Visible crew/equipment: When Gage and DeSoto are on the football field with Steve, the quarterback, the outlines of both the mic transmitter and its cable are visible on Gage's shirt as he helps Steve sit down on the gurney. Then when DeSoto takes Steve's blood pressure, the outlines of both the mic transmitter and cable are also visible on the back of DeSoto's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: While the guys are sleeping at 12:47 am, the camera moves across the dorm, and just as the camera moves past the brick wall divider beside Roy's bed, it casts a moving shadow at the top.
Other mistake: Roy and Johnny are in the squad when they're dispatched to the fire at the junior high, and while en route in the interior shot, in the rear-view mirror we see the reflection of the driver's helmet, and it has an 18 on it, instead of 51.
Visible crew/equipment: During the rescue of the unconscious boy stuck within the tree, when DeSoto climbs the ladder to begin chiseling at the tree, the outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the back of DeSoto's shirt.

Visible crew/equipment: When DeSoto and Gage are trying to rescue the unconscious boy stuck in the tree, Gage drills a hole in the tree, and when he reaches down to the oxygen tank and then places the tube in the hole, the outlines of both the mic transmitter and wire are visible on Gage's shirt.
Audio problem: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the hotel fire, Roy's holding the bullhorn in one hand to instruct everyone, and the HT in his other hand. After Johnny catches the baby, just before Truck 8 rolls in, when Roy says over the HT, "All right, set up the Truck...," he moves his hand with the HT away from his face and directs Truck 8, yet his voice is still booming as if speaking into it.
Other mistake: During the structure fire at the Atlas Hotel, when Roy and John are with the unconscious man being given proper CPR by civilians, it is too painfully apparent that the man giving rescue breaths is just leaning over the man's face, nowhere near the victim's mouth, particularly after Marco and Chet drop off the stokes.

Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 and then Engine 51 are dispatched to the hotel fire, before going in Johnny's SCBA cylinder has a large arrow sticker and Roy's has a large red sticker, but once inside Roy's air cylinder goes back and forth from having an arrow sticker to the red sticker. Then in a few moments, when Marco and Chet go in with the stokes, both of their air cylinders are tall, flat-top and devoid of stickers, but inside their SCBA cylinders are short, round-top and keep switching from having either an arrow or large red stickers.
Other mistake: When Brackett's on the line with Johnny, who's with the quarterback on the field, Brackett has the third button (out of five) pressed to record the conversation on the tape machine. However, in episode 2x5, "Peace Pipe", Brackett presses two buttons - the third and fifth, when Squad 51 is at the scene of the drunk driver's accident, and in 2x10, "Dinner Date", Dixie presses the second button to record, when Squad 51 is with the little girl whose arm is stuck in the pool drain.
Continuity mistake: During the hotel fire, when Chet and Marco carry the gear-filled Stokes basket to the room where DeSoto and Gage are performing CPR, the drug box (black) and Biophone (orange case) reverse their positions in the Stokes basket between shots.
Continuity mistake: After Squad 51 is dispatched to the hotel fire, when Roy shouts to John that the woman is about to drop the baby from the third floor, Roy's standing across the street beside the squad, but in the next shot he's suddenly standing in front of the hotel, right behind John.
Audio problem: When Roy and John are with the unconscious man during the fire at the Atlas Hotel, Chet and Marco bring the stokes and Chet tells them that the fire is getting worse, and when Roy responds, "If we move him now we're gonna lose him," we see that Roy continues talking as Chet listens to him, but we hear nothing.
Continuity mistake: When the tones drop for the structure fire at the hotel, the dispatched companies are: Engine 4, Engine 51, Engine 37, Engine 105, Truck 8, and Battalion 14. However, at the fire we see Engine 16, Engine 27, Engine 10, Truck 98, and Battalion 14 instructs Engine 23 and Engine 19 over the HT.
Visible crew/equipment: After Roy and Johnny have listened to Brackett's tape of 110's rescue, when they get to the squad the outline of the lavalier mic transmitter is visible on the back, right side of Johnny's shirt, as he stores some things in the squad.
Revealing mistake: After Brackett has played the tape of 110's rescue for Roy and Johnny, when they get into the squad, the usually highly reflective chrome surface of the driver's side spotlight has been sprayed with a 'dulling spray', to temporarily dull the finish for this shot.
Visible crew/equipment: After Roy and Johnny give a CPR demonstration at the ladies' club, when one of the women thanks the paramedics, the outline of the lav mic transmitter is visible on the back of Roy's shirt.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.