Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why didn't the filmmakers use the original movie's ending where Willard gets eaten?

Answer: Pure marketing. The original ending was the shot of Ben in the window, but test audiences thought the movie was too dark already. The rest of the end was filmed months later, with Willard stabbing a bean bag.

Question: Perhaps an opera aficionado could help me with this one. During Il Muto, we see the story of a count and countess. But when we are taken to the ballet from act three, the ballet doesn't seem to go along with the opera. Is this common in opera and why, or was it a director's decision?

Answer: What we see of Il Muto is the very beginning of Act 1. The ballet they switch to is somewhere in Act 3, so a lot of stuff happened in between that we don't know about, so the story might have taken us to a forest at some point, similar to "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Answer: It was a remake of "The Getaway," in 1994.

dgemba dgemba

Question: Is it possible that the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force is talking about Luke Skywalker? They all think it is Anakin but Luke is the one to defeat the remaining Sith. I've never seen anybody make the connection and was wondering if it is true.

Answer: Anakin/Darth Vader is in fact the one who brings balance to the force and destroys the remaining sith by throwing Darth Sidious over the edge and removing his life support.

dgemba dgemba

Question: I have read all the trivia for this movie and everyone is talking about "that's from the Disney ride" can someone please explain this to me? I don't understand at all.

Answer: There is a Disney ride in FL, and I believe CA as well, that is called Pirates of the Caribbean. There are some scenes from the movie that are modelled after parts of the ride.


Question: In the Camelot scene, there is a man that says something like "I like to push the pramalot" what is he saying and what does it mean?

Answer: He says "I have to push the pram a lot!" implying that he's left to look after the children.

dgemba dgemba

Answer: There isn't much meaning. It's a funny idea that a knight has to push a stroller and the words "pram a lot" are there because they rhyme with Camelot.

Question: On the rooftop in chapter 31, Neo asks Trinity if she can fly "that thing". Trinity says "not yet" and calls Tank for a B212 helicopter pilot training program. How does she know what kind of helicopter it is if she's never piloted one?

Answer: Its not out of the question. My 8 Year old nephew knows the make and model of most cars but he's never driven one.

dgemba dgemba

Show generally

Question: I've noticed that every time Louis mentions Quagmire's name, she calls him Glen. I don't remember it mentioned anywhere in any of the episodes that his first name is Glen. Does anybody know for sure if this is his first name, and if not, why does Louis call him by that name?

Answer: I have come across this many times with family and friends. It is quite informal calling someone by a nickname or surname and is usually only done by close friends. Maybe Lios would find it impolite to call Glen "Quagmire" as she does not know him as well as Peter does.

dgemba dgemba

Answer: In the episode "Meet The Quagmires" it became apparent that Glen and Lois and Peter all knew each other in high school, even though this contradicted the original meeting of Peter and Quagmire on a navy boat in the flashback of the episode "Death Lives."

Question: Faramir and the Rangers captured Frodo, Sam, and Gollum in Ithilien. They marched overland to the outskirts of Osgiliath."Osgiliath burns." There they were freed by Faramir after the Nazgul attack. But when Faramir spoke with Gandalf and Pippen in Minas Tirith, he said he saw Frodo and Sam in Ithilien not two days hence. Weren't they just in Osgiliath?


Chosen answer: Yes, but as Osgiliath is on the border to Ithilien and Frodo & co. went in that direction, it would be natural for Faramir to give that answer to Gandalf when Gandalf wanted to know where they were. Faramir also knew that it would take them more than two days to cross Ithilien, so that is where they would be at the time he spoke to Gandalf.


Question: Why did Jafar need the Sultan's diamond to find out who was the only one who could enter the cave?

Answer: The diamond is a source of power that Jafar uses on that mechanism in order to see the 'one who can enter the cave.'


Question: Why does the end credits list "Medicine Woman" when there was no medicine woman in the movie? Was this based upon a deleted scene? If so why wouldn't she be removed from the credits?

Answer: The medicine woman fixed the teddy bear.


Question: If Mad Eye Moody was really Barty Crouch Jr. using the polyjuice potion as a disguise, why was he being so nice to Harry at the beginning of the book? For example, when he was showing the class how a certain spells affect people, why was he so happy when Harry fought the spell? Also, when Malfoy almost cast a spell on Harry, why did he get mad at Malfoy?

Answer: People have to believe that he's who he's pretending to be - Moody's the sort of person who would approve of Harry's attitude to things, so Crouch must do likewise. He also has to teach in a way that Moody would - very hands-on, showing approval to good students. Moody would also hate the underhanded tactics used by Malfoy, hence Crouch's defence of Harry. He has to make Harry (and everyone else) believe that he's on his side, that he's one of the good guys - if anyone got suspicious, it would be a threat to the plan, which requires Harry to survive through to win the Tournament. As such, up to that point, he'll protect Harry to the best of his ability.


Simpsons Bible Stories - S10-E18

Question: In the episode when Bart dreams he's in David vs. Goliath, there is a montage of him working out using sheep. The music is from an 80's movie, but I don't know what movie it's parodying or what the song is. Can someone please tell me?

Answer: The music is from "Over the Top", starring Sylvester Stallone as a champion arm-wrestler. I kid you not!


Question: When Yoda and Sidious are fighting in the Senate, is the song that is playing the Phantom Menace theme song?

Answer: Well, it's not really the "theme song" for "The Phantom Menace," but it *is* "Duel of the Fates," which is the song that plays over the duel between Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and Darth Maul in Episode I.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Yes, Sky lives with Harold at 24 Ramsay Street.


Pilot - S1-E1

Question: Does anyone know the actual events that this episode was based on?

Answer: The title screen on the pilot episode actually said "based on documented accounts" not "actual events" which is kind of true - there are many claims of alien abduction - so technically the caption isn't false, but the episode was entirely fictional and not based on any real occurence.


Question: The DVD features what the actors are actually saying. What is the actual joke told by Betty (the owl/bungee cord line) when translated into English?

Answer: Nothing - that section of the movie was taken from the original "Tiger and Crane Fists," and so was never English to begin with.


Question: A friend and I were talking about the movie and about how Masquerade has a deeper meaning than just a party. She then tried to convince me that the phantom wrote all three operas based on how he was feeling. I think that the phantom only wrote Don Juan. Can someone enlighten me?

Answer: The phantom only wrote Don Juan, the others are just being performed by the characters. The film takes place over a year and it is set in an opera house that needs to make money, so they put on other operas. The phantom tries to have input into the staging of the operas and enjoys watching them, but has not written all of them.


Chosen answer: The cartoon is called "Heckle and Jeckle" about two magpies and their misadventures.

Tobin OReilly

Answer: Jack and Chrissy are two of the three main characters from "Three's Company." They, along with their roommate Janet, always got into weird situations, mostly involving misunderstandings about what was going on. They always came up with completely off-the-wall ways to get out of the situation.


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