Super Grover

Audio problem: First there is a wide shot of the Dead Marshes and Gollum says, "Soft and quick as shadows we must be." Then in the next shot as the camera starts to pan towards Sam, he begins to say, "I hate this place, it's too quiet..." When the camera first shows Sam, his mouth is not in sync with these particular words, "I hate this place," the words originally said on camera were changed during ADR. Extended DVD. (00:42:45)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening close-up shot of this scene just before Gollum says, "We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious," Frodo and Sam are seen sleeping side by side. In the next wide shot of them they are sleeping perpendicular to each other. (01:38:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Gollum is trying to catch the fish in the rocky bed of water, in the wide shot, Frodo and Sam are walking in the background. The background seen behind Sam and Frodo in that wide shot, is very different to the background in the very next shot, seen behind Frodo and Sam, when Sam says, "Hey stinker," and in the rest of the shots in this scene. The column in the wide shot is the same column seen behind Sam, when he says, "Because. Because that's what he is Mr. Frodo." There are three distinctly different columns shown in the close-ups! (01:36:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Edoras, after Wormtongue spits on Aragorn's hand and runs away, a man shouts, "Hail Theoden King!" The crowd bowing at the bottom of the stairs in this wide shot, is more dense, than in the close-up shot after, where the crowd is very sparse to the right. Not to mention some people are arranged quite differently. (01:23:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After the sweeping pan of Edoras, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn ride up towards the Golden Hall. In the first shot, behind them is a wood fence with a wood ladder, leading up to a tower and seen behind Legolas are two girls standing on stone steps. Also seen in this first shot, to Gandalf's right, is a man with a white beard, hooded shirt and long vest. In the very next shot, is the same bearded man (use zoom) wearing the same clothes, standing near a cart. In the next shot, the first close-up of Aragorn, to his left, are a woman (partially seen) and two men wearing hats, standing under a wooden structure. Aragorn looks up at the Golden Hall, and sees Éowyn. The next shot of Aragorn, behind him to his left, are the same wood fence, ladder, tower and two girls on the stone steps, as in the first shot of them all. As they continue to ride up, Gimli remarks, "You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Just after Aragorn looks up at the Golden Hall again, in the next close-up of Aragorn, to his left, are the same woman and two men standing under the same wood structure, as in the first close-up of Aragorn!! (01:16:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After seeing the Mûmakil, Frodo and Sam are captured by Faramir's men. In the close-up shot as Frodo says, "We are bound to an errand of secrecy..." he's being held by one of Faramir's men around the shoulders and Frodo is holding the man's forearm. A second man is close to Frodo's left whose right hand is down. In the very next wide shot Frodo is holding the man's arm differently and the second man to his left is not only further away, he's standing differently and grasping the hilt of his sword in front of him. In the next two close-ups of Frodo, he's holding the man's arm exactly the way he was in the first close-up. It's also obvious in the wide shot that it's the scale double of Frodo. (01:45:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Éomer yells, "To the King!" at Helm's Deep and the Rohirrim begin to ride down, towards the Uruk-hai. In the very first wide shot of Gandalf, starting to lead them down, there is a clear reflection of three of the riders and their horses, shown on the ground. (01:29:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After riding down the Causeway at Helm's Deep, Aragorn looks up and sees Gandalf. In the first shot his hair and face are very sweaty and shiny. In the second shot when he says, "Gandalf," his face is dry and sweat free. His hair is different in both shots too. The second shot was pinched from the earlier scene in the Keep when he looks up at the window remembering Gandalf's words, "Look to my coming." Confirmed on commentary. (01:29:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: As the Uruk-hai are slamming into the chamber door, with the battering ram, Gimli and Legolas are standing at the door. Across the room, Aragorn says, "Ride out with me," then in the next three shots of Theoden, he's standing in front of the same wall, with particular markings. In the very next shot, Gimli says, "The sun is rising," and he's standing right in front of the very same wall that Theoden is standing right in front of. Then, in the next shot, still standing at that wall, Theoden says, "Yes. Yes. The Horn of Helm Hammerhand..." Both Theoden and Gimli, can not be in front of the same wall at the same time. In the next shot of Gimli, still standing at that same wall, responds, "Yes." He then starts to go off to blow the Horn. The next shot, is a close-up of the door - all the men in front of it and some wood are knocked away, due to the force of the battering ram. In the next shot, as Theoden says, "Let this be the hour when we draw swords..." between Aragorn and Theoden, the men are seen huddled together at the door again, and Legolas and Gimli are there too. Yet, in the next shot, Gimli is hurriedly running up the steps of the tower to the Horn. (01:27:20)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: In the Chamber of Mazarbul, when Legolas lets loose the double arrows at the Troll near Balin's Tomb, in that shot he stands in front of the same wall as in the next shot. In this second shot he spins around, slices two Orcs and