Super Grover

23rd Feb 2016

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The blue blanket in Molly's crib repeatedly vanishes and reappears within the same scenes, such as when the batteries are put back into the baby monitor Woody shouts for everyone to return to their positions, in the overhead shot of the room the blanket's gone, but is soon back in its place.

Super Grover

23rd Feb 2016

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Woody uses the remote control to have RC push Buzz off the desk, there are red, yellow, and blue pushpins in an empty area of the bulletin board, but after RC hits the bulletin board, in the closeup of the pushpins falling off those colors have changed to green, red, and yellow, with the green pushpin remaining in the empty space, but when the bulletin board starts to fall over that green pushpin is gone and it's back to the red, yellow, and blue pushpins.

Super Grover

23rd Feb 2016

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Andy's room, the general ("generil") store box under the crib near the closet door has a cow illustration on its right side, but in the next few shots there's a drawing of two windows on that side of the box, and then it keeps switching between the cow and two windows in following shots.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Homer taunts the angry mob about not knowing where he lives, the mob gathers in front of his house, and in the shot of Homer and Marge in the bedroom note the light switch on the wall and the items on the dressing table, but in the next shot as Lisa and Bart run into the room the items on the table have vanished and the light switch is gone. (00:31:30)

Super Grover

23rd Feb 2016

Farscape (1999)

23rd Feb 2016

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Buzz wants to prove that he can fly, he jumps off Andy's bed and ends up on the loop car track, and the three stacked wood blocks (letters A, C, E) suddenly appear in front of the wicker hamper between shots.

Super Grover

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where Joey Tells Rachel - S8-E16

Continuity mistake: At the end of the previous episode, Joey tells Ross that he has feelings for Rachel just as Ross is about to walk out of Central Perk, and there's a vase of tulips on the table beside the door and two things hanging on the coat hooks. The opening scene of this episode continues at the same moment of Joey's admission, and the vase has vanished and there's only a sweater hanging on the coat hooks.

Super Grover

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

The One Where Joey Tells Rachel - S8-E16

Continuity mistake: When Monica and Chandler get back to the apartment Chandler tosses his coat over the back of the couch, and while they're talking about soulmates and a house of cheese we can see Chandler's coat in the reflection on the TV, but then it vanishes in the reflection, though it reappears when Chandler says that he wants to take Monica out to a restaurant.

Super Grover

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where Rachel Tells... - S8-E3

Continuity mistake: While Joey's on the phone with Monica telling her the phony story that he and Phoebe smell gas coming from her apartment, on the table are the glass casserole dish and lid from the chicken parmigiana and a water bottle, but in the closeup there's only a ceramic blue bowl filled with eggplants and squash, and it keeps switching in the following shots,.

Super Grover

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

18th Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The One Where Ross Moves In - S5-E7

Continuity mistake: When Chandler and Joey walk into the apartment to find boxes all over the place and also when Chandler talks about the air purifier, the door to the bathroom is open and the toilet is right beside the tub (odd that it's there in the first place), but when Joey tells Chandler he wants to play foosball and also when Joey's wearing the helmet, the prop toilet has vanished.

Super Grover

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