shot facing Frodo, Merry's cloak hangs down smooth over his right shoulder, but in the next shot facing Merry his cloak is folded up at the shoulder. (03:05:55)

Super Grover

Easter egg: On Disc 2, in the Main Menu choose the "Moonlight Serenade" Scene Progression. For PC: then click on the front tooth of the skeleton, which turns gold when touched. For TV: scroll down to Main Menu on that screen, then click the down arrow twice and hit enter on the remote. A short interview with Keith Richards will be seen.

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Frodo, who is alone, finishes writing and turns to the beginning of the Red Book, we see 'There and back again, a Hobbit's tale, by Bilbo Baggins' written on the page. However, the handwriting on the page in this close-up is different than when it is first seen in FotR, when Bilbo first writes it. Then when Sam comes into the study, he reads aloud, "There and back... and The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins," in the close-up of Frodo's handwriting. Sam then exclaims, "You finished it!" Frodo closes the book, but as he closes it we see that page again and 'The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins' is written differently than the previous close-up of that page. (03:01:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After Aragorn is crowned king he greets Legolas and they place their hands on each other's shoulder. In the shot facing Aragorn when he starts to move toward Arwen, the semi profile seen on Legolas is not Orlando Bloom, but that of his double. In the previous shot facing Legolas, Aragorn and the Elf are the same height and eye level, but in the shot facing Aragorn, Legolas is considerably taller. (02:55:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Frodo awakens at Minas Tirith, sits up in bed and sees Gandalf. There is a silver pitcher on the dresser to his left and the pitcher's handle points away from Frodo. Yet when Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli look at the three Hobbits, it is a different pitcher entirely, and I might add with the handle now pointing towards Frodo. (02:49:20 - 02:50:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Rivendell, Arwen sits holding the book and we see the bouquet of flowers, the chair at the side of the table faces the camera, the pillows beside her that switch positions and the patterned floor is brightly colored rose tones with high gloss. Yet, in the close-up dropping the book (and following shots), though the floor has the same pattern, it's now light pastel tones, matte and granite-like, with no gloss at all. After Elrond lifts the book, in the wide shot the flowers are very different and the chair is now in front of the table facing the chaise lounge. Then when Elrond takes her hands in the next shot the chair is on the side of the table again. (00:30:15)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Pippin steals the palantir, Gandalf's right hand grasps the sword below the hilt's cross-guard in all of the close-ups. However, in the wide shots Gandalf's hand grasps the grip of the sword above the hilt's cross-guard. The bed sheets differ between the shots as well. (00:20:00)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Arwen's vision, an escort says to her, "We cannot delay," and in the wideshot as she turns her horse around, the face of the riding double is perfectly visible. (00:28:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Arwen's vision, as the child (which she realized to be her future child with Aragorn) runs past the plants in the wide shot, the area between his knees and ankles become very thin, dark and partially disappear, then reappear while he runs. However when he reaches the steps and stone ground within the same vision, his legs are normal again, as he was filmed on that set, whereas he was 'pasted' among the greenery. His upper body though, remains normal throughout this shot. As soon as he reaches the stone floor, which is the set that he was filmed on, his legs are normal again along with the rest of his body. There should be no differentiation in the appearance and disappearance of part of his legs between the backdrop of greenery or the stone of Minas Tirith within the one vision, but there is. (00:27:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In Edoras, after Gandalf lifts Pippin onto Shadowfax, as Gandalf says, "Three days ride..." Pippin's left hand is seen and the fingers are very short and very chunky - NOT because his fingers are clasped - it is obviously the scale double's hand in this specific shot. Then when Merry hands Pippin the pouch of Longbottom leaf, Pippin's left hand is seen again and Billy Boyd's hand and fingers are very thin and lanky. The two hands seen in these two consecutive shots quite obviously do not look anything alike. (00:25:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Shadowfax breaks down the door to the Tomb of the Stewards, in the shot facing Gandalf he grabs the guard's spear and points the blunt end towards Denethor on the pyre as Shadowfax rides forward. In the next shot from behind, never altering his tight grip, now the tip of the spear is pointed at Denethor as he charges forward. (02:02:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Minas Tirith, while speaking with Gandalf, Pippin examines the Gondorian sword as the rest of his garments lie in front of him on the bed. The first shot faces him as does the third shot, but the middle shot is over his shoulder. The gloves' position differs in that middle shot. (00:37:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Gandalf and Pippin reach Minas Tirith, Gandalf's cloak is fairly clean. As they ride up through all of the gates of Minas Tirith, the bottom of Gandalf's white cloak is filthy, yet when they reach the top Gandalf's cloak is much cleaner again. During their ride glimpses of the stirrups are visible. (00:32:00 - 00:33:00)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Smeagol kills Deagol, Smeagol opens up Deagol's fist to claim the Ring. In the first shot, Smeagol leans over Deagol, then Smeagol's right hand holds Deagol's wrist and Smeagol's left hand opens Deagol's fingers. Yet in the close-up, now Smeagol's left hand hold's Deagol's wrist and Smeagol's right hand opens Deagol's fingers to reveal the Ring. (00:04:20)

Super Grover

2nd Jun 2004

Blind Date (1987)

Revealing mistake: When David drives through the outer wall of the bakery products store, in the side shot the wall first bends, then it breaks as the car goes through. Also, the next back shot is a repetitive action, although the window breaks quite differently in both shots. (00:50:45)

Super Grover

2nd Jun 2004

Blind Date (1987)

Revealing mistake: David drives through the paint store window and the interior shot shows many exploding paint cans, among them exploding blue paint cans. In the next exterior shot, cans are falling directly in front of the car, but are not exploding paint as in the first shot. More importantly, the yellow and blue paint cans that have been stored overhead, fall from above and have no lids, thus spilling paint as it falls down towards the car. Obviously done for the effect of a greater paint mess. (00:37:10)

Super Grover

30th May 2004

Blind Date (1987)

Continuity mistake: As David drives through the pet shop window, in the wide shot the part of the window with the painting of the pelican stays intact and the frame of the window pane is on top of the car. However in the close-up, there is no glass still attached and the frame is not on top of the car. (00:35:15)

Super Grover

30th May 2004

Blind Date (1987)

Continuity mistake: At the restaurant, after the waiter pours the champagne into the flutes, without touching her glass Nadia walks away from the table. When she returns, in the front shot her flute is in the same position and has the same amount of champagne, but in the next shot from behind as she sits, her flute is almost empty and moved over next to the menus. (00:27:20)

Super Grover

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