Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: What does Buster mean that he'll be put in a foster home with people who don't love him? What's gonna happen to him if he lives with them?


Answer: He was just saying it pessimistically. Although, depending on which reports you read, 1 in 3 children are abused by their foster parents. In addition, many children in the system also get placed into several different homes during their childhood (since fostering children is not the same as adopting them), leaving the children to feel unloved by their foster parents.


I don't know the frequency with which it actually happens, but there are also neglectful foster parents whose sole motivation is the monthly stipend from the state, rather than a genuine interest in their wards' well-being.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Foster homes are meant to be temporary. While, hopefully, foster parents will be kind and caring to the children in their charge, they cannot form overly strong attachments that would only cause emotional trauma for a child when they transition to another living situation.


Question: How did Eddie find out about Peter and Mary Jane's relationship? He never saw them together and, when he kidnapped her, she and Peter were somewhat estranged.

Answer: The symbiote, traditionally, knows all of Peter's secrets including his identity. This is how Eddie knows who he is, as well as his relationship with Mary Jane.


Answer: Yes, in the "Blacklist" series, it's said Christopher was 3 when he disappeared.


Question: How did Reavers fly those space ships while they are just zombies. How did they manage the whole Reaver community?

Answer: The reavers are not just zombies, they reacted to the drug in a way that caused them to become insane. They are angry, cannibalistic, violent, hysterical. You can't communicate with them, but they can still think. They do have a society, a community. Their community is based on pillage and plunder however, finding new victims to cannibalise.


Question: I read that Stan Lee greatly approved black Johnny. Is this true?

Answer: According to Entertainment Weekly, it's true. Unlike characters like Black Panther, Storm, Thunderbird or Shang-Chi, Johnny Storm's race has really nothing to do with what defines him as a character, which is why Stan Lee had no issue with it.


Question: In the final scenes where they are trapped by the Bolivian police in that little room, they're guessing how many men are out there when Butch says, "maybe its only one guy?" Suddenly 3 shots, too quick to be one gunman rings out. Sundance looks at Butch and says. "don't you ever get sick of being right?" Isn't Butch wrong? There's an army out there.

Answer: Sundance is being sarcastic. Butch is a know-it-all, and he's been frequently proven wrong throughout the film, usually to their detriment, but continues to think he's the "smart one" of the duo. Sundance is just ribbing him.

Answer: Was this bought on by her husband dying or something she always had?

Answer: Her mental disorder is never identified. She exhibits extreme emotions, impulsiveness, promiscuity, difficulty with relationships, among other symptoms, which can indicate a Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).


Question: How are Thanos and the Black Order able to track the infinity stone throughout the galaxy?

Answer: We aren't given a specific answer, but as Thanos himself tells Tony Stark, "You're not the only one cursed with knowledge." Thanos has probably studied the Infinity Stones for most of his life, and with the exception of the Soul Stone, every Stone presumably gives off some kind of energy signature that can be tracked.


Answer: He probably has spies everywhere and he can probably gain their location through interrogating his victims.


Question: What happened to Lydia's biological mother? Was this mentioned in a deleted scene? I once watched the movie with someone who said that Delia actually is the biological mother, but Lydia feels so disconnected and misunderstood, she pretends that Delia is her stepmother. (When I was a kid myself, I actually met a couple of kids who pretended that parents were adoptive or someone was a step-parent).

Answer: Her mother died and Delia is indeed her stepmother. We are not told in the film how her mother died. In the musical we're told Emily Deetz is her biological mother.


Question: Is there any reason why this is the only film in the American "Ring" series to not have an R1/A Blu-Ray release? It seems so weird that the first and third films are available in HD, while this one isn't. Is it like a studio issue or something?


Answer: Whelp, just to update my own question, the movie is finally getting a Blu-Ray (and 4K) release in October through boutique company Shout Factory. Presumably, it just wasn't seen as a necessity until more recently, with boutique physical media labels becoming more and more prevalent and being successful in the collector's market.


Answer: More and more studios are not releasing films on Blu-Ray because of the higher risk on the return of their money. It's more expensive and home media sales continue to decline, especially with streaming services available. DreamWorks Pictures was the distribution company for the first two films while Paramount Pictures was the distribution company for the third film. I don't know specifically why DreamWorks opted out of the third film, but it seems they didn't think the third film would be worth it financially and probably has similar thoughts about the 2nd film's home release. There's much more to it, including parent companies involved and whom they contract out for disc distribution, that I don't have answers to about why DreamWorks hadn't released "The Ring Two" on Blu-Ray.


Question: Why exactly did Edward need a date so badly for the week? He made a big deal about it to his ex-girlfriend earlier in the movie about her going with him to something. Did he just not want to go alone or was there something that I missed?

