Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

The Goonies mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy begins to lose it in the tunnel, Brand holds one lit lantern at the head of the line and Mouth holds another lit lantern at the back of the line (Mikey holds an unlit lantern). Next shot the lit lanterns have switched, just as they reach Chester Copperpot and Andy screams. Then in the next wideshot before it pans to the skeleton, the lantern Brand holds up switches yet again. (00:53:15)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Walsh asks, "What is that?" pointing to the mess on the table, the bowl is filled with chips in the close-up, but when she walks out with Rosalita the bowl is nearly empty. (00:13:00)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Data places the cassette into the tapedeck and grabs hold of the bar on the zip-line, his palms face him as he takes off, but next shot as he slides down his palms face out. (00:08:50)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: Chunk is tied to a chair when Jake and Francis leave him in the room with Sloth. When Chunk introduces himself to Sloth, the rope around Chunk's right shoulder has gone up, off the chair, but then manages to lower itself again, back over the chair in following shots. (01:04:05)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When the Inferno sails past everyone on the beach, in the close-up of Mikey blowing a kiss and saying thanks, he has a blanket wrapped around him, but next wideshot the blanket is on the rocks, at his legs. (01:48:10)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: After Mr. Walsh tears up the paperwork, when the reporter steps forward to ask if the jewels are real, Mouth stands right in front of him facing the other kids, but next shot Mouth instantly stands behind the kids, facing the reporter. This continues to go back and forth. (01:47:00)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Chunk runs to the window, to watch the police chase, in the interior shots he stands in front of divided window panes, but in the exterior shot facing him he stands in front of a single pane of glass. (00:04:10)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Brand, Andy and the rest enter the room with the fireplace and printing press, the water cooler is covered in cobwebs, but when Chunk knocks over the water bottle just about all the cobwebs are gone. (00:40:25)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Andy plays the final correct chord on the bone keys, the doorway opens and Brand rushes forward with nothing in his hands, as he grabs hold of the door's chain, but next close-up the lantern suddenly appears in his right hand. (01:22:10)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: In the attic, after Mikey finishes his story about One-Eyed Willy, in a close-up Chunk stands up and walks toward the frame which lies sideways between the crate and another frame. When it cuts to another close-up, his foot knocks over the now front facing framed Chester Copperpot news article. Next shot, when Chunk lifts it, the frame and taped back differ and the loose wire is now attached properly. (00:18:45)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: On Inferno's deck, when Sloth jumps rope with Francis and Jake, in the close-up of his feet he wears all black high-tops with black laces, but in the previous and following shots he wears black high-tops with white soles and laces.

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Data shoots the blue suction dart at Mama Fratelli's gun, she drops the gun and when it falls below deck Jake's Sporto boot is seen on Mama's right (viewer's left), but in the previous and following shots Jake is standing to her left, beside Francis. (01:31:55)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Data shoots the blue suction dart at Mama Fratelli's gun, it leaves the stick behind still attached to his belt, but in the close-up of the gun the stick is attached to the suction cup and string. (01:31:50)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Mouth walks into the Walsh's house, there is a jacket hanging on one of the four hooks in the hallway, but when Mouth opens the door and sees Chunk at the gate the jacket's gone. We know it didn't just fall down, because we can see the floor below the hooks in later shots. (00:06:25)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

The Goonies mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brand tells the others that the $50 bills are fake, Stef takes the newspaper with the Fratelli family mugshots off the post, from over the telephone. Then when Chunk gets the ice cream out of the freezer, the newspaper is back up on the post, but when the kids lift the dead body off the floor, the newspaper is missing from the post. Finally, in the shot just before Chunk shouts, "Guys, I'm stuck with the stiff," as the kids run into the fireplace, the tired newspaper is now lying on the printing press. (00:42:45 - 00:45:15)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Chunk waits to be let in at the gate, Mikey pulls the cord to release the bowling ball and there is a long blue handle (broom?) leaning against the window, but it isn't there in previous and following shots. (00:07:30)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Mama Fratelli says, "Follow me," and begins to walk along the side wall, past the skeleton's bone keys, her body faces the skeleton as she holds a large flashlight in her left hand and the wall with her right hand. Next overhead shot she is turned around to face the wall and the flashlight has switched hands. (01:24:10)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Inferno in One-Eyed Willy's quarters, when Brand says, "Don't know. Who cares?" he's holding a candlestick with a candle. When he fills his pockets with the riches in the previous and following close-ups, the candlestick style differs and it's loaded with melted wax. (01:30:25)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Walsh, Rosalita and Mouth go back downstairs, after Mouth's interesting interpreter skills, in the first shot Rosalita holds her umbrella in her left hand upside down, but next shot it's in her right arm, right-side up. (00:12:25)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2008

The Goonies (1985)

Continuity mistake: When Chunk and Rosalita are eyeballing each other regarding the statue, there are colored curtains and sheer white curtains hanging from white rods on the two windows behind Chunk (behind the recliner). When Mikey unrolls the map in his kitchen, through the doorway we see that the sheer curtains are gone and now there are shades behind the colored curtains. (00:12:30 - 00:22:25)

Super Grover

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