Super Grover

20th Jul 2004

Memento (2000)

Continuity mistake: Leonard sits down at the table in room 304 and starts to pull out from the bag the info that Natalie provided. His keys are positioned differently on the table in the wide shot and close-up. (00:12:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The two wounds on Frodo's chest are noticeably changed in appearance, from the first shots of Frodo while Shagrat and Gorbag are behind him, to the following shots before and after Sam rescues him. (02:18:50 - 02:21:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Frodo is tied up in the Tower at Cirith Ungol and in the first few shots his wrists are tightly bound left over right. Yet after Gorbag threatens Shagrat, in the shot of Frodo as we see them fight behind him, Frodo's now bound right over left and in this shot his hair and webbing are completely different than the previous shot. The rope, its knots, his hair and webbing change throughout the shots. (02:18:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: As Gollum says, "Too risky. Too risky. Thieves... Musn't wake them," in the two close-ups Frodo and Sam sleep with their backs against a wide rock wall and a single tree between them near Sam's head. However, when Gollum says, "Musn't ruin it now..." and after Sam yells, "You treacherous little toad!" in the next close-up and wide shot of the area, it is very different than in the first two shots. (00:15:10 - 00:17:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Deagol comes out of the water, the shot opens as he is submerged in water below his arms. As he crawls up there is quite an obvious difference in wetness of the overalls that were submerged for the take and the area above it, including the overall straps. Also, as Smeagol goes after the Ring, there's a close-up of Deagol's backside and there are patches on Deagol's pants that are completely dry. Then Smeagol begins to choke Deagol and as he goes down to the ground, his backside is completely wet again. (00:01:55 - 00:03:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Deagol stands up on shore, raises up his right fist and in the wide shot there are blades of grass on his fingers. In the next close-ups while there are no grass blades, the tips of his fingers are visibly much cleaner than in the next wide shot as Deagol stares at the Ring in his palm with extremely muddy fingers. Yet in the next close-up of Deagol's fingers closing over the Ring, after Smeagol says, "Give us that, Deagol, my love," the fingers look the same as in the previous close-up. (00:02:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: As Gollum steals the lembas while Sam and Frodo are sleeping, Sam's sword lies under him, with the hilt near his face and his right arm over it. However when Sam opens his eyes the sword now lies near him. (01:02:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Cirith Ungol, the white paint stripes on Gorbag's face change position, thickness and whiteness in the shots while in the tower and when he falls downstairs. (02:18:35 - 02:19:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: As Sam walks in through the doorway of the Tower of Cirith Ungol there are bodies scattered all over the floor of the entryway in the close-up. However in the next overhead wide shot, there are no bodies in the entryway behind Sam. (02:20:00)

Super Grover

14th Jul 2004

Labyrinth (1986)

Continuity mistake: When Jareth first appears at the open bedroom doors, the branches and leaves are seen outside behind him on both sides of the doorway. As he and Sarah start to speak, the shrubbery changes between the following close-ups and semi close-ups of Jareth. (00:12:00)

Super Grover

14th Jul 2004

Labyrinth (1986)

Continuity mistake: Near Toby's crib there is table with a tea/coffee set with cups and other items on it. These things change their positions on the table in different shots. When Sarah holds Toby up high and asks the Goblins to take him away, when Sarah walks into the bedroom and says, "Toby, are you alright?" then when Sarah gasps at seeing the owl. (00:08:55)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2004

Labyrinth (1986)

Continuity mistake: The twin doors in the bedroom fly open, and as a result the curtains are opened and pulled behind each of the doors as the owl flies through. However in the close-up of the owl attacking Sarah the curtains are visible and they are now blowing in front of the open doorway. Then as Jareth's shadow is seen on the rug, it's clear that the curtains are pulled apart by their shadow, which is also the case in the next shot of Jareth standing in the doorway with the curtains indeed pulled behind the doors. (00:11:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Dunharrow, after sending Merry off to the smithy, in the wide shot Éowyn speaks with Éomer outside the tent and there is a standing torch behind her. Yet in the next shot Éowyn says, "Why should Merry be left behind, he has as much cause to go to war..." and as Éomer moves his head the visible torch now stands up against the tent pole. In the next close-up another change behind her, to her left. (01:14:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On the fields of Pelennor, Éowyn throws the spear at the Mûmak's hind leg and in the wide shot her horse rears up. As she holds the reins, neither she nor Merry have a sword in their left hands. Yet, in the next close-up each of them hold swords in their left hands. (02:06:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On the fields of Pelennor, Theoden yells, "Bring it down!" three times in succession. As Theoden yells the first, "Bring it down!" Gamling has the bow in his hand and lets loose an arrow, with particular soldiers around him. In the next shot, Theoden yells the second, "Bring it down!" Gamling now has a sword in his hand, with other people around him. (02:06:45)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2004

Labyrinth (1986)

Continuity mistake: When Hoggle and Sarah climb out of the large pot, the table underneath the pot has dirt on it. The amount/position of the dirt changes in the following shots. (00:38:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gollum says, "Clever Hobbits, to climb so high!" and leaps onto Frodo and Sam. When he rolls down the steps with Frodo, while Frodo is lying face down, one of Frodo's back suspenders pops off and the button can be seen flying off his back towards the ground. Of course the suspenders are fine in the following shots. (02:37:40)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before and after Sam yells, "Frodo get down. Hide!" the sores at Frodo's neck caused by the Ring's burden are visible. Frodo then falls to the ground after seeing the Eye and the sore on the right side of his neck is seen again, but completely different. The sores change many times in consecutive shots. (02:29:00)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Gollum says, "Clever Hobbits, to climb so high!" he jumps onto Frodo and Sam. Gollum then attacks Frodo and when he turns Frodo onto his back, Frodo's shirt is wide open at his neck/chest and the necklace and ring are gone. In the next close-up as Gollum chokes Frodo, and the following shots, the necklace is back. (02:37:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Aragorn enters Theoden's tent, there are two tables, one to the left and the other on the right, with a variety of items on them. The objects' positions or existence change throughout this scene. Including the gust of wind wide shot facing Aragorn and the overhead shot of Elrond carrying Andùril. (01:15:50)

Super Grover

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