Answer: Edward always needed to project a certain image of success, including having a beautiful woman by his side. His previous girlfriend dumped him because she was fed up with him treating her as nothing more than someone to cater to his needs and to be a prop to aid his business deals. He hires Vivian for the same reason and to charm the men he wants to conduct business with. Presumably, he would find a new girlfriend later on, but needed someone in the immediate interim to fill that role.


Question: Two questions involving the whole flossing thing earlier in the movie; One, why was Vivian trying to keep it a secret and felt so embarrassed about it? And two, why was Edward so surprised by it?

Answer: She was embarrassed to be doing something so mundane and non-sexy when her job is to seduce him. He was surprised because he assumed that since she was a prostitute she was a drug user. He didn't expect a prostitute to pay attention to personal hygiene while on the job.

Question: Why was Vivian wearing a wig at the beginning of the movie? Was it just part of her job/hooker persona or something?

Answer: As the other answer indicated, it was part of her cheap hooker persona, but it also makes a greater impact on the audience when they see Vivian undergo her "transformation" with the classy designer clothes, toned-down make-up, and her own nicely-styled hair.


Answer: Yes.

Question: Does the word 'Ahab' mean anything?

Answer: Captain Ahab is the main character in the book "Moby Dick" where he's obsessed at finding the white whale that bit his leg off.


So are there any similarities between the 'Ahab' rocket's mission and the Moby Dick Ahab character other than the shared name?

It doesn't seem so, but often times "Ahab" is used to describe someone vigilantly set about completing a task, or in this case an object (although it's usually said without regards to how everything ended for Ahab).


Answer: In Hebrew, "Ahab" means "uncle" or "my father's brother." In the bible, Ahab was an idol-worshiping ruler in the "Book of Kings." In literature, Ahab was the revenge-obsessed captain in Moby Dick whose sole purpose was to kill the white whale. The Ahab drone had a singular target like Captain Ahab, so that might be the inspiration for it being called that.


Question: During the song "Some Things Never Change", Elsa was making things with her magic for the kids. A boy was given an ice bear doll and the next little girl whispered to Elsa who made some kind of tool made of ice for her. What was that?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's called a "sextant." It's a celestial navigation tool used by sailors.


Show generally

Question: How can they fit inside those balls and why do they fight each other? Why listen to those who captured them? Why doesn't Pikachu ever evolve?


Answer: To answer the first question, the ball is actually a gateway. They are not exactly inside the ball, but more like it opens up a sort of pocket dimension and kinda stores the creatures as data. In some cases, the balls even teleport the pokemon to the professor. For the second question, it's unclear exactly but there is a lot of "training" that goes into it. And I can't exactly answer the last question other than to say Pikachu doesn't want to. Several times in the series Ash even tries to get him to evolve, but Pikachu refuses. Resulting in over time he's actually a very above average power Pikachu.

Quantom X

It's not any kind of gateway or pocket dimension. When captured by a Pokeball, Pokemon are converted into a form of energy for storage and transfer.


Must be getting my animes mixed up then, lol.

Quantom X

Question: Realistically what would happen when Cheryl cashed that check?

Answer: What happened in real life was the bank informed her a few days later that the check was counterfeit, and she called the local sheriff who called in the FBI agents investigating the case. It was part of his capture, as before her they were looking for someone considerably older.


Answer: Start to end Malcolm: 11 - 17 Francis: 16 - 23 Reese: 13 - 19 Dewey: 7 - 13.

Answer: There's no explanation. He may not have completely adjusted to living there or gotten around to getting new clothing. He was also still a member of Star Fleet and would wear his uniform until he formally resigned. TV shows back then were cheaply made and rather lax about details like that. They may simply have deemed it unnecessary to change McCoy's costume. It could also be interpreted as foreshadowing that he would return to Star Fleet. Also, in all the Star Trek series, miscellaneous characters would often wear only one outfit, even though the story may take place over many days. In the early days of TNG, Counselor Troi wore the same outfit in nearly every episode until she started wearing a uniform later in the series. The practical logistical reason for a character wearing one costume is that it maintains continuity for the post-production editing process.


Answer: Another part of why the change was that it's cold in Canada in the winter and the old costume didn't protect her from it, whereas the new one is nice and warm.

Answer: I can't say for certain, so I'm surmising that the change was to "catch up" with the other Arrowverse shows, particularly Arrow and The Flash, whose lead characters have undergone various upgrades and redesigns of their superhero suits over the years; after four seasons, Kara's probably just felt a little stale. And I believe the change in hairstyle was Melissa Benoist's personal decision and had nothing to do with the character.

Cubs Fan

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