Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In 1955 when Doc and Marty are in the outdoor cinema and Marty is accelerating to 88mph to jump back in time to 1885, doc shouts something to him in celebration as Marty Drives past him, he also fires his gun in the air... Do you know what he shouts? The subtitles just say "shouts something in Spanish" but id love to know what he said and what it means?


Chosen answer: "Vaya con dios!", Spanish for "Go with God".


Answer: The subtitles are wrong! I always heard him shout "to the ends of the Earth " A reference to Jules Verne (keeping that theme running all through the third movie) and to Marty's adventures. Not only is this what I've heard every time I've watched this film, but it makes much more sense.

This is incorrect. He does in fact yell "Vaya con dios." The scene is available on Youtube and he can be seen and heard saying it at the 2:47 mark.

Question: Why does the president ask Ben to look for the page 47 of the book for him if he, as president, has access to the entire book?

Answer: He asks him to investigate what's on page 47, not to just read the page.

Grumpy Scot

Question: At the end, Bond and Dr Goodhead see Jaws and Dolly on what's left of the space station. Bond asks Jaws to help them because they are stuck and can't set off, and Jaws obliges, but why did Bond not ask Jaws and Dolly to join them on the shuttle too? Jaws helped Bond escape, so they are basically on the same side, so why did he not try to save Jaws and his girlfriend?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Jaws knows there's no time. If Bond doesn't destroy the nerve gas satellites, millions will die.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Whats the name of the song that's playing on the radio while Marty is asleep, just before Doc calls him to pick up the camcorder and head to the mall?

Answer: "Time Bomb Town" by Lindsey Buckingham.


Day 4: 1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. - S4-E19

Question: After the President is injured in the plane crash, VP Logan is made President. While hiding in the bunker he says "they could be coming for me next." If they did attack Logan and he was severely injured also, who would take over as President? No VP was appointed after Logan was "promoted" so who is next in line?


Chosen answer: With no vice president, the Senate pro tempore would be next in the line of succession.

Cubs Fan

Question: Why wouldn't Dumbledore let Professor Snape teach Defense Against Dark Arts before this year? Snape says in the book that Dumbledore was afraid of him being tempted to relapse into his Death Eater ways, but he says this to Bellatrix and Narcissa, who falsely think that he is on their side. Also, he probably wouldn't feel tempted to become a Death Eater again after Voldemort killed Lily. And Dumbledore repeatedly insists that he completely trusts Snape.

Answer: While Dumbledore did trust Snape, he knew that his being immersed in teaching the Dark Arts could have an effect on him. Also, many years before, Voldemort had placed a curse on the position of the Dark Arts instructor after Dumbledore turned him down for it. After that, no instructor lasted more than one year. He didn't believe that Snape could last any longer than the others had, and he couldn't risk losing his strongest ally.


Question: The night when Harry is given to the Dursleys takes place in 1981. McGonagall and Dumbledore each say something about "for eleven years", so they are referring to the year 1970. What happened that year? I know from the sixth book that Voldemort had been around and gathering followers since way before then; he had some followers when he was 28 and he visited Hogwarts to apply for teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Answer: Although Voldemort had been gathering followers for decades, he had done so quietly, slowly building his Death Eater army. The "eleven years" being mentioned refers to the period during which the Dark Lord actively attempted to conquer the wizard world.


Chosen answer: It is the list of all the people he killed during his tenure as the "muscle". He promised the list to the detective if the detective agrees to protect his son.

Question: If all of the base DNA for the dinosaurs in the park was obtained from dino-blood inside mosquitoes, where did they get the DNA for the Mosasaurus from? A flying blood-sucking insect would not come into contact with a sea dwelling dinosaur, and there are no amber-equivalents in the ocean to trap any sea based blood suckers.


Answer: And what about just digging for bones for the Mosasaurus? I think this was said somewhere-although I can't remember where so apologies if I'm wrong-but I think Dr. Wu mentioned something about it, so I'm sure they could've gotten DNA WITHOUT getting the blood from a mosquito. It sounds possible in my opinion.

Chosen answer: The scientific inaccuracy of the mosquitoes/DNA notwithstanding, at the end of the film the Mosasaurus surfaces at the edge of its pool in order to drag in the Indominus Rex. Assuming the Mosasaurus did the same thing to catch prey in its own time period, it's feasible a mosquito could have landed on its body and extracted some blood in that short amount of time, especially if the prey was putting up resistance.


