Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While Marge and Bart are in the service station market, when Marge points to the beef jerky jars the end of the service counter is right beside the jars, but when the clerk fills the bag the counter is now much longer, past the cigar display.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After being held in the EPA truck, when Marge and the kids wake up at the Town Square - the remains of the courthouse with its lion statues are behind them. The buildings to the left of the courthouse change in following shots, such as while Cletus distracts Cargill, or when Homer's on the motorcycle and grabs the cowboy hat. (01:04:30)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During Homer's attempt at rescuing his family, when the EPA truck stops at the fake stop sign in the wideshot the truck's visors are up and there's no rearview mirror, but in the next closeup both visors are down and a rearview mirror has appeared.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The tattoo on Cletus' upper arm has vanished when he volunteers to distract Cargill so the others can attempt to escape, but the snake tattoo reappears when he's talking to Cargill.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer runs into the EPA supply shed to find something to help him climb the dome, there's a window on each side of the doorway with little space between them, but in the interior shot not only is the style of window different, the space has increased significantly and the second window is gone.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene with the angry mob, knobs on the bedroom's wall cabinets keep switching between being on the left or right sides of the cabinet doors (which would also change the direction those doors open). (00:32:50)

Super Grover

Star Wars: The Force Awakens mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Rey finishes her meal beside the foot of the AT-AT and puts on the Rebel flight helmet, there's an overhead wide shot of the toppled AT-AT and we can see its front knee joint. When Rey hears the commotion with BB-8 she rushes to get her staff, which is now tall and upright in the sand at that knee joint, and had her staff been there in the wide shot we would have seen it. (00:14:45)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

Goodbye Sheriff Taylor - S5-E10

Continuity mistake: While Barney's trying to instruct the new deputy candidates, when he throws a tomato to Otis it splatters on his shirt, and a few things keep changing depending on the angle of the shot - the amount of tomato goo increases/changes position; the suspender's sliding adjuster changes height; the deputy badge changes position.

Super Grover

19th Jan 2016

The X-Files (1993)

The X-Files mistake picture

Memento Mori - S4-E14

Continuity mistake: While Mulder's waiting for Langly and Frohike to unlock the exit door, Gray-Haired Man keeps shooting at the glass door, and the increasing bullet damage on the glass doesn't stay consistent as more damage occurs, and changes between the closeups and wideshots.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After getting up from his crashed ejection seat, when Finn sees the smoke and runs toward it his shadow's directly behind him. Just as he reaches the crashed TIE fighter his shadow's in front of him to his left, but when he faces the front of the TIE fighter as it sinks into the sand, Finn's long shadow is still being cast in front of him, even though he's now facing the opposite way, then a thin long shadow is cast onto the sand in yet another direction, to the left of the exploding TIE fighter. (00:24:20)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While the Simpsons are walking the plank of wood between their house and Flanders' house, in the shot right after Plopper the pig pushes the wood plank off the windowsill, just as the Simpsons fall and the arrows fly by overhead, note the mysterious cable box and long cable that have suddenly appeared out of nowhere, attached to the wall beside the second window on the opposite side of the chimney. (00:33:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Russ Cargill places the tank with the mutated squirrel on the President's desk, when Cargill says, "Here's our chance to kick some ass for mother earth," the tank's not on the desk where it was placed, but then it reappears where it should be. (00:26:10)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the town hall meeting, on the lower floor there are two sections of seating divided by an aisle, and in every shot of the audience we see people switch seats or sections they're in, and some clothing changes as well. Just a few examples: 1) the Sea Captain's first seated behind Moe and Lenny, then he's behind Willie; 2) Krusty, Mel, and Luigi are behind Bumblebee, but the next closeup has Mel seated in front of Luigi and Bumblebee, and Krusty has vanished, but he reappears when they spit the water; 3) And in that same shot the guy behind Luigi is wearing a white jacket and purple shirt, but when they all gasp he's wearing a black shirt and green jacket. And so on. (00:19:20)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer walks into the kitchen to show Marge his new Simpson addition, we can see the shelving unit under the window in the den that has a single spindle and finial from the top to middle shelf, with two blue books lying on their sides, but in the closeup of the pig's tail now there are two spindles and two finials, with a red book that's upright. (00:15:25)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marge looks at the magnetic words "a thousand eyes" on the fridge and asks Grampa about it, other than the highchair Maggie's sitting in, there are two chairs around the kitchen table - one Grampa's sitting on and one empty chair, but in the next shot as Homer introduces the newest Simpson there are now three chairs - Grampa's chair and two empties, the one beside Marge appeared out of nowhere. (00:14:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer brings his pet pig home to meet Marge, they enter the kitchen and the roll of paper towels is hanging under the cabinet near the window, but in the closeup when he and the pig share a carrot the paper towel roll and its holder have both vanished, and then they reappear. A cutting board suddenly appears on the counter as well. (00:15:30)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the town hall meeting, when Lenny says, "It's not so bad," there's a single head light fixture on the wall near the balcony, but when Moe shouts, "This is why we should hate kids," there's a double head fixture on the wall, and yet in the first overhead shot of the meeting there's no fixture at all in that space. (00:20:05)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Scratchy blows up in the movie they're watching, when Homer stands up in the shot facing the audience there are two empty seats behind Homer, between Dr. Hibbert and Marge, who's seated beside Lisa, but in the next shot facing the screen Marge is now seated beside Dr. Hibbert, and there's only one empty seat now between Marge and Lisa. (00:01:20)

Super Grover

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