Character mistake: When Brackett and Early are dealing with three squads at the base station at the same time, Squad 51 has two victims - father and son, Squad 18 has a pulmonary edema, and Squad 36 has only one bicycle rider with severe head injuries, because the second rider died, so the total is four out of five being dealt with. Back at the station, after Johnny asked Dixie about the condition of all the victims, he tells Roy that the father and son are both responding, so is Squad 18's pulmonary edema, and for Squad 36's bike accident, that "both" are coming out of the coma, which totals five victims. Then Roy responds, "Four saves out of five victims. That's pretty good." Johnny should not have said, "both" since it was just one rider.
Character mistake: Days after Drew's death (Roy and Johnny had two days off after Drew's death), during the meeting that Brackett has with the four paramedic units, one of 59's guys asks, "What do we do when we have this overload situation on the same frequency? Two squads, like 51 and us today?" The situation with the frequency did not happen "today" as he said, it happened at least three days prior.
Character mistake: In the morning, when Roy and Johnny are by the lockers, talking about what Johnny did on his days off, Roy tells Johnny, "I came on this morning, guys on A shift told me that they had a meeting with Brackett at Rampart yesterday." It could not have been "A shift" because Roy and Johnny work the squad for A shift, with Captain Stanley and the rest of the guys. And we know that Roy and Johnny didn't switch shifts with B or C, since the rest of A shift are there with them, working the engine that day.
Other mistake: When Johnny and Roy are at the construction site with the injured father and son, Rampart is also on the line with two other squads - Squad 18, treating a pulmonary edema, and Squad 36, treating a bike accident. When Marco and Chet carry up the stokes basket, we hear the dispatcher saying, "Engine 21 and Squad 18, heart case...," even though Squad 18 is already tied up with the pulmonary edema.
Revealing mistake: While 51's guys are on the roof of the construction accident, when Truck 8 rolls up on scene and then places its outriggers we can see the red vinyl material adhered to back of the engine, covering its real company number.
Continuity mistake: At the construction site, after the younger patient has been taken to the ambulance, when Roy tells Johnny that it was pretty good radio work, Johnny's holding his helmet, but in the next shot as Johnny stands up his helmet is gone, though there is a helmet near the drug box behind him.
Audio problem: When Roy and Johnny are with Dixie in the ER, after all the bikers' violence, Squad 51 is dispatched to 'man possibly trapped' and when we hear Johnny respond, "Squad 51, affirmative," his mouth does not say the word "affirmative", he says something else.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.