And a mosquito would always be in that area and be keen on getting blood from that particular dinosaur? Plus, it didn't take much for the Indominus to be taken down since the Mosasaurus is kind of a big creature, so how hard would it be for other animals to be taken down as well? Added, the Mosasaurus was being fed a shark when we first meet it; it's not like it was hunting on its own in an enclosed area.

Mosquitoes are everywhere, so it's not a matter of convenience that one would be in the same area and being keen on going after that particular animal. Plus, I just pulled up the scene on YouTube and it takes close to 10 seconds for the Mosasaurus to drag the Indominous Rex to its doom, which is plenty of time for a mosquito to land on it and extract blood. And as I stated in the answer, the explanation of DNA being harvested from preserved mosquitoes is scientifically inaccurate anyway, so even a tenuous explanation of how a mosquito would get that animal's blood is no more tenuous than dinosaurs being brought back to life in the first place.


Question: Do the King and Queen of Arendelle really have a relationship with the King and Queen of Corona? If so, then what kind? Are they relatives or merely friends/allies? If they are relatives, does that mean Anna and Elsa are cousins with Rapunzel?

Answer: Nothing has been confirmed officially, I believe. However the creators were fascinated by fan theories and said that they'll leave that to the viewer's imagination.

Chosen answer: No one is mean to Clopin in the movie. But he is a gypsy and the people in Paris don't like the gypsies.

Question: At the end of supremacy, Landy tells Bourne his name is David Webb and birthday is 4/15/71. In the Ultimatum, that same date is used as a code. Was this a mistake or am I missing something?

Answer: They don't have that conversation twice; it's intended to be the same scene both times. For the purpose of giving Supremacy a better ending, the sequence was used there despite actually taking place during Ultimatum. This is also why Ultimatum starts with him escaping the police in Moscow: it's a continuation of the chase just preceding the scene with Landy.

Show generally

Question: Is there any reference to other witches, besides the sisters, that have vanquished a source? Or are they the only witches ever to be powerful enough? The source does have the ability to be reconstituted with a spell in the grimoire.

Answer: The sisters are the only witches that have been powerful enough to vanquish the source, gaining their strength from the power of 3.


Answer: The Charmed One (The Power of 3) are the only witches strong enough to do it but other demon have done it the source that the sister's and Cole killed got it in a demon war.

Chosen answer: Possibly. Smith mentions that Exley's father was a straight cop, much to Exley's wish. Smith, being as corrupt as he is, may have killed Exley's father.

Answer: No he did not. Rollo Tomasi was a term only Vincennes knew, so that would lead Exley to conclude that Smith was with Vincennes when he was killed. Rollo Tomasi was also an idea, someone who got away with crime, and that was what Smith was.

Question: When the game is loading, sometimes there is a picture of a Pontiac Firebird but it is not a most wanted event, or a car you can use to beat races. Can you get the Firebird? And if so, how do you get it?


Chosen answer: It's available only as downloadable content by buying the "Movie Legends Pack". It's the 1977 Firebird from Smokey and the Bandit film.


Chosen answer: Several possibilities: she could have been married, or divorced and had not changed back her last name; they could have been half-siblings with each of them having different fathers; they could have been step-siblings or one of them may have been adopted.


Question: As Brad drives off with Julia and George at the end and the twins start following them, what is the name of the music playing?

Answer: It's "69 Police" by David Holmes, track 3 on the soundtrack album.


Chosen answer: He says "That's a pretty suit, chérie", chérie being French for dear. The film is set in Louisiana where French and Creole are spoken.


Question: Outside of the castle, when you walk around the castle, to the waterfall there is an underwater hole. Can someone tell me where this hole leads to?


Chosen answer: It doesn't lead anywhere - it is an exit from a bonus star level if you end up dying.

Question: SPOILER: When Scott invades the helicopter to stop Cross, Cross appears in the Yellowjacket armour. The Yellowjacket armour before this was placed inside glass casing and was miniaturised. My question here is, how exactly did Cross get the Yellowjacket armour to human size before putting it on?

Chosen answer: The suit was built human-size and then shrunk using Pym particles. The same technology can also be used to grow objects. Cross was shown to have a hand-held device earlier in the film capable of shrinking, so he either used this device, or activated the suit's built-in growing/shrinking technology.

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