Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the stable at Edoras, Éowyn gives the saddle to someone, then starts to walk towards Aragorn, and her long hair is spread out all around her shoulders. Cut to the close-up shot, and her hair is now parted at the neck, hanging straight down in front and back. When Aragorn walks away, her hair is all around her shoulders again. (01:31:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Gollum brings the two rabbits, he drops them onto Frodo's lap, and Frodo is leaning up against one of the broken stone structures. After Frodo opens his eyes, the stone structure behind him vibrates when he moves a couple of times. This structure should be way too heavy to jiggle when Frodo moves. (01:41:05)

Super Grover

Other mistake: Pintel and Ragetti fire the chain link cannonball, and it hits the square rigged mast aboard Interceptor. There's a shot of two men falling from the top of the mast, just before Interceptor's mast crashes onto the Pearl. They are not part of Jack's crew, who are all accounted for aboard the Pearl later. The only one of Jack's crew to die is the Asian man, when he's stabbed by a pirate and falls overboard. Nor can they be Barbossa's crew, because they haven't boarded yet. (01:27:00)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Jack asks, "Where's dear William?" and Elizabeth runs over to the hatch that Will is trapped under. Tied to the hatch is a rope attached between two holes and lying on top is a piece of the broken mast and sail with more rope. In the wide shot of Elizabeth running towards the hatch and the following close-up, the ropes and twisted sail are either lying or tied differently on the hatch in both shots. This has nothing to do with the angle of the shot. (01:29:15)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Aboard the Pearl, just as Barbossa screams, "And the rest of you, bring me that medallion," seen to the upper right of the screen is a very apparant high cliffside. There are no cliffs, high or otherwise, where they are having the battle - they're in open water. (01:27:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Henneth Annun, Faramir who is alone with Frodo and Sam, walks towards Frodo with his sword pointed at him. Behind Faramir, are many spears leaning against the wall. Then there's a shot of Frodo. In the very next shot there are fewer spears behind Faramir, and they are lined up very differently against the wall too. They are alone, and no one touched the spears. (00:41:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Black Pearl, Pintel and Ragetti load the cannon with the chain-link cannonballs. As the cannon fires, in this shot from outside the port hole, the rungs of the steps on the side of the ship are to the right of the port hole. This shot has been flipped. The rungs are really to the left of the port hole, as seen when they load the cannonballs into the cannon and other shots throughout the movie. (01:26:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the brig aboard the Pearl, Jack sees Gibbs' flask in the pooled water around him. He reaches for it, holds it upside down to his mouth to drink from. There are two successive shots of him holding it to his mouth and then moving it away. The left sleeve leaning on his knee and the position of the long striped cloth that he wears around his waist differs in both shots. Also, the item on the floor to his left is in a different position in both shots. (01:25:55)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Will and Jack are in the bar in Tortuga, Will stands with his back to the wall and on that wall is a shelf with a candle. The candle height changes and the candle drippings are very different in these shots too. Also, shots in the deleted scenes. (00:52:10)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barbossa looks through his telescope at Interceptor, before Jack says, "I'm having a thought..." she's a good distance away from the Pearl and all her sails are out. Then in most of the wide and close-up shots of Interceptor, some of the sails differ at the bow and stern. Sails raised in one shot, are lowered in another, then some raised again and also some are raised but blowing wildly, then in the successive shot, it's down and still. Their proximity varies throughout and there are way too many changes between shots. (01:20:45)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth is dining with Barbossa aboard the Black Pearl, cutting between the front shots and side shots she holds the turkey leg differently in her left hand. Also held differently in her right hand is the bread when Barbossa offers her the apple and she looks at the monkey between the two shots. (00:55:10)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Jack chases after the monkey on the broken mast leading across to the Black Pearl. When he gets there, Barbossa says, "Why thank you, Jack." Barbossa's left arm is up and he's holding the rope. In that first shot, much of his white sleeve is out. In the next shot of Barbossa, the white sleeve is mostly covered. Then in his next shot, much of the white sleeve is out again. (01:29:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Frodo finally sees Bilbo in Rivendell he opens the Red Book and reads the title page, "There and Back Again..." The handwriting on the page in this close-up is different than when it is first seen at the start of the film, when Bilbo first writes it. (01:25:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Frodo is in the boat and Sam yells out, "And I'm coming with you!" in the far wide shot, Frodo is not holding the oar in his hands, as he does in the close-up shot before and after. (01:30:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Frodo rescues a drowning Sam and Sam declares that he made a promise not to leave Frodo, they embrace. In the first two close-ups, Frodo is clutching Sam's shoulder with his right hand, and his right arm doesn't go all the way around Sam's back. In the far wide shot, Frodo's arms go over Sam's shoulder and reach all the way around Sam's back in a tight hug. In the very next close-up, they are in the exact same positions as in the previous close-up. Since these are successive shots, the excuse can not be made that in the wide shot, Frodo put his arm around Sam differently. (01:31:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Boromir dies, Legolas and Gimli are standing nearby. This shot of Gimli's face and beard are very different here, because they changed Gimli's appearance after this. Most things were shot out of sequence. Compare his face in this shot to when they're fighting the Uruk-hai or when Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas are by the shore and decide to "hunt some Orc." (01:28:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After leaving the Mines of Moria, the Fellowship flee toward Lothlorien. Aragorn runs through a rocky bed of water, stops and smiles looking ahead. In the shot from the front, the top of his bow is hardly seen at his shoulder, but in the shot from behind the top of the bow is way up higher than his shoulder. (00:44:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Haldir, Aragorn and Legolas are standing looking out in this front close-up shot, as Haldir says, "Caras Galadhon." In the next wide shot from behind, as Haldir's voice is heard saying, "The heart of Elvendom on earth," it is blatantly obvious that it is Morgan Evans's (O. Bloom's double) profile near Haldir - note his height and cheek/jaw line. (00:47:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On their way to the Falls of Rauros, the Fellowship rest at night on the shore. The three boats are side by side at the shoreline, in the first shot. Then we see the boats near the rockface beside the sleeping Hobbits, and next to Frodo and Sam when they're speaking. (01:08:45)

Super Grover

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