Super Grover

29th Dec 2013

Doctor Who (2005)

The Time of the Doctor - S7-E17

Continuity mistake: After the Doctor yells at Handles for putting him on the Dalek ship, the Doctor grabs him and carries the head with his right arm, then switches the head to his left arm. However, in the close-up as the Doctor asks, "What does this question mean?" we see Handles is back on the Doctor's right arm, but next shot as the phone rings, Handles is carried on the Doctor's left arm again. (00:01:56)

Super Grover

29th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

29th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Johnny is bitten by the rattlesnake he's holding the handie-talkie, but then he drops it and the HT falls to the other side of the car, as he hoists himself up against the car door. However, when he sits down on the ground he is still holding the handie-talkie.

Super Grover

26th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

26th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: When Dixie goes to Brackett's office to discuss Boot's temperature, Dr. Morton's crossed legs go from left over right, to right over left, repeatedly, depending on the shot.

Super Grover

20th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

School Days - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: On their way back from the rescue at the auto wrecking yard, in the close-up we see that Roy, Billy, and Gage are in the squad talking, but when it cuts to the exterior shot there are only two people in Squad 51.

Super Grover

20th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

School Days - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When Roy walks into the kitchen at Station 51, Billy is on the couch studying, and in the overhead shot the pages of the open book that Billy is holding has illustrations, but in the close-up the pages have only text on them. Plus when Roy is in the doorway, you can see the truck (s) behind him, but when he turns to go back to bed, the garage is empty.

Super Grover

20th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Dinner Date - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: When DeSoto and Gage are in the pool with the little girl whose arm is stuck in the drain, their shoes and pants are soaked. However, just after Gage gets off the Biophone, his shoes and pants are completely dry, and then when the pool has been mostly drained both DeSoto and Gage are dry.

Super Grover

20th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Fuzz Lady - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Gage sees Sheila in the hallway at Rampart while she's undercover, he stops her midway between treatment room three and four and they are standing face to face. In the wide shots of both of them and in Sheila's close-ups, she's standing right in front of the emergency fire hose glass cabinet, but in Gage's close-ups, he's standing directly in front of the door to treatment room four, farther up the hallway.

Super Grover

20th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Drivers - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: During the hotel fire, when Chet and Marco carry the gear-filled Stokes basket to the room where DeSoto and Gage are performing CPR, the drug box (black) and Biophone (orange case) reverse their positions in the Stokes basket between shots.

Super Grover

18th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Brackett and Officer Vince are in the ER with the drunk driver, Dixie cuts the gauze bandages from around his head, and they lie bunched up on the gurney beside him, but in the overhead shots as Brackett draws his blood the bandages are still around his head.

Super Grover

17th Dec 2013

Emergency! (1972)

Dealer's Wild - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When dispatch calls on a possible overdose, Gage puts on his turnout coat and gets into the squad, but as they drive away from the station house Gage is not wearing that jacket, and when they reach their destination he is once again.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see the news report of the silo being lifted out of the lake, the height of the silo has significantly decreased, compared to when it was in the Simpsons' backyard - note the empty space below the drawing of the pig. (00:21:30 - 00:30:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer and Bart are on the motorcycle trying to get rid of the bomb, the bomb slips out of Bart's grip. When he's hanging onto his father's shirt, Bart first grips the bomb's handle with his palm and fingers facing the front of the bomb, with the clock. Then when he's hanging onto his father's hair, Bart's hand has flipped around and he's now gripping the bomb's handle with his palm and fingers facing the back of the bomb. Something to look out for is the shot just before the close-up of Chief Wiggum, because as Bart raises his arm the bomb actually flips over in his hand while we're watching. Quite impossible. (01:12:55)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chief Wiggum orders his men to open fire on the dome, and the bullets ricochet back, the officer standing farthest from Wiggum is wearing blue gloves on both hands in the overhead side shot, and the other officers are not wearing gloves. However, in the shot facing them, the officer kneeling farthest from Wiggum is the one wearing blue gloves, and now all the others are barehanded. (00:28:35)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marge and Homer are in the backyard with the silo, there is a drawing of a pig on it, but in Homer's close-up with part of the silo in the background, the part of the silo that's visible should have the pig drawing at the top, but it does not. Later, when the silo's found in the lake, the words and drawing differ and are much lower on the silo. (00:22:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Lou shoots at Bart's skateboard, before Bart flies past the truck's windshield, when we see Krusty Burger across the street (note the post and triple window), the road surface has double solid yellow lines. The double lines can also be seen when Lou scrapes Bart off the window. However, when Bart is handcuffed to the post, that same road now has single broken lines. Also note when Lou cuffs Bart there aren't any lines at all on the road. (00:12:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lisa sees Milhouse near the end, the door on his house hangs askew from the right door jamb and there is nothing above it. However, after Colin shows up, in the next shot when Lisa jumps up, the door now hangs askew from the left door jamb and there is wiring hanging above it (from the broken light fixture). Also note that the roof is much lower, and a spigot appears under the window. Additionally, Lisa's position when talking to Colin changes - first they're standing to the left of the house, then to the right of it, then in front of the stairs at the center.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see the interior of Homer's car twice, first when Homer is at the Hazardous Waste Treatment Center, and then again when he and Marge are trying to escape the angry mob. The dashboard and steering column are entirely different both times. (00:23:20 - 00:35:20)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Simpsons are trying to escape the angry mob, as Marge and Homer get into the car, the driver's side mirror is missing from the door. Then in the next shot, the side mirror appears on the door, but now the rear-view mirror has vanished. (00:33:40)

Super Grover

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