then looks at the Troll in front of him, only this second shot is flipped. In those two shots he stands in front of a solid rock wall with particular markings between two pillars. In the next shot it shows Legolas' back and the Troll down below as Legolas ducks down avoiding the Troll's chain flying overhead. Then in the next consecutive shot from the front again Legolas rises and is now standing in front of a stone wall that has a large alcove with books also between two pillars. These shots were spliced from a longer sequence because the two walls noted are adjacent to each other - in the film the alcove wall is to the left of the solid wall and they share a pillar between them. (00:30:30)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sam dives between the Troll's legs and tries to crawl away, Aragorn and Boromir pull the chain that's around the Troll's neck to get him away from Sam. In the next two shots of Sam, his left wrist has an ace bandage wrapped around it - it's at his white shirt cuff. Notice the bar on his palm between his thumb and index finger. He did not have the bandage in earlier shots, nor does he have it in later shots. (00:29:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The Troll throws Boromir across the room at Balin's Tomb, and when Boromir hits the wall he then crashes to the floor. In the first shot Boromir shakes his head and spit flies out of his mouth, landing on his coat at his right and left shoulders, making them wet. An Orc then lifts his knife to stab him. In the next shot only the left side of Boromir's coat is wet. Aragorn then throws his sword at the Orc. Then in the next shot as Boromir sits up and shakes his head again, now both sides of his coat are dry. (00:30:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the Troll breaks through the doorway at Balin's Tomb Legolas lets loose an arrow at his right shoulder. As the Troll stomps towards Sam the arrow is seen, then disappears, then seen again. When the Troll lifts up his mace the arrow is not seen, but when the mace is at the Troll's shoulder the arrow is there and the chain goes right through the arrow. As he tries to slam the mace down onto Sam the chain goes right through the arrow again. As Sam dives between the Troll's legs the arrow disappears and then reappears again. (00:29:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the well near Balin's Tomb there is a shot from above and it shows the body falling along with some chain, but some chain still remains on top. In the next close-up of the chain there is much more chain sitting on top of the well that has yet to fall in. The amount and position of the chain sitting on the well in these two shots differ greatly. Also in the second shot from inside the well looking up a good amount of pail should be seen over the ledge of the well, but it is not. (00:26:55)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Pippin causes the skeletal body to fall into the well at Balin's Tomb. When the head falls in, Pippin spins around and behind him we see the body start to fall in and the pail is right next to the body. In the close-up shot of the body falling into the well the pail is not on the well. Then in the next few shots the pail is yet again sitting on the stone well showing the chain and pail falling into the well. (00:26:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Frodo rescues Sam he grabs hold of his wrist and pulls him into the boat. In the shot in which Frodo grabs hold of the side of the boat with his left hand while pulling Sam into the boat with his right hand, we see the large brown mat on the floor of the boat. In this shot the mat is under Frodo's legs and Sam's sword is not at all under his cloak. In the following shot behind Frodo as Sam is trying to sit up the mat is not under Frodo's legs but only under Sam, and Sam's sword is now entirely under his cloak. (01:31:10)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Will opens the door to the blacksmith shop, behind him to his right is the sign for the silversmith across the courtyard. When the Royal Navy bursts in to capture Jack, behind the men is the same sign for the silversmith. The wall and silversmith sign in both of these background composites differ with each other in position, angle and dimension in relation to the door and the people standing in the doorway in both shots. This has nothing to do with the camera angle of the two shots. (00:21:55 - 00:26:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Will first sees the hammer it's lying on top of the anvil almost parallel with it. Right before Jack says, "You know what you're doing, I'll give you that," as Will sticks his sword towards Jack's legs, the hammer's seen to Jack's right, perpendicular to the anvil. In the next shot, when Jack actually says those words, the hammer's lying parallel to the anvil again. Jack says, "If I step here," and the hammer's perpendicular to the anvil again. Then in the next few shots, once again the hammer's parallel to the anvil. Even in the 'parallel' shots, the hammer's lying a bit differently. (00:22:25)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Tortuga, on the dock, Anamaria slaps Jack twice. In the side shot, Jack says, "You'll get another one," and she picks up her right hand and points her finger right up into Jack's face. When Will says, "That one," Jack spins around, and in this shot when he asks, "What one?" now Anamaria's left hand is the one pointing at Jack's face. (01:02:20)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Will goes to the fort and pleads with Norrington to find and save Elizabeth. On the table are two distinct feather quills. They're in different positions in the wide shot and in the close-up when Will slams the axe down on the map. Also, in that wide shot, there is a small bottle in front of the quill holder, whereas in the close-up, the small bottle isn't there. (00:41:40)

Super Grover

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