Continuity mistake: At the construction site, after the younger patient has been taken to the ambulance, when Roy tells Johnny that it was pretty good radio work, Johnny's holding his helmet, but in the next shot as Johnny stands up his helmet is gone, though there is a helmet near the drug box behind him.
Super Grover
4th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
1st May 2014
Emergency! (1972)

Continuity mistake: After Brackett gets off the phone with Dr. Meier, he walks back to treatment 1, and when Brackett speaks to Morton about the patient being on warfarin, the stethoscope around Brackett's neck vanishes in his closeups, and reappears in wide shots.
1st May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are in the water trying to rescue the the man trapped in the submerged car, they are wearing water-type shoes, not their regular uniform shoes.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the ambulance carrying the 15 year old OD backs up to ER receiving, both attendants get out of the driver and passenger sides, but in the previous and following shot we see that one of the attendants has been sitting with Johnny and the patient, at the back of the ambulance.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the 15 year old OD is wheeled into the treatment room and transferred onto the gurney, Roy leans over and starts removing the squad's resuscitator from the airway's mask, but then it cuts to a closeup of Morton's hands removing it.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Dinner Date - S2-E10
Continuity mistake: At very end in the locker room, when Chet asks Roy why Johnny is mad, Johnny's setting up his uniform shirt and the green pen is in the pocket, then it vanishes and reappears.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Dr. Early is with the farmer with the unknown illness and talking to Dixie, there's a tall dark item sticking up on the left side of the farmer's buttoned shirt pocket, and then when Dr. Knott stops to ask him questions the item is sticking up on the right side of the buttoned pocket. It could not have simply shifted sides in the pocket, because the pocket flap is buttoned at the center.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the tones drop for the structure fire at the hotel, the dispatched companies are: Engine 4, Engine 51, Engine 37, Engine 105, Truck 8, and Battalion 14. However, at the fire we see Engine 16, Engine 27, Engine 10, Truck 98, and Battalion 14 instructs Engine 23 and Engine 19 over the HT.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Roy and John are with Boat 110, after the Harbor Patrol cancels their incident response, we hear that Engine 110 and Engine 58 are dispatched to 'aircraft down' and Boat 110 heads there as well, but when Boat 110 reaches the shore, we see an engine and a squad behind the airplane, just before more of 110's guys appear.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: After Johnny and Roy rappel down into the canyon to rescue the unconscious hiker, when Johnny reaches the hiker, suddenly there's a grey 12" reflective strip attached to the back of his life belt, where there was none before. Then it vanishes when he gets the stokes basket, but it reappears when they attach the stokes to Truck 43's snorkel.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: After Johnny moves the squad forward in the apparatus bay, he heads to the kitchen to get Roy, and in the next shot there's a rolling mop bucket with two mops that suddenly appear in front of the kitchen doorway.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the guys are in the garage with the mechanic who had an engine fall on him, when Johnny contacts Rampart, Dixie presses the fifth button on the tape recorder, to record the transmission. Once they lift the engine off the mechanic, when Johnny contacts Rampart again, Brackett presses both the third and fifth buttons to record the transmission.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: Before 51's guys rescue the burglar trapped in the air conditioning duct, Vince's helmet has a highly polished and reflective surface, but when Vince reads the Miranda rights he's wearing a different helmet, it now has a matte surface.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the man who doesn't speak English is lying in treatment 4, in Dixie's closeups she and the patient's 'friend' are standing in front of the wall with the white dispenser, but in the repeated wide shots of Early with the patient, that wall is seen behind Early and nobody is standing in front of it.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When the man who doesn't speak English is in treatment 4, there's a closeup of the Datascope 850 monitor, and then the girl points to the EKG monitoring unit behind the gurney and asks Dixie why the thing is bouncing up and down. Problem is that the Datascope 850 is used by the paramedics and it's not actually in that treatment room. The treatment room has a Zenith Travenol unit.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the attempted suicide, the dispatcher states that he's in apartment 2A, and when Roy and John arrive at the scene the police officer also says he's in apartment 2A, but when they get to the second floor they pass apt 2A and go to the apartment at the end of the hall.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: After Johnny and Roy get back to the fire's base station and hand the looter over to Vince, when they find Grover in the pen with the other dogs, Roy checks the dog's ID tag and in the two wide shots Roy's holding it with one hand while the other hand is up on the gate, but in closeup both of Roy's hands are holding the collar and ID tag.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Roy and John leave the ER after the baby delivery, the base station dispatches them to the motorcycle accident, and in the next shot as the squad turns the corner, there are three people in Squad 51, we see Roy, Johnny and someone seated between them, while they're en route.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Cook's Tour - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the 'injury in alley', after John defibs the teenager, when he removes the diagnostic penlight from his belt holster, the kelly forceps fall out of the holster, but when he puts the penlight back into the belt holster the forceps are back in its place.
29th Apr 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Continuity mistake: When Roy finds Bonnie in the back seat of the wrecked car, Paula's luggage flips itself around and upright between shots.
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