Super Grover

26th Nov 2007

The Parent Trap (1961)

Continuity mistake: In Sharon and Susan's isolation cabin, the positions of Susan's celebrity photos on the wall change between shots, after being windblown.

Super Grover

26th Nov 2007

The Parent Trap (1961)

Continuity mistake: When Mitch drives home from the airport, with 'Susan', the car's rear view mirror is gone in the close-ups, but reappears in wideshots of the car.

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Gil talks to Karen in the van about his dazzling Dave and being tense, the red and white registration sticker is visible at the lower right corner of the windshield. When Gil and Karen's van is totaled that registration sticker is conspicuously gone. (01:15:40 - 01:16:40)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Justin disrupts Taylor's play, just as Gil feels the roller coaster ride, there's a shot of the stage and most of the set is already knocked over. When Gil's ride stops more of the set is intact and then topples again and again. (01:54:20)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: At the start of Kevin's party, the horse seen giving a child a ride has a small white mark on his face, between the eyes. When Cowboy Gil rides the horse he now has a long, broad white mark down his face.

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: At her mom's house, after Julie pulls Tod's helmet out of her bag, in the front shot she holds it up on the right side of its 'open face', but next back shot she holds it on its opposite side. (01:23:00)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: At her mom's house, when Julie confronts Tod about racing, she holds the bag's top handle in her left hand as she pulls the helmet out of her bag. In the next front shot she has the base of the large bag in her left hand. (01:22:50)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: After Julie picks up the photos from the floor and explains how she feels about Tod, she grabs the large duffel, tosses it onto her shoulder and picks up the smaller bag. Next shot, both bags are still on the floor. (00:29:05)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: In the classroom, when Susan and Nathan kiss beside the blackboard, the blue loose-leaf binder on the boy's desk is closed, whereas in the previous and following shots it is open. (01:43:30)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: In the kitchen, when Tod and Helen talk about Garry, various things repeatedly move around. For example, the kettle turns itself around in Helen's close-ups and the tongs move all over the plate between shots. (01:10:00)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Kevin finds out that Cowboy Dan is not coming, in the shot from the front his hat's chin string is behind his shoulders, but in shots from behind, the string is under Kevin's chin. (00:58:50)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: During Kevin's party, streamers change position and/or balloons change color and/or amount. For example, when the kids first run from Gil's water guns there are five balloons on the trellis left post, but when Gil brings out the cake there are seven. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: After Helen drops her handbag and Julie's photos all over the floor, as she runs after Julie, when Julie returns the handbag's position is completely different and the orange blanket repeatedly changes as well. (00:28:25)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Julie walks into the house, just as her mom looks at the photos, her very long hair lies in front of both shoulders, but in the next back shot, it is all noticeably pulled to one side, only in front of her right shoulder. (00:27:30)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: During the power outage at Helen's house, Kevin shouts, "Mom! Dad! What happened?" as he stands behind his chair, but next shot, he is just now getting up from his seat, as his mom nears. (00:22:15)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: From the moment Helen walks into Julie's bedroom, while Tod hides under the bed, to when he gets the camera, things in room repeatedly change between shots; for example, the blue and white blankets. (00:11:10)

Super Grover

30th Sep 2007

Parenthood (1989)

Continuity mistake: During Gil and Karen's discussion regarding the upcoming meeting with the principal, when Gil says, "Y'know that really pisses me off. The kid's a little differentÂ…" things on the closet shelf noticeably change between shots. (00:09:30)

Super Grover

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