Super Grover

21st Jun 2015

Spy (2015)

Continuity mistake: When Susan is fighting the assassin in the restaurant kitchen the assassin is wearing regular flats, but when she kicks the pile of dishes the flats have a strap around the ankle.

Super Grover

21st Jun 2015

Spy (2015)

Continuity mistake: While Susan is on the moped chasing after the car, some moments we can see that her stilettos become flats, particularly when she rides over the ramp and shouts, "I am so bad-ass," and also after she shoots the gun out of the car passenger's hand.

Super Grover

25th May 2015

Criminal Minds (2005)

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Machismo - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: In the elderly victim's home, when Gideon is going through the dresser drawers he finds the small frame with the picture of her son, and there is a blue frame lying in the drawer, but in the next shot that blue frame is lying on the dresser even though he never touched it. (00:02:10)

Super Grover

25th May 2015

Doctor Who (2005)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor and Clara are on the rooftop terrace, there's a distinctive design on the Doctor's bow tie, but when he's in the coffee shop the bow tie's design differs, and when he runs outside to ask if Clara's okay it changes back, then it changes again when he's in back the shop. Additionally, when the walking base station Doctor uploads Clara it's wearing a bow tie, and its design also changes on the motorbike and in Kizlet's office.

Super Grover

25th May 2015

Doctor Who (2005)

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: While Clara shouts, "I don't know where I am," over and over, the Doctor sonics his way into the house. When he kneels beside Clara, then notices the 'girl' on the stairs and stands up, in the shots facing him we can see that the young actress stands on the step facing the stairway (note her legs), with her hand at her side, but in the shots facing the girl she stands facing the door with her hand on the banister. (00:15:22)

Super Grover

25th May 2015

Doctor Who (2005)

Doctor Who mistake picture

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: Miss Kizlet wears a large silver brooch on her suit's right lapel in every shot of her, but after Clara notices the lights going out behind her house, when it cuts back to the office Kizlet's brooch switches to her left lapel just before it cuts back to the Doctor and Clara, and since the brooch has a distinctive design we can tell that it's a flipped shot. (00:25:11)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When D'Argo, who is followed by a few Eidelons, is walking to meet Moya's pod (with Chiana aboard), there are short shadows directly beneath D'Argo in shots facing him, but in the shot facing the pod there's a long shadow being cast in front of him.

Super Grover

11th May 2015

Farscape (1999)

I, E.T. - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When D'Argo, Aeryn and John start their search for clorium, D'Argo is wearing arm bracers which extend over the palm and back of his hands. After John says, "Pilot said you press this, this and...this. Works just like a VCR, except easier," D'Argo grabs the particle analyzer from John, but in the closeup of the particle analyzer the hands we see are bare, which means it's not D'Argo, then in the next shot D'Argo is still holding the device.

Super Grover

11th May 2015

Farscape (1999)

What Was Lost (1): Sacrifice - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: After Oo-Nii tells John that the old woman stole his gun to kill Vella, John looks down at his holster and finds Winona gone. Later while he's shouting for Granny, it keeps cutting to the old woman while she's holding Winona, and after she whispers, "Receive the spirit," it cuts to John and Winona can be seen in the holster on John's leg, but in the next shot Granny still has it.

Super Grover

11th May 2015

Farscape (1999)

Farscape mistake picture

Bad Timing - S4-E22

Continuity mistake: When John's at Serenity Base, in the shots from inside the pod when Aeryn looks out the window John's standing beside the flag and their long shadows are cast behind them as he looks toward Earth, but when John's on the phone with Jack, in the overhead shots the shadows are being cast in front of him.

Super Grover

11th Apr 2015

Farscape (1999)

Farscape mistake picture

Jeremiah Crichton - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: When Lishala gives John the map of the sky she asks him where his home world is, and John picks up a very small stone, but in the closeup he's holding a much larger stone in his hand, then in the wide shot it's small again before he throws it.

Super Grover

11th Apr 2015

Farscape (1999)

10th Apr 2015

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the start, Station 51 and Truck 8 are dispatched to the cardiac patient stuck in the elevator, and we even see Truck 8 roll up in front of the building in the overhead exterior shot, but in the hotel it's 127's guys with 51's.

Super Grover

10th Apr 2015

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Jan, the Only Child - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: While the kids are practising the potato sack race as Jan watches from the sidelines, when Marcia steps into her sack and hops away there's a large color image on the front of the sack, but when she reaches Peter, then turns and heads back the image has vanished - it's not on either side, then it reappears when she's back with Bobby. Additionally, when Cindy hops in the sack that Greg was in, the sack is ripped at the bottom and Cindy's feet are on the grass, but when Cindy reaches Peter the bottom of her sack is perfectly intact.

Super Grover

10th Apr 2015

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Fright Night - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: When Jan, Marcia, and Cindy search the boys' room Cindy finds the slide projector under Greg's bed, and when Marcia holds up the transparency slide with the "ghost" image, the close-up of the slide presents two problems. First, the "ghost" is horizontal in the wide shots, but is vertical in the close-ups, and second, the fingers holding the slide in the close-up do not belong to Marcia.

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

The Galileo Seven - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: After Spock tells Boma and Gaetano that he's in command and they should fire only to frighten, not to kill, one of the creatures throws a spear and then his shield at the trio, and when the shield hits the ground it's much smaller than the huge shield lying on the ground in the next close-up. (00:23:15)

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

The Conscience of the King - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: After Kirk introduces himself to Lenore at Leighton's cocktail party, when she tells him, "Karidian is a most unusual man... That was my father," Lenore holds the goblet in her left hand as she takes a sip, but next shot the goblet is suddenly in her right hand as she sips.

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

Star Trek (1966)

The Conscience of the King - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: After the phaser explodes in the pressure vent disposal unit, just before Kirk walks into Karidian's quarters there's a crown and board on the table beside Karidian, but when Kirk gives the paper to Karidian for him to read, the board is suddenly on the opposite side of the table, though it has not been touched.

Super Grover

8th Apr 2015

The Brady Bunch (1969)

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