Super Grover

30th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew is sitting on the couch in his hotel room, after checking in, the coffee table in front of him has a few items on it. In the following shots their positions change, and new things appear, disappear and then reappear. (00:42:20)

Super Grover

30th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: After Drew first enters his hotel room there is a close-up of the "Chuck & Cindy" gift basket. In the next shot as Drew picks it up, things are arranged differently in the basket, and even the black and red ribbons are twisted differently. (00:42:20)

Super Grover

30th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: In Drew's hotel room, in the shot of him removing his pants while he is telling Claire about the volume of Samson's voice, there is a huge potted plant beside the doorway to the bedroom. When he tells Claire, "They met in an elevator," that 6 ft tall plant is gone. Yet, in the shot of Drew lying on the bed wiggling his foot, that plant is back. (00:48:15 - 00:49:25)

Super Grover

30th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew shows Claire the site of Mitch's memorial, there are tables, chairs, balloons etc., set up in the ballroom from Chuck and Cindy's rehearsal. Balloons' and chairs' positions change, disappear or reappear between shots here and when Drew and Claire run back to get Mitch.

Super Grover

30th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: At Mercury Headquarters, when Phil speaks of "Sh*t hitting the fan globally," and reads the memo from the DCS CEO, in Drew's close-ups he has a bruise on his upper lip, which is gone in previous and following close-ups. (00:08:25)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: During Mitch's memorial, after Claire tells Drew, "I want you to get into the deep beautiful melancholy of..." there is a shot of the audience as Ruckus plays Freebird, and Hollie and Heather have their backs to the stage as they speak to someone, while everyone else is going wild. When it cuts to close-ups, both face the stage and Heather is jumping up and down yelling, and Hollie is laughing. (01:39:05)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Hollie takes the stage she passes the huge photo of Mitch, beside the stage. When facing the opposite side of the ballroom from the stage, near the wet-bar on the left, there is another huge photo of a younger Mitch. Later, when the sprinklers go off, those two framed photos have actually switched places. Connie grabs the photo of Mitch which was originally near the stage and exits near the bar, and in the last shot of Ruckus playing to an empty ballroom, the other photo is beside the stage. (01:29:00 - 01:41:00)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew stands in front of the Lorraine Hotel holding the photograph, the way he grips it noticeably differs between shots. (01:47:10)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: After Drew reads Global Business Today during the road trip, there is a close-up of Claire as she writes "here is a river..." in the map, which cuts to a close-up of Drew holding the map. The handwriting differs in the close-ups. (01:45:45)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: In Kentucky, when Drew parks the car across the street from the Brown Hotel, in this nice clear close-up the rearview mirror is gone. It disappears in various other shots as well, such as when he pulls into the funeral home parking lot. (00:41:25)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: After just passing the Wichita sign during the road trip, there is a shot of Drew from the passenger side and both armrests are up, as he glances down at the urn. It cuts to a close-up of the urn and the armrest is down, but when it cuts back to Drew starting to pour his heart out, it is back up, and when it cuts back to the urn it's down again. These specific four shots are consecutive time-wise. (01:51:00)

Super Grover

28th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew reaches the "World's 2nd Largest Farmers Market" on the road trip, there is a shot of him walking up to the large entrance sign, with a small crowd walking around him. Then, a few shots later he's walking towards the entrance again, but now he's much farther away with an even greater crowd. (01:53:30)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew is on the flight to Kentucky, there is an exterior shot of the airplane, which shows a massive jumbo jet, that accommodates hundreds of seats. In the interior shots of the airplane, there are 10-12 rows, totaling at most 72 seats in economy, and about 12 seats in first class, which makes for a very small airplane, similar to a Boeing 737-200. There is a very big difference in airplane size. (00:17:35 - 00:21:45)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When the airplane lands in Kentucky, Claire hands Drew the hotel coupon with her phone numbers written on the back, which he looks at as he walks through the terminal. When Drew phones Claire from his hotel room, he holds up the coupon and everything differs, even the cute dotted line around "don't miss 60B!!" is now a solid line. (00:23:00 - 00:43:50)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: On the way to Elizabethtown, when Drew pulls over and has a bit of a fit in the car, in the two exterior shots there is a fence that runs the length of the field on the car's right, and open field on the left. However, in the interior shots there is a fence on the car's left. (00:24:35)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew, Dale, Bill and Charles Dean are sitting at the table discussing cremation plans, Charlie Dean is cleaning his eyeglasses, but in the next shot he's wearing them. (01:05:50)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: At Dora's, when Drew is discussing cremation with Dale and the others, things on the table such as glasses, mugs, etc., repeatedly move around between shots. (01:05:25)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Drew is discussing funeral plans with Dale, Bill and Charles Dean, Bill is holding up a pen, pointing, but when Dora shouts, "Bill Banyon, how can you even say such a thing?" the pen is lying on the pad. (01:06:00)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: After Drew says, "And that's the decision from*t....Oregon," Lena takes Dale's mug and refills it with coffee. Two shots later, she reaches for his mug again to refill it. Two shots after that Dale holds his mug up to drink, while Lena stands behind him. Then, in the next shot Lena is still refilling Dale's mug. Even Dora's actions are inconsistent in these shots. (01:06:55)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2006

Elizabethtown (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Hollie walks onto the stage at Mitch's memorial, she is wearing pretty black pumps with pointy toes and thin heels; these pumps are also seen in two more shots as she walks around on stage discussing life without Mitch. When Hollie places the mic on the stage floor to begin her tap dance, she is wearing tap shoes with wide flat heels and large silver taps at the toe. Hollie never changed shoes. (01:28:45 - 01:34:50)

Super Grover

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